Diablo 2: Resurrected - Act 5 Walkthrough. Guide to All Act Quests

Welcome to walkthrough guide Act V for Diablo II: Resurrected. This guide will tell you about the quests in the fifth act and how to complete them.

Act V - Harrogat

After you have defeated the Dread Lord Diablo, you travel to the homeland of the barbarians, the snow city of Harrogat. In this place you will have to find and destroy the last brother of the primary Evil - Baal. The demon heads to the top of the world, Mount Areat, and tries to destroy the world stone. You must prevent him, and put an end to the atrocities of the trinity. In Harrogate, you will be very coldly received by the locals - they do not like strangers, and trust only those who deserve it, be it great deeds, or just helping their people. It's interesting to listen to the opening dialogues depending on your character.

Meanwhile, the city is in a difficult situation: the constant attacks and siege of demons have killed many warriors, and the city's strength is running out. The elders of the city, with their last strength, erected a fence from demons, at the cost of their lives.

Task number 1. Siege of Harrogate (Stop the Siege)

The task is not mandatory, but you can simply complete it along the way, a minute of time. This quest must be taken from the local blacksmith, Larzuk. He will tell you that the city is besieged by demons, and it is urgent to eliminate the commanders in order to break the attack on the city. One of these commanders Shenk Taskmaster “He is the one who needs to be killed.” We leave the city, and we see a sad picture of the battlefield: many corpses, everything is burning and destroyed, a handful of barbarian allies are trying to fight off hordes of demons that have no number. The terrain in front of the city is through, that is, you need to go stupidly forward, you can even along the edge or in the middle of the map. Here we will meet a lot of new monsters, and the murder of which will please us, because they give a lot of exp (experience), and of course gear.

We run to the end of the "corridor", at the very end there will be many tents, guns, and a hill, on which there will be Lieutenant Shenk the Taskmaster, who commands the attack of demons on Harrogat. There will even be a special designation of its habitat on the map - small red “needles” in a pile.

  • Attention: if you see wooden steps up, then you have passed the habitat of the "puppy". This path leads to the Frozen Highlands, and it's too early for you to go there, go back and kill Shenk.

The boss, as it happens, will not be alone, but with a flock of ghouls, who must be dealt with first, and then take on Shenk. By itself, the "puppy" is not scary and not particularly strong. On normal and nightmare, it has zero resistances, and on hell it has the highest resistance to cold than to other elements. Always strong (Extra Strong). Almost ordinary gear falls from it, nothing remarkable. After killing Shenk, we go to the city and talk to Larzuk - he will generously reward you by giving you the opportunity to make a nest in the item you have chosen.

Larzuk will make a nest in ANY item that doesn't have nests. This is a unique and very useful feature, use it wisely. As in the case of Charsi from I act, you can not use this feature immediately, but later. This is what I did, and I advise you to do the same. Choose the best, right thing that really needs a nest.

Task number 2. Rescue on Mount Arreat

This quest is optional, but completing it promises a fairly good reward. We take the quest from Qual-Kek, or it is issued automatically upon arrival at the location of the Cold Highlands. After lifting the siege of the city, the commander kual kek will ask you to find the missing soldiers, and help them if possible.

The soldiers who defended Harrogat were lost on the battlefield, and many were captured by the demons. You will need to go to the location of the Cold Highlands, that is where they are located. You can get there along the path, which is located near Shenk Overseer; resembles a ladder, there will also be a teleport, I advise you to immediately activate it.

And so, we went to the Cold Highlands. The area is a kind of city, only destroyed, and full of mobs. Here we will be met by monsters already familiar to us, gear and experience are still pouring well for them. I especially want to note from the monsters goblin sorcerers, who are sometimes very annoying: they use a teleport, and sometimes not just like that, but using a teleport, they sit on huge animals, and from there they inflict heavy damage with flames, remaining on top like on an “iron horse” , and also jump on the surviving towers. But there is nothing complicated for us :) In principle, they are easy to kill, for me they die in one or two hits.

Walking through the location, you will find captured soldiers. They are in a random location, 15 people in total, 3 groups of 5 people. They will be in a cage (similar to a wooden palisade), and on the map you will see them by a peculiar designation - a white prickly square.

By the way, the location is end-to-end, and you can just go straight ahead and if you're lucky, you'll collect all the soldiers along the way. Having approached the cage, break the door of the cage, the soldiers will come out of it and enter the opened portal into the city. And so 3 times.

