Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Fish Guide, Locations, Seasonality and Prices!


We're going to take a look at the full list of all the fish you can find in Animal Crossing: New Horizons! We have everything you need to know what time and place you need to be to catch them all. We'll also see how many bells you get for each type of fish when you take them to the store.

Why do you need all this fish? Well, you certainly want to please the Blathers and complete the museum! This is one of the reasons to do so. You can also earn quite a bit of money by catching certain species during certain seasons. You will also receive a Golden Rod if you can catch every fish in your Critterpedia!


Fishing isn't all that difficult, but landing the lure where it needs to be will take some time to learn! Once you've got the fishing rod, all you have to do is equip it and find the shadow of the fish in the water. Aim directly in front of the fish's face. You will notice that the fish move towards it if they are in the area of ​​the lure. Then they will either begin to peck or immediately drag the float underwater. Once this happens, fish with the "A" button. Learn to get used to the noise the float makes when it sinks. This is the best way to find out about the beginning of a bite.


Fish bait is a good way to catch a specific fish if you are looking for something specific. Some fish only spawn in certain areas. For example, Cherry Salmon spawns only in a river on a rock. So, if you want to get one of these, you will go there, but you will be at the mercy of his appearance when you get there. To increase the chance of getting salmon, we can throw some baits into the water. This does not guarantee that you will get it, but it does guarantee that the fish will spawn in that water.

To get Fish Lure, go to the beach and look for small dark patches that spout water from time to time. Use a shovel and dig in this place. Chances are you'll get yourself a Manila Clam! Gather a bunch of these, then take them to your crafting table and make some Fish Lure with it.


You can usually tell which fish you are going to catch by the shadow it casts on the water. Sharks, for example, cast shadows with a distinct dorsal fin on their back. Other fish vary in size, so if you're looking for one it's helpful to know how big that fish is in real life and look for a shade of comparative size.


Here's our list of all the fish in Animal Crossing: New Horizons! It's broken down by hemisphere, so be sure to find a chart that matches where you've chosen your island. Due to the game taking place in real time, you have different seasons depending on the date if you are in the northern or southern part of the world. Animal Crossing takes this into account, so you'll find different fish depending on where your island is at a particular time.

