Fortnite Description Update 9.10



Hot Spots Randomly selected areas on the map that drop more loot and increase the chance of dropping supplies! 09BR_Social_LootCarriers_Social.jpg



Only sniper rifles. Enemies that are shot are eliminated immediately. May the best player win!


The classic Battle Royale mode with a limited set of weapons removed from the standard modes.


Close combat with shotguns and jetpacks!


  • shadow bombs
    • Shadow bomb drop chance in buildings reduced from .835% to .677%.
    • The chance to find Shadow Bomb in chests has been reduced from 4.65% to 3.98%.
    • Drop amount reduced from 3 to 2.
      • Since players often use Shadow Bombs late in the match, we decided to change the risk/benefit ratio of obtaining this item. We left the maximum supply the same, but reduced the chance of the bomb being spawned: its effectiveness was preserved, but saving space in the inventory for the shadow bomb in the early stages of the match became more risky.
  • Semi-automatic sniperintro is back in the game
    • Can be found in vending machines, chests and buildings.
      • The Thermal Sight Rifle and the Scoped Revolver were recently retired, so we decided this week to bring back one old but cool weapon that's great for mid to long range combat.
  • Rare combat rifle
    • The chance to find a Rare Combat Rifle in buildings has been reduced from 2.015% to 1.409%.
    • Drop chance in chests reduced from 2.183% to 1.846%.
      • This variant of the Combat Shotgun was more likely to be found than other rare weapons. We have made changes, and now the gun comes across with the same frequency as its counterparts.
Corrected mistakes
  • Guided explosives now move following the opening and closing of the doors they are placed on.
  • Attempting to discard part of a set of consumable items no longer interrupts their use.
  • Shadow bombs now disappear from the player's inventory after all charges are used up.
  • Shadow bombs now disappear if the player quickly picks up another item during activation, as intended.
  • Combat Rifle damage is now correctly reduced when shooting at environmental objects.
  • Using a pocket rift at the same time as balloons no longer causes players to be unable to move.
  • The bush now properly attaches to players when playing animations (e.g. while jumping).
  • Fixed a bug that caused unpredictable results when using the Pistol Pistol while crouched.
  • Now the sound of the fans correctly stops after they are destroyed.
  • Boogie Bombs now properly prevent affected players from free-falling.
  • Fixed camera errors that occurred after exiting a mounted turret.


  • Introducing hotspots!
    • In each match, from 1 to 3 unique districts will appear on the map, the names of which are marked with golden letters.
      • These are "hotspots" that mark the places where cargo drones are present. Shoot them down to get additional high quality weapons.
        • There is a 2% chance of having 25 hotspots
        • There is a 3% chance of having 5 hotspots
      • Cargo drones
        • Cargo Drones drop rare weapons (and better) along with two ammo packs.
        • In hot spots, depending on the size of the area, from 12 to 16 cargo drones will appear.
  • Improved responsiveness when the player first selects a blueprint to start building.
  • The crosshair icon is now visible during long jumps, which allows you to put more accurate marks on the map.
Corrected mistakes
  • In some cases, players were unable to leave the vehicle.
  • Fixed an issue where the auto-switching material feature would interrupt turbo building if the expected amount of material wasn't calculated quickly enough.
  • Updated the environment and cozy campfire collision algorithm to allow players to walk over campfires.
  • Players can no longer fire or reload weapons while reviving a comrade after being severely wounded.
  • Sims will now no longer leave air trails if they fall from a bus directly into an air pipe.


Corrected mistakes

  • Fixed streaming regression bugs introduced with update 9.0. This should greatly improve building load times and make it less likely that players will land on a model with a low level of detail.
  • Reduced stutter shortly after landing, especially on lower spec devices (e.g. Switch).