After freeing all the fighters, return to Kual-Kek. The barbarian commander will thank you and give you 3 good runes - LocationRal и Valley, and will also allow you to take (hire) barbarian warriors as your assistants. From the received runes, you can immediately compose the rune word "Vow of the Ancients"(Ancient's Pledge). Runes must be inserted in strictly stated order (Ort, Ral and Tal) and only in a gray shield with three slots. There should be no properties on the shield, only "holes" (3 sockets). Here are its characteristics:

+50% Defense Up
Cold Resistance +43%
Fire resistance +48%
Lightning Resistance +48%
Poison Resistance +48%
10% of Damage taken is converted into Mana

For example, I took Aerin's paladin shield, which initially had + 6% to all resistances. It turned out well. Against Baal, such resistance will definitely not be superfluous.

As for the mercenaries, they are not bad enough guys.

After talking with Qual-Kek, the quest ends.

Task number 3. Dungeon of Ice (Prison of Ice)

Malach will tell you about his inner experiences. She will tell you that Anya has disappeared - a young talented alchemist, the daughter of a deceased elder. The day before you came to Harrogat, Malach saw Anya quarreling with Nihlatak. Nobody saw the girl in the morning. When asked about the whereabouts of Ani, Nihlatak expressed slurred explanations and stories, was lost in answers and told everyone his story of the disappearance of the girl. But Malach did not believe Nihlatak. Probably Anya knew that Nihlatak did not want to put it on public display and because of this she got into trouble. Malach will ask you to find and save the girl.

To find Anya, you need to go through the location Arreat Plateau, there will be an entrance to the Crystal Passage. The Arreat Plateau can be accessed from the Cold Highlands, where you rescued the missing soldiers. Here, on the Plateau, everything is very similar to the Cold Highlands, there are also stone castles, monsters, and a city teleport located there.

Interesting: in this location you can find a red portal to the underworld - demons came from there to the homeland of the barbarians. Entering the portal, you will see familiar places, the same ones were in the fourth act. Here, you need to go through hordes of bloodthirsty demons to a golden chest - it's full of useful items. Worth the walk, if only for the experience.
Well, let's move on, do not forget about the task.

crystal passage - a huge dungeon with many moves, as well as a city teleport, which is desirable to find immediately. Further here we are looking for the entrance to the Frozen River (or Ice River; everyone has a different translation).

The frozen river is ice islands connected by bridges. There will be many dead skeleton warriors, harpy spellcasters, large white wendigo, ice beasts. The location is completely random, so where to go to find Anya is impossible to answer. Tip - just go "along the wall."

As soon as you approach Anya's location, a quest button will pop up, and you will also notice a bunch of wendigo, among which there will be a boss. The boss is immune to cold, attacks with cold himself, and also burns all mana on impact. Strong enough monsters, especially if they surround you. Don't let them do it.

After killing the villains, then you will see Anya, frozen in an ice block. Talk to her, she will tell you what the matter is and how to save her. Anya will tell that Nihlatak froze her, and only Malach can help remove the necromancer's spell of cold.

Go to the city, talk to Malach, she will give you Ani's defrosting potion. Together with the potion, we approach Anya in the Frozen River and talk to her. Anya will take the potion, and the ice block will melt. The girl will immediately leave for the city through the city portal. Follow the city too, because the Frozen River is a dead end location.

Arriving in the city, talk immediately with Malach. She will thank you warmly and give you a scroll of resistances. This scroll permanently increases all elemental resistances by 10%. Right-click and you will read the scroll. A very useful thing, it is extremely necessary at high levels of complexity. Next we go to Anna. She will stand on the street, near one of the houses. She will thank you and give you a rare weapon that Larzuk kindly made for you at her request. The subject, to be honest, always falls out here bad. It usually goes on sale right away. Also, Anya informs you about the traitor Nihlatak. Quest completed.

Task number 4. Betrayal of Harrogath

Anya will bring you up to date: Nihlathak stole an ancient relic of the elders and handed it over to Baal. With the help of this artifact, the demon will freely enter the fortress of the World Stone, bypassing the Ancient Guardians. For his betrayal, the traitor must be killed. Meanwhile, you will find that Nihlathak has long been gone from the city, he has fled to his hideout, a temple on one of the peaks of Arreat. It is there that we will have to go, since there is no need to look for him - Anya will open a portal directly to the Temple of Nihlatak.

