Kirill (Nikita Manets) is a character from the series “The Boy’s Word. Blood on the asphalt"

Kirill in the series “The Boy’s Word. Blood on the asphalt"

Character history:

Kirill is a character from the series “The Boy’s Word. Blood on the Asphalt” directed by Zhora Kryzhovnikov. Actor Nikita Manets played the role of a guy from the “Universam” gang. In the story, he is challenged by the street, and one decision makes him an outcast for Vova Adidas and Andrey Palto. In the eyes of the Universam members, Kirill becomes a coward and a deceiver, which forces him to consider joining another gang or joining the ranks of the Chushpans.

Character Creation:

The series was created based on the book “The Boy’s Word. Criminal Tatarstan 1970–2010s” by Robert Garayev, which talks about the “Kazan phenomenon” - street crime that spread in Kazan in the last years of the Soviet Union. Director Zhora Kryzhovnikov and co-writer Andrei Zolotarev used the book as a theoretical basis, creating fictional characters and events for the series.

Biography of Kirill's character:

Kirill was born around the mid-1970s in Kazan. He grew up in an ordinary Soviet family, but from an early age he saw how quiet and dedicated schoolchildren became victims of more daring peers. Wanting to avoid ridicule and beatings, he joined the Universam gang, founded by his brother Marat, Vova Adidas. However, over time, after Vova’s return from Afghanistan, Kashchei begins to control the gang.

In the series, Kirill is presented as an intelligent teenager who is forced to adapt to the tough street environment. An important moment in his story is the event at the disco, where Misha (nicknamed Yeralash), and Kirill himself, frightened, leaves by bus.

Appearance and character:

Kirill is depicted as a brown-eyed teenager with dark brown hair, of average height and thin build. His appearance creates the image of a Soviet schoolboy about 15 years old. By character, he is presented as a cowardly teenager, prone to deception, who strives to appear brave, but is not ready for extreme situations and street life.

Kirill's relationships with others:

Kirill’s relationships with others in the series “The Boy’s Word. Blood on the asphalt” change noticeably as a result of the incident with Yeralash. After Misha, nicknamed Yeralash, was beaten to death at a bus stop, Kirill cut his forehead and pretended that he too had been beaten. He provided false information that the attack took place at the entrance.

Marat, succumbing to deception, goes to the hospital, where, instead of being taken to a ward, he is taken to the morgue, thereby showing that Yeralash has died. Later, policeman Ildar has a conversation with Andrei, in which he says that Yeralash was beaten to death while standing at a bus stop, and blames the “Razezdovskys”. Kirill, avoiding the truth, again claims that the attack took place at the entrance.

This lie becomes the reason for the Universam attack on Misha’s alleged killers, members of the Razezdovskie. However, after the leaders of the “Razyezdovskys” arrived and talked with the bus driver, it turns out that Kirill lied, and Misha was really beaten at the bus stop, and he ran away cowardly. This becomes known to the whole gang, and Kirill is beaten, after which he is expelled from the group.

Yeralash becomes a hero for Universam, and after Kirill is expelled, Misha’s funeral is held. An important point is the realization that if Kirill had answered “out of business,” his friend would have remained alive.

Read also:

Interesting facts about the series “The Boy’s Word. Blood on the asphalt":

  • In the series, Kirill throws Yeralash to be torn to pieces by members of the “Hadi Taktash” gang, a real-life group named after a street in Kazan. In the 1990s they said about them: “Hadi Taktash is a wonderland: he walked into the entrance and disappeared there.”
  • Nikita Manets, who plays the role of Kirill, prefers the series “Matchmakers” and the works of Jules Verne, despite the fact that he starred in a crime drama.
  • The filming of the series, which takes place in Kazan, actually took place in Yaroslavl, since the residents of Kazan did not take too kindly to the memories of the era of the late 1980s and early 1990s.
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