North hemisphere

mitten crab

Where to catch
CrabSept. – Nov.River16:00 - 9:00 PM2000
SturgeonSept. - MarchRiver All day10000
PikeSept. – Dec.RiverAll day+1800
King. salmonSept.River All day+1800
SalmonSept.River All day700
yellow perchOct. - MarchRiverAll day300
FlounderOct. - AprilSeaAll day300
GorchakNov. - MarchRiverAll day900
Football FishNov. - MarchSea16:00 - 9:00 PM2500
BlowfishNov. - FebruarySea9 pm – 4 am5000
Blue marlinNov. - April, July - September.pierAll day10000
TunaNov. - AprilpierAll day7000
Nibble FishMay - September.River9:00 - 16:00 PM1500
Sea breamMay - October.River16:00 - 9:00 PM3000
bettaMay - October.River9:00 - 16:00 PM2500
CatfishMay - October.pond16:00 - 9:00 PM800
Giant TrevallyMay - October.pierAll day+4500
Mahi MahiMay - October.SeaAll day6000
rainbow fishMay - October.River9:00 - 16:00 PM800
FrogMay - AugustpondAll day 
Barred KnifejawMarch - Nov.SeaAll day5000
Golden troutMarch - May, Sept. – Nov.River (Clifftop)16:00 - 9:00 PM15000
GoletsMarch - MayRiverAll day400
GoletsMarch - June, September - NovemberRiver16:00 - 9:00 PM+3800
cherry salmonMarch - June, September - NovemberRiver (Clifftop)All day1000
TadpoleMarch - JulypondAll day100
ArapaymaJune - SeptemberRiver16:00 - 9:00 PM8000
ArowanaJune - SeptemberRiver16:00 - 9:00 PM10000
DoradoJune - SeptemberRiver4 am – 9 pm12000
GarJune - Septemberpond16:00 - 9:00 PM+4800
Great white sharkJune - SeptemberSea16:00 - 9:00 PM15000
Hammerhead sharkJune - SeptemberSea16:00 - 9:00 PM8000
PiranhaJune - SeptemberRiver9: 00 - 16: 00, 4: 00 - 21: 002500
saddled bikirJune - SeptemberRiver9 pm – 4 am4000
saw sharkJune - SeptemberSea16:00 - 9:00 PM12000
suckerfishJune - SeptemberSeaAll day1500
Whale sharkJune - SeptemberSeaAll day13 000
TilapiaJune - OctoberRiverAll day800
Giant snake headJune Augustpond9:00 - 16:00 PM+5500
Ocean SunfishJuly - SeptemberSea4 am – 9 pm4000
Puffer fishJuly - SeptemberSeaAll day250
sweetfishJuly - SeptemberRiverAll day900
AcneJuly - OctoberSeaAll day600
NapoleonJuly AugustSea4 am – 9 pm10000
oarfishDecember - MaySeaAll day9000
sea ​​butterflyDecember - MarchSeaAll day1000
String fishDecember - MarchRiver (Clifftop)16:00 - 9:00 PM15000
Smelt pondDecember - FebruaryRiverAll day320
SquidDecember - AugustSeaAll day500
Soft shell turtleAug. SeptRiver4 pm – 9 am3750
Moray eelAugust - OctoberSeaAll day2000
RayAugust - NovemberSea4 am – 9 pm3000
Zebra TurkeyApril - May, July - NovemberSeaAll day500
Butterfly fishApr – SeptemberSeaAll day1000
Clown fishApr – SeptemberSeaAll day650
LobsterApr – SeptemberpondAll day200
SurgicalApr – SeptemberSeaAll day1000
snapping turtleApr - OctoberRiver9 am – 4 am5000
GuppyApr - NovemberRiver9:00 - 16:00 PM1300
neon tetraApr - NovemberRiver4 am – 4 pm500
Sea horseApr - NovemberSeaAny time+1100
killifishApr - AugustpondAll day300
AnchoviesWhole yearSea4 am – 9 pm200
OpisthoproctaceaeWhole yearSea9 pm – 4 am12000
black bassWhole yearRiverAll day400
bluegillWhole yearRiver9:00 - 16:00 PM180
CarpWhole yearRiverAll day300
CoelacanthWhole yearSea (rain)All day15000
CrucianWhole yearRiverAll day160
DaceWhole yearRiver16:00 - 9:00 PM240
Freshwater GobiWhole yearRiver16:00 - 9:00 PM400
GoldfishWhole yearpondAll day1300
MackerelWhole yearSeaAll day150
KoiWhole yearpond16:00 - 9:00 PM4000
Olive FlounderWhole yearSeaAll day800
pale chubWhole yearRiver9:00 - 16:00 PM200
Pop-eyed goldfishWhole yearpond9:00 - 16:00 PM1300
Goldfish RanchuWhole yearpond9:00 - 16:00 PM+4500
LucianWhole yearSeaAll day3000
Sea bassWhole yearSeaAll day400