So, we go into the red portal. You will find yourself on Mount Arreat, in front of the temple. Everywhere there is snow, a blizzard, and a pile of dead people who lie in front of the temple. Carefully! They will rise a few seconds after you arrive at that location. These dead men are very slow, but they hit hard if they catch up. By the way, they sometimes use the Paladin's ability "Pressure" - if they are close to you, they start to run sharply very quickly and produce a powerful attack. Resurrect 1 time after death. This can be prevented by freezing them before they die.

After killing all the undead near the temple, and this is about 20 dead + 1 leader, of medium strength, go to the temple of Nihlatak.

The temple is very gloomy, blood and "horrors" are everywhere. there are 3 locations in the temple, you need to go down to the last one. The first is called the Halls of Suffering. There is nothing remarkable in it, you only need to find the entrance to the second location - the Halls of Pain. Here, by the way, there will be a city portal, activate it if possible.

These two locations, the Halls of Suffering and Pain, are almost the same. You find yourself in the center of the map, and somewhere aside (by chance) there is a transition further. The locations are large, expressed by large and gloomy temple tunnels. It is full of all undead, as well as harpies and berserkers. By the way, harpies cast a very nasty spell on magicians, causing damage every time you want to cast a spell. Carefully. In principle, there should be no problems.

We pass both locations, and we come to a place called the Halls of Vogt (or the halls of grief). This is where our traitor lives. The location is small, has four directions from our starting location. nihlatak is in any of the four. There are many graves here, there is something to profit from. Monsters again make up a meager beginning, although there is a replenishment - Baal demons appeared from the tundra. Easy prey ^_^

After a few minutes of walking, you will finally find Nihlathak. If the path (of the four directions) is correct, the quest icon will light up. The traitor will be surrounded by about 20 Baal minions. As you know, Nihlatak is a necromancer, and uses black magic.

Putting all of his "soldiers" will vehemently run at the necromancer, but one fact will probably immediately stop you. Nihlathak uses the Necromancer's Corpse Explosion spell, which is a very dangerous skill, and kills in almost one cast. In fact, you yourself dug a hole for yourself - after all, you killed all the "soldiers" near the necromancer. You can't, or rather, you shouldn't. Lure them out and kill them away from him. Left all alone, without help, he will be a weak victim. However, he can summon demons, so expect surprises.

  • Interestingly: if you kill demons with cold, they do not leave a corpse, and the necromancer cannot do anything.

Killing Nihlathak will likely drop good items - at least rare.

We return to the city, we speak with Anya. It turns out that Nihlatak had already given the relic to Baal, and he went to the top of the world. Anya is grateful to you for killing her captor, and will put your name (nickname) on any of your items. This is something like "uniqueness". In general - a useless thing. Quest completed.

Task number 5. Rite of Passage

This is a required quest and can be obtained from Kual Kek, or if you get to the top of Mount Arreat. Baal has already headed to the top of Arreat, and has almost reached the Worldstone Fortress, you must prevent him from destroying the worldstone. To get to the World Stone Fortress, you need to go to the top of Mount Arreat. At the top of Arreat, in front of the entrance to the Worldstone Fortress, are the Ancients who decide if the visitor can go inside; there your reputation in the city is zero.

Don't be close to it. First we need to return to the location of the Crystal Passage. If you opened a teleport there, then it simply goes through the teleport to this location. From there we are looking for an exit to the Ice Path location.

The Ice Path is absolutely identical to the Crystal Passage. The same cave, the same monsters (except for a couple of new ones - skeleton warriors and spiked creatures) and there is also a city teleport. Here we need to find a way out to the Frozen Tundra. Passes easily. In the Ice Path, by the way, you can find a room where many skeletons live, and there is a golden chest. This is where the good stuff comes in. Skeletons, of course, will be with the leader.

And so, you have found the entrance to the Frozen Tundra. We go in and find ourselves on the surface, or rather, on a hill, one of the Arreata plateau. This location is identical to the Arreat Plateau and the Cold Highlands. There will also be stone castles, fire-breathing beasts, small demonic elves and others. In the tundra, you can also find a city portal, which I highly recommend you find.

Also, here you can find a red portal to the underworld. There, as well as in the Arreat Plateau location, you need to reach the end through the hordes of bloodthirsty demons, to the golden chest. The golden chest is filled with all sorts of useful junk.