  • Improved enemy jump sounds.
  • Decreased the amount of time before activating dive sounds to help players identify danger by hearing.
  • Increased the volume of footsteps and landing sounds for nearby enemies that are out of the player's line of sight.
  • The pickaxe sounds of other players at short distances are now more spatially bound.
  • Added a clearer confirmation sound to the enemy when editing a building within about two squares of your position.
  • Players caught in an air tube no longer hear the hang glider sound.
  • You will now hear music accompanying your gestures, even if several other players perform music-accompanied gestures near you.
  • Now you will hear the music accompanying your gestures in stereo.
  • Added a new sound that plays when an enemy's shield breaks and a headshot occurs.
  • Reduced the airspeed required to play a special landing sound.
Corrected mistakes
  • Footsteps on the edge of a construct now have the correct footstep sounds for the appropriate material.
  • Enemy pickaxe sounds now correctly come from where the pickaxe hit, rather than from the enemy itself.
  • The Thunderbolt bow sound no longer cuts out if the player switches weapons immediately after firing.
  • Firing sounds no longer lower the volume of building sounds.
  • The game no longer mutes certain important sounds while using a pickaxe.


  • The "Return to Lobby" menu item has been replaced with the "Leave Match" option.
  • The text color for shield damage has been changed. The game now uses the earlier version of the increased contrast again.
    • We wanted to make the shield state more visible after a hit, but the red color gave players the wrong impression that they were taking more damage than they really were.
Corrected mistakes
  • Group leaders who leave their squad match can create a new match and move the entire squad into it.


Corrected mistakes
  • Focus no longer changes when watching a server replay during the battle bus phase.
  • Watching live streams while boarding the battle bus will no longer cause players to be replaced.


We've noticed that iOS updates have been delayed in the App Store lately. Apple says it can take up to 24 hours for any app to appear in the store. If the update does not appear, check our social media pages for details.
  • The UI is no longer displayed during respawn.
  • We've improved the user interface by adding a Sign Out button to the following screens:
  • Create a squad in the lobby
  • Sandbox match settings
  • Event Screen
  • Vibration options will no longer appear in the settings menu if you're playing on a device that doesn't support this feature.
Corrected mistakes
  • Player ammo counts are now displayed correctly for all languages.
  • The mini-map is now displayed correctly in temporary game modes for large squads.
  • Improved audio quality when using a Bluetooth headset.
  • The loading bar no longer fills backwards.
  • The creative game start widget no longer covers the inventory shortcut bar.
  • The button to enable moving through objects in creative mode is now displayed correctly.
  • The frame rate counter is now displayed correctly on curved screens.
  • Emote sounds now play fully on Nintendo Switch.
  • Fixed bugs related to the use of the scope.
    • Crosshairs no longer stay on screen while changing weapons.
    • The player's field of view can no longer be flipped while aiming.



Fortnite x Jordan  Play New York style in Air Jordan's Extreme Walk LTM, created with NotNellaf and Tollmolia, as you jump, glide through the city streets and collect coins to win! Turn the tide of the match with the Victory Throw Bundle! Get new outfit styles for the Reach and Nike, as well as a unique set of challenges. 09BR_LTM_DowntownDrop_Social_Announce_1920x1080.jpg Gloomy Hills Packs Create mysterious and ominous islands with Gloomy Hills prefabricated elements and sets! RU_09CM_Theme_HauntedHillsThemeAssets_Social-.jpg


  • Creative Islands now appear on both the fullscreen and minimap.
Corrected mistakes
  • Players can now change the island slot in their personal rift even after visiting an island with high memory requirements.


  • New parameter "Fastest win"
    • The win time in each round sets a new time limit in the following rounds.
    • After all rounds, the team that wins the fastest wins.
  • Added time limit: 6, 7, 8, 9 and 12 minutes.
Corrected mistakes
  • Teams that lose in a round are no longer declared winners.
  • Players now correctly respawn at spawn points or checkpoints instead of in the air.
  • Music in the lobby after a victory will no longer play in a circle.
  • Players no longer need to tap certain buttons twice to perform certain controller actions.
  • The Team Parameters and Inventory device will now issue weapons even after switching teams.
  • Floor traps are now removed along with the floor supporting them, even if a ramp is built over them.
  • The pickaxe swing is now interrupted if the player takes out the phone.
  • Many items on recommended islands no longer display twitchy.
  • Creatures can now walk through the Jungle Temple Arches.
  • The owner of the island is no longer considered an automatic winner of the game if he ends it with more health than opponents.
  • Now the winner is determined in accordance with the first indicator of the rating table, and not with the overall final score.


