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Tier List Genius Invokation TCG Genshin Impact 3.3

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No matter how exciting Genius Invocation TCG (Genius Invokation TCG) in Genshin Impact, it's quite clear that some cards are much better than others. That's why many players want to see an adequate tier list (leveled list), supported by weighty arguments. Such tier lists are formed during discussions of gaming experience and practical tests by reputable players. This list has been created that way.

The specific data used here is from the first Genius Invokation TCG Weekly which includes some interesting results from US, European and Asian servers. Maps used to secure high placements there will obviously result in them ranking high on this tier list.

Genius Invokation TCG Tier List: Learning the Best Cards in Genshin Impact

S-tier - all cards in this rating are regularly used in most (if not all) winning decks. For example, in the American scene, four of the top five used a deck based on Ayaka and Yoimiya.

Similarly, Chongyun and Xingqiu have achieved huge success in the Asian scene. The non-character cards listed here have almost always been seen in every winning deck, usually in duplicate.

A-tier - all of these cards are pretty good, which is quite obvious from the fact that the best duelists use some of them. In terms of character cards, Bennett, Fischl, Gan Yu, Ke Qing, and Mona saw good placements but less use than options like Ayaka, Emiya, and Xing Qiu.

Bennett actually led the European scene along with Emiya and Xing Qiu. However, the best places in other regions don't seem to prioritize it over the aforementioned S-tier options.

B-tier are solid but situational cards that didn't achieve as much success and usage percentage as compared to the previous two levels.

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