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Description of Update 10.22 for League of Legends

League of Legends

The League of Legends 10.22 patch notes have arrived, and we've got the full patch notes, balance changes, and more for LoL fans to dig into the new October 28th content.

League of Legends

The 151st League Champion, the musical sorceress Serafina, is due to finally appear in this patch, and she brings with her a set of new K/DA "ALL OUT" skins; Ahri, Akali, Kai'Sa and Evelynn will get new K-pop variants this time around.

Annie is also under the microscope in patch 10.22 and will be given a slight overhaul and the new terror ADC Samira will receive new nerfs ⁠ - here are all the early details of the 10.22 League of Legends patch since release.

League of Legends patch 10.22

K/DA “ALL OUT” Serafina, K/DA “ALL OUT” Ahri, K/DA “ALL OUT” Kai'Sa (Regular and Prestige Edition), K/DA “ALL OUT” Evelynn and Akali from K/DA “ALL OUT” will hit the store on October 29, 2020.




dreamy singer

 Runeterra's ultimate idol will take to the stage within two weeks of the release of Update 10.22! 
 Full-sized pictures of Seraphina are available in League of Legends Screensavers! 


Curse of the Sad Mummy [R] now stuns enemies.

 We're improving the clarity of Amumu's ultimate, hopefully making him more attractive. 


UPDATED TYPE OF CONTROL Roots and disarms enemies for 2 seconds  Deafens enemies for 2 seconds.


Blazing Shield [E] now applies a shield instead of reducing damage; the skill can now be applied to allied champions; shield animation updated; mana cost and range increased; the shield is always placed on Tibbers when he is summoned.

 We want to broaden the scope of Annie's shield while keeping the skill simple and intuitive. 


NEW SHIELD Reduces damage taken by Annie by 13/17/21/25/29% for 3 seconds  Inflicts on selected allied champion shield 40/90/140/190/240 (+40% Ability Power) durability for 3 seconds (additional movement speed is given to the target that is shielded).
UPDATEDSHIELD VISUALS [E] Annie now has a new animation.
MANA COST 20  40.
RANGE 400 (can only be applied to yourself)  800 (can be cast on yourself or an ally).
UPDATED GOAL SELECTION Cast on target ally if cursor is above or near them (within 225 range); otherwise applied to Annie.
NEW TIBBERS PROTECTION The shield is always applied to Tibbers - regardless of the target.


The number of W-volley arrows now increases as the skill levels up.

 Now Ash's main skill will be more convenient to use, and increasing its level will bring even more benefits. 


NUMBER OF ARROWS IN A VOLVO 9 at all skill levels  7/8/9/10/11.


The explosion damage of Ignite (passive skill) has been reduced. Ignite [E] now always spreads to nearby enemies; Spread radius when applied to an ignited target has been increased; the indicator now shows the propagation radius. Purify by Fire Fireball [R] can now bounce back to Brand Target priorities have been updated.

 A long time ago, Brand was a mid laner, but over time he has migrated to the support position. We want to get gunpowder back in his flasks, so we're increasing Brand's stopping power to push him towards a more aggressive playstyle. And to compensate for this buff, we're reducing the damage percentage that Support Brands typically rely on. Now the pyromaniac will be able to return to the middle lane without any problems, and if you like the lower lane better, it doesn’t matter, his overall power level on it should remain the same. 


EXPLOSION DAMAGE 12-16% (+1,5% per 100 ability power)  10-14% (+2% per 100 ability power).


NEW SPREAD Spreads to nearby enemies when cast on an ignited target  Always spreads to nearby enemies.
UPDATED RADIUS OF SPREAD When applied to an ignited target, spreads to enemies within 375 range  When applied to an ignited target, spreads to enemies within 600 units. When applied to an unignited target, spreads to enemies within 300 units.
NEW PROPAGATION RADIUS INDICATOR Added a short-term indicator of the range of the ability to spread.


NEW FIREBALL Bouncing Purify by Fire projectile can now bounce back towards Brand (at the same time, the projectile lingers for a short time at Brand - so that players do not abuse this and do not explode targets instantly, approaching them closely).
UPDATED PRIORITIES IN SELECTING GOALS Enemy Champions > Brand > Other Targets.


Fist of Justice (E) now has a minimum dash range.

 With this change, Galio players will no longer be able to accidentally dash in place, and his enemies will have more room to dodge him. 


NEW WIND IN THE BACK Fist of Justice's dash now has a minimum range of 250 (from the point where [E] is cast, rather than from the end point of the reverse dash).


Fire biters! [E] now deals all damage at once.

 Increasing the clarity of the Jinx Biters - now their damage will become more noticeable and tangible. 


UPDATED EXPLOSION Deals damage over 1,5 seconds  Deals all damage at once.


Devastation [Q] base damage reduced.

 Karthus is too reliable in the jungle, as well as in the mid and bot lanes, because he is able to quickly absorb waves of minions and jungle camps, almost without spending resources. We're nerfing his ability to deal constant damage, giving him a huge advantage, so enemies will have a better chance of interfering with him. 


BASE DAMAGE 50/70/90/110/130  45/65/85/105/125.


Ephemeral Chains mana cost reduced; base damage [E] increased; Damage over time [E] increased.

 Le Blanc is weak at all levels of the game - and even smoke and mirrors do not help her. We decided to teach her a new trick by increasing the power of one of the weakest and most underestimated skills. Now players will be able to rely more on her [E] - and before that they did not increase his level until the very end of the game. 


