Strategies in Dota Underlords

Dota Underlords

Strategies in Dota Underlords vs. Auto Chess

Author of this article: Sapphire

In this article, we will talk about some of the common strategies in Dota Underlords and compare them with known Auto Chess counterparts to get a basic idea of ​​the emerging Underlords meta.

The game is new and balance patches are released regularly, so do not take the information below as a guide for the game, but as an opinion that you can compare with your own experience and knowledge of the game.

Main differences

Before we dive into some specific strategies, we would like to discuss two factors that I believe are the main driving force behind the difference between strategies. Dota Underlords и Auto Chess.



Global items in Underlords matter a lot compared to Auto Chess, but they are simple enough to understand how they work for every player, so we won't focus on them in this article.

However, the presence only one item for each hero is of great importance, it decently affects the construction of strategies in the game.

В Auto Chess some strategies have an easily identifiable "main carry". It will be dragon knight

These units are your main sources of damage, so you often put all your valuable items on them. Availability Mask of Madness masks of madness Fury of battle

В Underlords you can only give one item to a hero. Fury of battle

Likewise, if Blood Priest

Aura of Proximity:

Proximity auras and items (which take effect if units are standing next to each other) are relatively common in Dota Underlords. This gives an advantage to ranged heroes because they don't move much during the round, while melee units can easily get separated from each other and accidentally lose the aura buff.

This is the main reason why, for example, Hunter

This is also the main reason why Knight

It also affects mass abilities and positioning:

В Auto Chess in the late game, some hero sets work best when you distribute them across the board so that multiple units don't get the same AoE spell. This is also possible in Underlords, but often you want to keep heroes close to each other due to the proximity aura, which in turn makes them more vulnerable to area-of-effect spells.


Because of this, Kunkka

Additionally,  Refreshing Sphere

Refreshing Sphere

Stronger than in Auto Chess:

Hunters + warriors


  • Pudge
  • Drow Guardian
  • bonus Martial Artist

Hunter-Warriors sample build

Heroes: Drow Guardian

Synergy: (3) Hunter

You start with Drow Guardian

At the end of the game, you have several options:

  • Unmercy Unmercy global item (Human
  • Another late game option is to go to (6) Hunter
  • (6) Martial Artist

Originals + Assassins



  • Do you have more Assassin
  • They got a buff in a recent patch - critical hits cannot be dodged, which means they have no effect Elusive
  • New Assassin
  • Slark
  • This is one of the few alliances that is good against Hunter

(6) Assassins (2) Originals

Heroes: Crumbs

Synergy: (6) Assassin

Go to Primordial

(2) Primordial

This option is obviously more aggressive.


(4) Primordials (3) Assassins

Heroes: Crumbs

Synergy: (4) Primordial

If you are playing against other melee strategies (Martial Artist

After that you can go to (6) Assassin


Weaker than in Auto Chess

Warriors + Mages

Heroes: Crumbs

Synergy: (4) Human

Martial Artist

Moreover, the Staff of the Black King

In general, you have several options for this strategy:


Knights + Dragons

Heroes: Chaos Knight

Flying Rider

Synergy: (6) Knight

Harder to assemble because you don't have access to additional The Dragon

bonus Knight

Harder to turn dragon knight

Can go to (4) Knight

(2) Heartless

Dragon Greed Dragon Greed is a very strong global item, but only if you are already winning and can afford to keep a lot of gold, but if the situation on your board is not so rosy, and you spend your entire bank trying to find the right heroes, this improvement turns out to be almost useless.

Coordinated attack

Knights + Trolls

Heroes: Chaos Knight

Shadow Shaman shadow shaman, Witch

Synergy: (4) Knight

The strategy is quite combat-ready, but it has two main drawbacks compared to Auto Chess:

  • (4) Troll
  • U (4) Knight
  • However, this is probably the better Knight build of the two. enjoy Coordinated attack

Stronger in UnderlordsWeaker in Underlords
  • Hunter
  • Martial Artist
  • Assassin
  • Primordial
  • Mage
  • Knight
  • The Dragon
  • Troll
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