All Mercenaries in Far Cry New Dawn. Where to Find and How to Unlock?

В Far Cry New Dawn there are eight mercenaries. Some of them can be found in the open world, and some are unlocked during the passage of the story. RT so where can I find them?
After finding the last mercenary, you are automatically awarded the "Closed for Applications" achievement.
Mercenaries in Far Cry New Dawn help the player in battles with enemies and provide the opportunity to carry out resuscitation in case of your death. Each of them has special skills that improve over time. In Far Cry New Dawn, unlike Far Cry 5, only one mercenary can be in a squad. Each mercenary has three skills, the first one is available immediately. The following skills are unlocked after killing a certain number of enemies. If the mercenary takes a critical hit, it falls to the ground. Within a few minutes, you can manage to save him, otherwise you will have to spend resources on his revival.
Carmina Paradise
Karmina is the first mercenary. Available from the very beginning of the game, as soon as you get into Prosperity. Well oriented in open combat, but lacks stealth skills. Do not take her on tasks that you want to complete in stealth mode. Able to throw sticks of dynamite.
Pastor Jerome
You can find Pastor Jerome only after talking with a civilian who will show the way to him! First, of course, you have to complete his task. We deal with the raiders in the camp and free Jerome. Pastor is good at hunting, can throw Molotov cocktails and use incendiary ammo.
Gina Guerra
You can find her by talking to "Shark" Boshaw after you find him and send him to Prosperity. Help Gina on the race track. We destroy the raiders in the cars using explosives. We follow the snipers on the hills. We shoot at the red barrels. We take her to firefights, as she can use explosive ammunition and has an infinite supply of ammo.
You can get the Judge during the passage of the story. It will help in hunting and in covert passage.
Grandma is an excellent sniper. We find her in the east of Hope County, but in order for her to agree to help us, we will have to complete her task. We shoot at targets, then at moving targets, and at the end at balloons flying up into the sky. It remains only to repel the attack of the raiders. It will help a lot with stealth passage.
Herc Drubman Jr.
The most reckless mercenary in the game, who constantly appears in the games of the Far Cry series. We find it on the right side of the map. Talk to him and complete his quest. We need to go into the cave and leave it on a wheelbarrow. You can not stop, because the car is mined. After that, Herc can be taken on the most fun tasks, since he has a grenade launcher.
We learn about Timber from local residents. We find the lair of the raiders and free all the dogs. Timber is very useful when capturing outposts, he can mark all enemies and indicate where valuable loot is.
We find Horatio at the direction of local residents. We deal with the raiders on the farm and free the boar from the barn by shooting the lock. Horatio himself rises when severely wounded and knows how to knock shields out of the hands of enemies.