MANA COST 70  50.
BASE DAMAGE 40/60/80/100/120  50/70/90/110/130.
DELAYED DAMAGE 70/110/150/190/230  80/120/160/200/240.


Radiant Arrow [Q] base damage reduced at high skill levels.

 Top lane Lulu feels too good at a high level of play, and opponents are not thrilled with her magic. We're lowering her damage scaling so she can't harass enemies and kill minions as easily. 


BASE DAMAGE 80/125/170/215/260  80/115/150/185/220.


Additional defensive indicators of Rage of the Sands [R] increased; Defensive stat increase every second has been removed.

 And another clarity-focused change, this time for Nasus' ult. At the same time, we are slightly increasing his strength - he is unlikely to be against it. 


REMOVED PER SECOND INCREASE IN PROTECTION PERFORMANCE Nasus no longer increases defensive stats by 1/2/3 per second.


Base attack power and armor reduced.

 Samira managed to quickly rise to the throne - the deadly power, protection and mobility of this shooter often lead to a snowball effect. We're nerfing Samira's early game to slightly reduce her reliability. 


ARMOR 28  26.


The base and maximum damage of Glacial Captivity [R] has been increased.

 Sejuani has received a very cold reception in the current jungle meta. It's time to take care of our beloved rider and let Sejuani and Bristle out of cell ice captivity. 

glacial captivity [R]

BASE DAMAGE 100/125/150  125/150/175.
MAXIMUM DAMAGE 150/250/350  200/300/400 (same values ​​for explosion damage).


Base attack speed increase increased.

 There was no place for this bird in the current shooter ecosystem, so we are buffing its ability to strike enemies with feathers. 




Shadow Slash's base damage [E] has been reduced at high skill levels.

 Decreasing Zed's damage reliability so he can rely on other elements in his arsenal as well. 


BASE DAMAGE 70/95/120/145/170  70/90/110/130/150.


 We've added range indicators for champion clones and pets, which will return to their owner when they move within the maximum allowed distance. These indicators will appear around clones/pets when they are within 500 units of the maximum distance allowed. 


HALLUCINATION [R] Added for clone.


SUMMON TIBBERS [R] Added for pet (Tibbers).


 Clash teams can now send up to 20 invites at once. As soon as the team recruits all the participants, the remaining invitations are cancelled. Also, the Shadow Isles Tournament schedule is now available in the client! Please note that it will start next month at the end of the season, so VP earned will not count towards end-of-season 2020 rewards. We will let you know when tournament VP will begin to count towards end-of-season 2021 rewards. 


Update 10.22 Buffs

ANIVIA +15% damage dealt & -10% damage taken  +15% damage dealt & -15% damage taken.
FIDDLSTICS +10% damage dealt, -10% damage taken, +10% healing  +10% damage dealt, -15% damage taken, +10% healing.
KASSADIN -5% damage taken  +5% damage dealt & -5% damage taken.
US +5% damage taken, -10% healing  +5% damage taken, -5% healing.
VLADIMIR -8% damage dealt, +8% damage taken, -5% healing  -8% damage dealt, +5% damage taken, -5% healing.
YONE +10% damage dealt & -10% damage taken  +10% damage dealt & -15% damage taken.

Patch 10.22 Debuffs

BARD +20% damage dealt & -20% damage taken  +15% damage dealt & -20% damage taken.
FIORA -5% damage dealt, +5% damage taken, -5% healing  -10% damage dealt, +5% damage taken, -5% healing.
JINX +3% damage dealt & -5% damage taken  +3% damage dealt & -3% damage taken.
NUNU AND WILLUMP +8% damage dealt, -10% damage taken, +10% healing  +8% damage dealt, -8% damage taken, +8% healing.
PANTHEON +8% damage dealt & -10% damage taken  +8% damage dealt & -8% damage taken.
RAMMUS +8% damage dealt & -10% damage taken  +8% damage dealt & -5% damage taken.
REK'SAY +10% damage dealt & -15% damage taken  +10% damage dealt & -12% damage taken.
UMI -20% damage dealt, +20% damage taken, -30% healing, +100% cooldown [E]  -20% damage dealt, +20% damage taken, -30% healing, +150% cooldown [E].


  • Signal-clicking Kai'Sa's advanced skills will now display the names in chat with the corresponding mark.
  • ➤Fixed a bug related to warning and roar sound effects Hunting passion [R] Rengar near the targets.
  • ➤Cat and Mouse [Q] Yuumi now properly triggers Mana Stream.
  • ➤Divine Judgment [R] Psi Squad Kayle no longer causes a series of flashes across the screen while active.
  • ➤Sound effects Live bait [R] Fizz is no longer heard from the fog of war.
  • Fixed an issue where the rank frame would no longer appear on the loading screen after changing the Eternal series.
  • ➤Fixed bugs Copies of Distortion [R] Le Blanc associated with queuing for action.
  • ➤Fixed a bug due to which the second cast Assassin Shuriken [E] did not work if Akali tried to activate it too quickly after tagging Twilight Shroud [W].
  • ➤Turrets Guard [Q] (Crescentum) Aphelia is no longer pulled towards Sion when he casts Butcher Roar [E].
  • ➤Fixed a bug that caused Minefield [E] Ziggs was incorrectly displayed in impassable terrain elements in some skins.
  • The Void Herald's unique global death sound effect now plays correctly even if the team cannot see the monster.


This was the official patch notes for the 10.22 update for League of Legends!

More League of Legends News:

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