Is Hydrokinesis good in Jujutsu Infinite?

In Jujutsu Infinite, you can make use of a plethora of Innate Techniques for various playstyles, including DPS-focused, status ailment specialist, support class, and more. Among its lineup of Legendary-rarity Innates is Hydrokinesis — an ability set that specializes in inflicting the Wet status effect onto the enemy. However, due to its specialization, it can be difficult to gauge how effective it is in combat.

Let’s explore this Innate Technique in detail and find out how good it is in Jujutsu Infinite and whether you should use it in battle.

Hydrokinesis abilities in Jujutsu Infinite

Гидрокинез в действии (изображение через Roblox)

Hydrokinesis, being a Legendary Innate Technique, has a 2.75% шанс to be obtained through Spins. As mentioned earlier, it is primarily focused on inflicting the Wet status ailment — which slows down the enemy and reduces the damage they deal. This solidifies its status as a designated support-style Innate Technique.

Its moveset includes six unique moves that scale with the Technique stat; the more points you invest in the skill tree, the better its damage becomes. Note that several skills you use with this Innate Technique break guard — which makes it quite valuable for creating openings.

Here are the skills you can use with Hydrokinesis:

  • Tsunami: Chargeable AoE move that covers the area with water. Inflicts Wet status effect.
  • Water Jet: Fires a water beam. Breaks guard. Can be canceled with the Jump button.
  • Piranha Swarm: Summon a swarm of piranhas at the opponent. Inflicts the Wet status effect.
  • Eel Bind: Perform a combo attack with Eels. Breaks guard and inflicts the Wet status effect.
  • Death Swarm: Summon a swarm of vicious fish. Deals bleed damage and inflict the Wet status effect.
  • Domain Expansion: Horizon of the Captivating Skhanda: Transports you and the opponent to a beach. Transforms Death Swarm into an attack that hits everyone within the Domain. Applies the Wet status effect.

Is Hydrokinesis any good?

Используя Цунами (изображение через Roblox)

The effectiveness of Hydrokinesis largely depends on the role you want it to fulfill. As a primary damage-dealing Innate — it is rather lacking — considering there are other Innates in the same rarity that perform better in this role. With the Domain Expansion activated, you may be able to inflict heavy damage using Death Swarm, but the situation can be somewhat niche.

However, it shines when used in conjunction with another technique like Volcano. Their skills complement each other well; Hydrokinesis reduces the opponent’s movement speed and damage dealt — while Volcano applies burn damage. Such combinations can make it an invaluable part of your kit, occupying one or two skill slots for its status effect.


What is the best role for Hydrokinesis Jujutsu Infinite?

As a secondary status effect-focused Innate ability, Hydrokinesis can be quite effective when paired with another Innate like Volcano.

How to get Hydrokinesis in Jujutsu Infinite

Hydrokinesis can be obtained through Innate Technique Spins, through which it has a 2.75% chance to drop.

Can Jujutsu Infinite be played for free?

Да, вы можете бесплатно получить доступ к основным игровым механикам, что делает это игрой free-to-play.

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