Fighting your way through the siege of the destroyed fortifications, you must reach the end of the Frozen Tundra. There, at the very end, you will bump into the mountain, where the entrance to the cave will be located, called the "Path of the Ancestors". Us there.

Path of the Ancients. This is an ordinary dungeon, it has its own portal to the location. There is also a secondary location there - the Ice Dungeon. The ice dungeon looks like the Frozen River location. There is nothing remarkable in it, except for packs of ordinary monsters and a golden chest at the end. Still, it's worth the walk for the experience. By this time, on “normal”, I already have level 30-33. If you also have it, then believe me, it will be easier to play.

Let's return to the Path of the Ancients. We find a portal, it will definitely come in handy, because it can be difficult, and we cannot avoid our own death. Next, we are looking for a way out from the location, it is simply called - the Top of Arreata.

Here it is, the legendary Top of Arreata - an amazing picturesque view opens from here. You can see those places that you have visited before when you walked along the uplands or plateaus. And so, the top: There are stone columns, the Altar of Heaven and 3 statues in the middle. As soon as you enter the mountain, a quest icon will appear - now we need to activate the altar of heaven in order to ask the Ancients for advice. By clicking on the Altar, you will be spoken to Ancient Spirits of Nafalem, and they will tell you that no one dares to enter the fortress of the peacestone. They will let you in if you can defeat them. Our task is to kill them without leaving the mountains of Arreat.

3 guardians of the ancients - Talik protector, Korlik protector, Madavk guardian. All 3 have different abilities, unique and strong in their own way. Let's consider each in order.

Talik defender. This ancient one is to the left of the Altar of Heaven, a red-robed warrior with a sword and shield. He is the strongest of the ancients, has the deadly ability of the barbarian "dance of death" (tornado). It has high fire resistance on all difficulties, but zero magic resistance on all difficulties; to physical damage - 70% always. Most likely you will stay with him to fight one on one when the other ancients are defeated.

Dwarf protector. A warrior in a gray (bluish) vestment, armed with a halberd. He knows how to attack in a jump (the ability of a barbarian is an attack in a jump), which he will constantly do - jump on you with an attack. Has good resistance to cold in hell, and to physical damage always. Korlik is average in "strength", usually taken out first or second in a row. Try not to delay with his elimination, use magic in your attack against him.

Madawk Guardian. The guard is dressed in orange clothes, and is armed with 2 throwing axes. He is a ranged warrior. Uses a double roll - the ability of the barbarian. It has the highest resistance to lightning and fire, but is always vulnerable to magic. This is the weakest of the ancients - it is carried out first. Fighting him is relatively easy.

All three Elders together are a danger, and will probably make you run, and not a little. They also use all kinds of Barbarian shouts - thereby increasing their performance. It will be easiest to kill Madavk - he is the weakest, especially against melee. Then Korlik, and if you're lucky, then Talika. By the way, do not forget that they must be killed without leaving the mountains of Arreat. If you suddenly open a portal to the city, the elders will immediately disappear and turn back into statues. The test will need to be restarted. In addition, entry and exit to the mountain will be possible only through the portal, because everything will be closed.
Having dealt with the Ancients, a very pleasant reward will await you - you will be rewarded with +1 to the character level. After the defeat, the ancients will take their places, in the form of statues, and tell you about the course of affairs. The fact is that Baal has already made his way into the chambers of the Stone of the World, and wants to destroy it so that the demons can enter this world. There is only one step left, you must NOT lose. They will tell you that you are worthy to go inside, the cage in the chambers of the World Stone will be opened, and you can enter.

Quest completed.

Task number 6. Eve of Destruction

This is the last quest of the game in the add-on, and of the entire second part of the game as a whole. This is a required quest. Here we have to fight the demon Baal for the fate of our world. You receive this quest automatically after defeating the Ancients on Mount Arreat. After the dialogue, they will tell you that you need to move faster, because Baal is already in the throne room of the World Stone.

We go into the opened door at the top of Arreat, the location is called the fortress of the World Stone of the 1st level.

Here we need to go through all 3 levels of the fortress, and on the 2nd level there will be a city portal. In the fortress we will see a lot of demons - harpies, ordinary demon soldiers, devourers, skeleton warriors, at the third level there will be berserkers and demonic elves. Especially dangerous are the suicide soldiers who explode after death. They are very different from the usual ones - they have a large red growth on the shoulder, and they run at you very quickly, after which they explode, dealing massive damage. It happens that one explosion is enough) Avoid them, and kill them from a distance.