Southern Hemisphere

AnchoviesWhole yearSea4 am – 9 pm200
bramaNovember - AprilRiver16:00 - 9:00 PM3000
ArapaymaDecember - MarchRiver16:00 - 9:00 PM8000
ArowanaDecember - MarchRiver16:00 - 9:00 PM10000
locked knifeSeptember - MaySeaAll day5000
opisthoproctaceaeWhole yearSea9 pm – 4 am12000
bettaNovember - AprilRiver9:00 - 16:00 PM2500
mustardMay - SeptemberRiverAll day900
black bassWhole yearRiverAll day400
BlowfishMay - AugustSea9 pm – 4 am5000
Blue marlinJanuary - March, May - OctoberpierAll day10000
bluegillWhole yearRiver9:00 - 16:00 PM180
Butterfly fishOctober - MarchSeaAll day1000
carpWhole yearRiverAll day300
CatfishNovember - Aprilpond16:00 - 9:00 PM800
charMarch - May, September - DecemberRiver16:00 - 9:00 PM+3800
cherry salmonMarch - May, September - DecemberRiver (Clifftop)All day1000
Clown fishOctober - MarchSeaAll day650
coelacanthWhole yearSea (rain)All day15000
lobsterOctober - MarchpondAll day200
CrucianWhole yearRiverAll day160
smearApr - OctoberSeaAll day300
daceWhole yearRiver16:00 - 9:00 PM240
doradoDecember - MarchRiver4 am – 9 pm12000
Football fishMay - SeptemberSea16:00 - 9:00 PM2500
Freshwater GobiWhole yearRiver16:00 - 9:00 PM400
FrogFebruary - MaypondAll day 
GarDecember - Marchpond16:00 - 9:00 PM+4800
Giant snake headDecember - Februarypond9:00 - 16:00 PM+5500
Giant TrevallyNovember - AprilpierAll day+4500
Golden troutMarch - May, September - NovemberRiver (Clifftop)16:00 - 9:00 PM15000
gold fishWhole yearpondAll day1300
Great white sharkDecember - MarchSea16:00 - 9:00 PM15000
GuppyOctober - MayRiver9:00 - 16:00 PM1300
Hammerhead sharkDecember - MarchSea16:00 - 9:00 PM8000
MackerelWhole yearSeaAll day150
killifishDecember - FebruarypondAll day300
king salmonMarchRiver (Roth)All day+1800
KoiWhole yearpond16:00 - 9:00 PM4000
GoletsSeptember - NovemberRiverAll day400
Mahi MahiNovember - AprilSeaAll day6000
Crab MittensMarch - MayRiver16:00 - 9:00 PM2000
Moray eelFebruary - AprilSeaAll day2000
NapoleonJanuary FebruarySea4 am – 9 pm10000
neon tetraOctober - MayRiver4 am – 4 pm500
nibble fishNovember - MarchRiver9:00 - 16:00 PM1500
oarfishJune - NovemberSeaAll day9000
Ocean SunfishJanuary MarchSea4 am – 9 pm4000
Olive FlounderWhole yearSeaAll day800
pale chubWhole yearRiver9:00 - 16:00 PM200
pikeMarch - JuneRiverAll day+1800
piranhaDecember - MarchRiver9: 00 - 16: 00, 4: 00 - 21: 002500
Smelt pondJune AugustRiverAll day320
Pop-eyed goldfishWhole yearpond9 am – 4 pm1300
Puffer fishJanuary MarchSeaAny time250
rainbow fishNovember - AprilRiver9:00 - 16:00 PM800
Goldfish RanchuWhole yearpond9:00 - 16:00 PM+4500
beamFebruary - MaySea4 am – 9 pm3000
LucianWhole yearSeaAll day3000
Ribbon EelJanuary - AprilSeaAll day600
saddled bikirDecember - MarchRiver9 pm – 4 am4000
SalmonMarchRiver (Roth)All day700
saw sharkDecember - MarchSea16:00 - 9:00 PM12000
Sea bassWhole yearSeaAll day400
sea ​​butterflyJune - SeptemberSeaAll day1000
Sea horseOctober - MaySeaAll day+1100
snapping turtleOctober - AprilRiver9 am – 4 am5000
Soft shell turtleFebruary MarchRiver16:00 - 9:00 PM3750
SquidJune - FebruarySeaAll day500
String fishJune - SeptemberRiver (Clifftop)16:00 - 9:00 PM15000
sturgeonMarch - SeptemberRiver (Roth)All day10000
suckerfishDecember - MarchSeaAll day1500
surgicalOctober - MaySeaAll day1000
sweetfishJanuary MarchRiverAll day900
tadpoleSeptember - JanuarypondAll day100
TilapiaDecember - AprilRiverAll day800
tunaMay - OctoberpierAll day7000
Whale sharkDecember - MarchSeaAll day13 000
yellow perchApr – SeptemberRiverAll day300
Zebra TurkeyJanuary - May, October - NovemberSeaAll day500
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