Решения LoLdle 23 февраля 2025 (League of Legends)

The LoLdle answers for February 23, 2025, are now available. The challenges posed by LoLdle have garnered considerable attention among fans of League of Legends and puzzle enthusiasts. Participants are required to unravel riddles concerning the various champions featured within the MOBA.

The Quote puzzle from the 962nd edition of LoLdle is as follows:

“That just goes to show you you’re nothin’ but a Whiskey Delta”

Samira, Corki, and other League of Legends LoLdle answers for the 962nd edition (February 23, 2025)

The League of Legends LoLdle answers for February 23, 2025, are as follows:

  • Classic: Samira
  • Quote: Corki
  • Ability: Zed; Bonus: Passive (Contempt for the Weak)
  • Emoji: Amumu
  • Splash Art: Graves; Bonus: Praetorian Graves

Samira is the solution to the Classic LoLdle puzzle from February 23, 2025. The Quote riddle includes a line of dialogue attributed to Corki, a popular choice among ADC players in League of Legends.

Zed’s Passive ability, known as Contempt for the Weak, solves the Ability puzzle, while the Emoji is linked to Amumu. Additionally, the Splash Art section highlights Graves’s Praetorian skin.

Previous League of Legends LoLdle answers

Here are some of the previous League of Legends LoLdle answers:

  • LoLdle 961 (February 22): Akali, Sivir, Soraka, Lee Sin, Shaco
  • LoLdle 960 (February 21): Nocturne, Syndra, Urgot, Xayah, Taric
  • LoLdle 959 (February 20): Yorick, Nautilus, Master Yi, Sejuani, Akshan
  • LoLdle 958 (February 19): K’Sante, Morgana, Alistar, Zilean, Kayle
  • LoLdle 957 (February 18): Kalista, Xayah, Ziggs, Nocturne, Lux
  • LoLdle 956 (February 17): Quinn, Kha’Zix, Zac, Olaf, Ornn
  • LoLdle 955 (February 16): Graves, Dr. Mundo, Nilah, Yorick, Corki
  • LoLdle 954 (February 15): Karthus, Talon, Olaf, Graves, Irelia
  • LoLdle 953 (February 14): Yasuo, Riven, Aphelios, Poppy, Xayah
  • LoLdle 952 (February 13): Nidalee, Gangplank, Shaco, Ezreal, Orianna
  • LoLdle 951 (February 12): Viego, Evelynn, Gangplank, Elise, Malzahar
  • LoLdle 950 (February 11): Leblanc, Singed, Twisted Fate, Yasuo, Renata Glasc
  • LoLdle 949 (February 10): Rengar, Sejuani, Akshan, Tryndamere, Yasuo

The answers to the 963rd edition of LoLdle will be published on February 24, 2025.

Check out more LoL news and updates below:

  • Feats of Strength in LoL
  • Atakhan in LoL Season 15
  • LoL patch 25.S1.4 preview
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