Resident Evil Village coming to PlayStation 5 in 2021
During the PlayStation 5 event on June 11, 2021, Resident Evil Village, also known as RE8, was revealed. The wildly anticipated horror title follows in the footsteps of 7 and will be another first-person shooter.
Sony showed off the future of its platform on the PS5. Viewers were also given an in-depth look at the next step in the Resident Evil franchise with the announcement of VIII.
The sequel to RE7's hugely successful 2017 title is called The Village, and it looks set to bring fans back to a setting reminiscent of the iconic fourth installment. Here's everything we know about the upcoming release.
Resident evil village
Sony has made an official release for the PlayStation 5, and to complete the streak of new titles, Japanese developer Capcom has debuted Resident Evil 8. The announcement features a full-length trailer showing a spooky village hidden in a snowy landscape.
The latest release of the horror franchise looks like another FPS survival game set in the wake of the gruesome adventure VII at Baker's Mansion. The video also featured the return of series veteran Chris Redfield with a new design.
More details about the game have been revealed on the official PlayStation Blog. Players will once again take on the role of 7's protagonist, Ethan. The release takes place two years after the events of VII, making it a direct continuation of the story.
According to Sony, after the appearance of Chris Redfield, the protagonist will find himself embroiled in another terrifying situation - and he will have to pursue him in a mysterious village. Sounds a lot like 4 and we're not complaining.
“Set several years after the biohazard events of Resident Evil 7, during which protagonist Ethan Winters traveled to Louisiana to search for his missing wife, Mia, Resident Evil Village sees Mia and Ethan reunited living happily together, but not for long. .
The PlayStation 5 lineup already looks insanely complex. From the Demon Souls remake to the next Resident Evil release, fans have a lot to look forward to. The Capcom title will be released in 2021, though no exact date has been announced yet.
The franchise first debuted in 1996 on PS1, and was largely third-person. However, in 2017, RE7 marked a new direction for the franchise with an FPS design. Perhaps Sony plans to launch 8 along with the new version of PSVR.