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Renata Glask League of Legends Guide: Best Runes, Builds, Tips & Tricks

Dangerous support Renata Glask — the outrageous and incredibly arrogant baroness from Zaun is sent in the Summoner's Rift League of Legends. Do you want to know how to play it? We have the best Chembaron guide with the best runes, builds, and tips and tricks for winning the game.

Unlike other champions of this role, a powerful woman prefers to keep her hands clean and solve problems through subordinates and partners. And sometimes even enemy heroes help her cause.

Even though she introduced as support sorcerer - she plays much brighter than other similar champions in her class. Her kit is more about turning enemies against each other and saving her allies that way rather than throwing out big shields and heals.


Riot Games

Renata Glask's philosophy - "the only difference between medicine and poison is the dosage" - is the essence of her kit.

Who is Renata Glask?

Renata Glask is a thief in law from Zaun, the head of the popular company Glasc Industries. Himbaron brings flair and style to the underground city, and her beauty products lift her citizens up as well as hold them firmly in her hands, allowing her to bend them to her will.

In Summoner's Rift, she does just that - but with the enemy team - as a support who can turn the most gullible allies against each other while keeping her team sane.

Abilities and gameplay of Renata Glask

Renata Glask brings a rough touch to the support class in League of Legends with her gameplay. She has a lot of pokes, suspensions and buffs. However, everyone is eyeing this enemy ahead of the final, hostile takeover.

Passive [Pressure Lever]. Renata's auto-attacks place a mark on the enemy and deal additional damage to targets where it is not. An ally can remove the mark with any auto attack or skill if it deals damage.

Renata's passive ability is a bit related to her with Leona or Lux, so the behavior in the lane should be appropriate. We try to cooperate with the shooter more often and remove marks regularly, since the damage from them is serious even at the beginning.

Q [Handshake]. Renata throws a hand forward that damages the first enemy and immobilizes them. With the second press, the heroine will throw the enemy in the chosen direction. If he collides with another character or minion, that one also takes damage, and both targets are stunned.

Renata's key ability, thanks to which you can easily win 2v2 on the botlane or save the shooter from, for example, an assassin. You can use the skill as a simple hook, but it's better to try to push the opponent into one of the allies - this way he will also be caught.

W [Anti-crisis measures]. Renata buffs an ally and increases their movement and attack speed. If the hero participates in the kill, the effect is updated. And if he is killed while the buff is hanging, he will resurrect and be able to return to the battle, but for a few seconds, as his health will rapidly fade. If you kill someone at this moment, then the character will come to life forever.

Another important skill of Renata, which will help in any situation. Try to hang on the allied shooter at the very beginning of the battle so that he immediately comes into battle charged. Otherwise, keep the ability at the ready and rescue teammates who are in an unpleasant situation or are about to die.

W is capable of turning fights around and winning even the most nasty skirmishes. Try to correctly prioritize who exactly to spend the skill on: it is better to throw it at Orianna, who did not have time to ult, than at a tank that has already absorbed all the enemy damage.

E [Loyalty program]. Renata fires two rockets that fly forward and blow up a small area. Enemies are damaged and slowed, and allies are shielded.

Renata's main lane ability. E deals good AoE damage and also slows enemies to make it easier to hit them with Q. Always try to throw the ability so that the missiles pick up the ally as well, then he will die a little later.

R [Change Leadership]. Renata unleashes a wave of poisonous gas that intoxicates opponents and causes them to lash out at allies. Here it is, a new mechanic in League of Legends!

It is best to use the ult in the middle of the battle and as close to the enemy as possible, since the cloud moves very slowly, but has a large range and cast range.

The best assembly for Renata Glask

Renata Glask's best build follows a fairly traditional sorcerer lineage - even if her playstyle is slightly different from other supported League of Legends. Moonstone Renewer is her best Mythic because of the overall healing power, but if you want more damage, an early Imperial Mandate is a great choice.

The Chemtech Putrifier was all the rage in Season 12 and it doesn't stop there. Renata can do this quite easily thanks to her E shield which you max out first, so you can apply it to multiple members of your team. The same goes for Staff of Flowing Water and Ardent Censor, though you should only pick one or the other depending on what your team is (AP for staff, auto-attacks for Ardent).

Once you have boots, Mythic, a support item, and Chemtech, this leaves you with two slots - and one of them will be Control Wards (and eventually Watchful Wardstone). Choose Redemption or Mikael's Blessing as the last item to complete the build. The latter handles hard CC comps just fine, while the former is just generally strong.

Top meta build of Renata Glask in season 12

  • Mythic: Imperial Mandate
  • Boots: Ionic Boots of Enlightenment
  • Support Item: Spell Edge
  • Zhonya's hourglass
  • Blade of the Magic Thief
  • space accelerator

Renata's build is similar to other sorcerer props.

The best runes for Renata Glask

Renata Glask has one runic page that stands out, and it's no wonder she uses Summon: Aery. This gives her a bit more power in the lane to match some of the other enchanters, and also boosts her shield.

Manaflow Band can help with some of her mana issues, while Transcendence allows her to scale and really make the most of her level 11 power spike.

While Summon: Aery is her most flexible page, Renata Glask has room to control the Guardian if faced with more assassins. Just grab Font of Life, Bone Plating, Revitalize and then Biscuit Delivery and Time Warp Tonic in the Inspiration tree for your secondary runes.

The best meta runes of Renata Glask in season 12

Renata Glask skins in League of Legends

Renata Glask may be a sorcerer support with a twist, but she's a big threat on Summoner's Rift. The ability to turn enemies against each other with her ultimate goal is formidable and sets her apart from others in her class.

With these top Renata tips and tricks, you should be on your way to the top.

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