Как победить Металлического Риббидона в FANTASIAN Neo Dimension
The Metal Ribbidon in FANTASIAN Neo Dimension is one of the many boss fights you can come across in the Mistwalker RPG. This fight can be triggered during the Act Two of the game by pursuing a side quest, once its prerequisites are met. While this fight isn’t the hardest, it can have a few mechanics at play that wouldn’t be clear at first. You’ll also need a few important attacks in your arsenal to make this fight go smoothly.
Here’s a walkthrough on defeating the Metal Ribbidon in FANTASIAN Neo Dimension.
Metal Ribbidon in FANTASIAN Neo Dimension walkthrough
Unlock the quest
During the second act of the game, you’ll fight the boss in Tan’s Metal Ribbidon quest. However, you’ll need to complete the Kina and Owen quest beforehand to unlock this one. After a conversation with Tan, you’ll need to reach Carmina’s Grave on the Nameless Island. Wait long enough, and the Ribbidon will reveal themself.
The boss
This boss will introduce themself with a humongous health bar consisting of 180,000 hit points. To add to your woes, you’ll only be able to dish out one damage to it. However, there are a few tricks at play here. You’ll need to change its composition to make things work.
You can cool the boss with ice attacks. This will decrease the Ribbidon’s speed, allowing you brief respite that you can use to heal your party or buff them up.
You could use fire attacks, as the hotter they get, the lower their defenses become; remember that this increases their speed, though. Leo should be an essential member if you want a competent damage dealer in your group. Use the icy attacks to reset the battle plan and recuperate your resources. Then, go on the offensive with fire attacks.
Metal Ribbidon in FANTASIAN Neo Dimension only uses one attack, but it is a powerful one, especially if they can hit one party member with it twice. As such, not having a multi-hit or party-hitting move makes them much easier to tackle.
Second half
Once the boss goes below 50% health, they’ll cast Super Buff on themself. This boosts their attack, defense, and speed stats. While this does make them more resilient in the latter half of the fight, your strategy should remain the same.
Furthermore, Ez can be a great support member here. His Quick All ability, along with Defense and Attack Power Up, can make the Ribbidon fight much easier to manage.
Stay focused on the Metal Ribbidon in FANTASIAN Neo Dimension and it will eventually be defeated. The Ribbidon will then provide Tan with the Majestic Lantern, which can dramatically increase his maximum HP.