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Leaked Dendro Reactions Genshin Impact, New Element Combo.

All the attention of the players of Genshin Impact is focused on the Dendro characters, who will arrive at the place with Sumeru in version 3.0. The region itself is dominated by the dendro of the Archon named Lesser Ruler Kusanali.

Dendro is one of the seven elements in Genshin Impact and is drastically different from other elements. Currently, only certain enemies, such as Slimes, Hilichurls, Samachurls, and Mitachurls, can use this element during combat.

However, new dendro reactions recently discovered in the files reveal the principle of the new element and the combo between the elements.

Genshin Impact Leak Reveals Important Detail About Sprawl's Reaction in Genshin Impact

Overdose and Sprawl are two new reactions that occur when Dendro meets Hydro and Electro respectively.

Dendro does not interact with Geo, Crio and Anemo!

The consequences of Overgrowth and Overdose are as follows:

Overdose of Genshin Impact

Overdose (Electro + Dendro)
✦ Drops 1 Electro Particle;
✦ Dendro and Electro damage against enemies increased by 7 seconds.

Sprawl Genshin Impact

Sprawl (Hydro + Dendro)
✦ Drops spores on the ground that turn into mushrooms;
✦ Mushrooms explode when interacting with Hydro and deal AOE damage to Dendro.

Naturally, players have many doubts about the functioning of these new reactions. One such question is, does the Growth reaction affect both the enemy and the player? As it turns out, the reaction does affect both.

Will the Sprawl reaction disappoint Genshin Impact players?

It is important to understand that Overgrown will not affect players every time they do so. Instead, the element works like any other reaction in the game and will only deal damage if the enemy can use Hydro and Dendro together.

This can be a bone of contention for players who will use hydro characters like Xing Qiu, Kokomi, and Barbara against Dendro's enemies because they can apply wet status to themselves or team members through their abilities.

Sprawl should not be taken as an unfair reaction. Taking damage from it is similar to taking electrocharged damage while raining, or taking burning damage while fighting pyro characters in the grass.

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