Interestinglythere is a remarkable thing in these three locations. If it stays in place for more than 10-20 seconds and does nothing, then we will hear the menacing laughter of Baal and lightning will strike us, or we will become infected with poison. Conclusion - do not stand still.

We pass all three locations of the fortress, open the portal on the second level, and enter the Throne of Destruction location. This is the penultimate location of the game. The quest window will immediately update - a new task - to kill the minions of Baal. Here, we go out to the middle path and go straight - that is where the entrance to the chambers of the Peace Stone. Left and right - simple branches, there are monsters and sarcophagi.

So, you have reached the largest room at the end of the corridor. Here you can immediately see Baal - he will stand on a hill in the middle, near the portal to the chambers of the World Stone. Baal is invulnerable and cannot be hovered over with the mouse. However, if you are near him, then he casts curses on you, and different ones.

Your task is to kill all the monsters that appear. To begin with, you should kill those who would have been in the room initially. After that, Baal will cast a spell and a handful of monsters will spawn in the middle. You need to survive 5 waves in a row. And so, in order.

First wave - devils from the first act with the shaman-boss. Of course, the devils are not weak, but to match the level. But for me they were killed with one blow. We kill the shaman - bears the unique name Colenzo the Destroyer, resurrects devils. Immune to fire.

Second wave - giant mummies, the ones we saw in the second act. With them will be a bunch of skeletons of magicians, resurrected by mummies. The main boss is Ahmel the Accursed, immune to poison.

third wave - members of the council from the 3rd act. The leader is Bartuk the Bloody. Everyone casts hydras and other blows. Dangerous when in a heap. It is better to run away from them right away, because there will be fireworks from hydras.

fourth wave - poisonous overlords from the 4th act. The boss is Venthar the Unholy. It makes the whole bunch very fast. There are no special resistances.

Fifth wave - the most difficult. Monsters that you have never seen before in your life. Minions of destruction - along with their boss. The leader is Lister the Tormentor. Has a spectral impact. The whole bunch is very strong, constantly repels and stuns on impact, while taking down a lot of health. Again - it's better to kill one at a time, since the location allows you to run. They give a lot of experience!

After repelling all 5 waves, go and walk towards Baal. He will laugh wickedly and enter the portal. A quest icon will appear telling you to kill Baal himself. We go into the portal.

You will find yourself in the chambers of the World Stone. You can be immediately attacked by Bhaal's tentacles and cursed. We move further, and we see a ledge to the Peace Stone. Here is Baal.

Baal is a very powerful mage who has terrible spells. He can: demolish with a powerful ice wave, which pushes back and freezes very far; knows how to summon his tentacles, although they are not particularly dangerous; sometimes casts a burning nova - a cold nova for almost the entire map: the demon can deal a strong cold blow in melee; burns mana (50%); creates a powerful clone/illusion - deals half damage, cannot be distinguished by eye.

In a fight with him, it is important to dodge often, and during the attack, when he stands still. Meanwhile, you can watch the World Stone crumble..

The Supreme Demon has more abilities: teleportation (Sorceress skill), can cast curses (Necromancer skills), reduces your armor depending on the difficulty level 60/75/95%. Baal has the lowest resistance to magic on all difficulty levels (always 0%), as well as to physical damage. For the rest of the elements, it has indicators on Normal (cold/fire/lightning/poison) - 33/33/33/50 (cold/fire/lightning/poison), on Nightmare - 50/50/50/50 and almost exactly the same on Hell.

Baal has an enormous amount of health, sometimes it takes a long time to beat him. Try not to retreat from him, defending with powerful counters. After the defeat of Baal, good things will fall out of him, in particular rare, unique, set items, and just even gold. In the meantime, Tyrael will appear, and the chambers of the World Stone will tremble and collapse.

The archangel will tell you that Baal's touch has permanently damaged the World Stone, and this cannot be stopped. Tyrael will praise you for your outstanding achievements and successes, for no one but you could do such a thing. He will say that you need to get out of this place and will open a red portal marked "End of Destruction". Entering the portal will end the game.

You will be able to watch the final video, where the archangel Tyrael destroys the corrupted World Stone.


So you've completed the entire game. You will be given the title of Assassin and playable on Nightmare difficulty.

You will automatically go to the main menu of the game.

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