LoL: It's Time To Go Hunt Because Kindred Is Back In The Meta

League of Legends Update 11.9 is a mid-season Invitational patch that will define the meta of the international tournament.

Kindreads were recently improved not only in patch 11.9, but also in the previous patch 11.7. With a mere 50% win rate in the major pro leagues, the Kindred ranger has only been selected 22 times in the spring.

Two abilities have been buffed in patch 11.7:

Q – Arrow Dance

  • Damage bonus ratio increased from 65% AD to 75% AD.

E – Consuming Horror

  • Cooldown reduced from 16/15/14/13/12 to 14/13/12/11/10 seconds.

Despite this, Riot still believes Kindreds are competitive in the jungle and have made adjustments for "a stronger mid-game power spike". So, in the current patch 11.9, their Q has been buffed again:

Q – Arrow Dance

  • Cooldown reduced from 9 to 8 seconds.
  • Base damage increased from 60/80/100/120/140 to 60/85/110/135/160.

Kindred's Arrow Dance ability has been buffed twice in the last three patches, which is a huge deal. Arrow Dance now scales better and has 20 more base damage at max level.

Most importantly, its cooldown has been reduced by a second along with their devastating E ability, giving Eternal Hunters more options to use them in extended team fights.

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