Corrected mistakes
  • Barrier devices can now be selected and removed using the phone.
  • The "Old School" and "Quick Build" control schemes now work correctly when using a phone.
  • When rotating an item using the phone, the axis is now visible.
  • Players can now select a phone during the customization process on the Switch console.
  • Players can no longer destroy holographic screens without permission from the island owner.


  • Added 6 new prefabs
    • Gloomy Hills: a terrible tomb
    • Gloomy Hills: Gloomy Ruins
    • Gloomy Hills: abandoned dwelling
    • Gloomy Hills: house on the hill
    • pirate fort
    • tomato pyramid
  • Added 5 new sets
    • Gloomy Hills Pack
    • Gloomy Hills Object Set
    • Gloomy Hills Nature Set
    • Tomato pyramid object set
    • The catacomb floor set, which includes catacomb floors with dirt and dust.
  • Added items to the set of indestructible objects
    • More indestructible wall options
    • Indestructible floor cells
    • Indestructible volcanic rocks
    • Indestructible aerial platform
    • Indestructible basketball hoop from Towers of the Future
Corrected mistakes
  • The basketball hoop from the Towers of the Future set has been replaced with a destructible version, and the indestructible version has been moved to the indestructible object set.
  • The Destroyed Stores item has been renamed to Don't Worry Insurance Agency.
  • Grass no longer shows through piles of debris from the Burnt Set.
  • The following items no longer disappear when copying and pasting them: Chinatown Roof Corner, Arctic Base Hangar Roof, and Hangar Roof Frame.
  • The carpet in the mansion now has a collision area, like all other items from the set.
  • The size of the objects in the Towers of the Future set has been increased in size during the preview.
  • Diner on the corner of the insurance agency "Don't worry!" (formerly known as Broken Stores) can now be copied and pasted.
  • Elements of parkour sets and factory walls now correctly fit into frames when previewing.
  • War Lights Pack items no longer appear as black bars when viewed from behind on mobile devices.


  • Sliding device added to the game
    • Allows players to glide across any surface, releasing bright sparks from under their feet.
      • Effect Duration: 3 seconds, 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 20 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes, 5 minutes, unlimited (default duration: 3 seconds)
      • Cancel Effect on Gain: On, Off (default: off). If the setting is set to "On" and the player is already using a glide device, taking this buff will instantly cancel the effect.
      • Pickup Radius: On Touch, 0,25, 0,5, 0,75, 1, 1,5, 2, 2,5, 3, 3,5, 4, 4,5, 5 (Default: On Touch)
      • Respawn time: never, 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 15 seconds, 20 seconds, 25 seconds, 30 seconds, 45 seconds, 1 minute, 1,5 minutes, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 4 minutes, 5 minutes (default: 15 seconds)
  • A device that changes color cells has been added to the game
    • A decorative floor tile that changes color to match the team color of the player who stepped on it.
    • Initial command: none, 1-16 (default: none)
    • Time to reset: determines how soon the tile returns to its original color.
      • Never, 1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds, 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 20 seconds, 30 seconds, 40 seconds, 50 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 4 minutes, 5 minutes, 6 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour (default: 1 second).
    • Score: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 100, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000
    • Subtract points: yes, no
  • Added additional settings for the explosive device.
    • Time to Explosion (from game start): Off, 3 minutes, 4 minutes, 6 minutes, 7 minutes, 8 minutes, 9 minutes, 12 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes (Default: Off)
    • Delay: The duration of the delay before the explosion when the detonator fires after the target approaches (in seconds).
      • Settings: Off, 1 Second, 2 Seconds, 3 Seconds, 4 Seconds, 5 Seconds, 10 Seconds, 20 Seconds, 30 Seconds, 1 Minute (Default: Off)
  • Added additional settings for the capture device
    • Player Capture: Allows players to score points by staying inside the capture zone.
      • On, off (default: off)
      • Each player: each player in the capture zone earns points for the team.
      • Only one player per team: Only one player earns points for a team, regardless of how many other members of that team are in the capture zone with him.
    • By time: the player earns points for the team for each period of time spent in the capture zone.
      • 1 second, 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute, 5 minutes, 10 minutes (default: 1 second)
  • Added additional settings for pinball bumpers
    • Repulsion force: very high
  • Added additional settings for a set of collectibles
  • Added new items: Amber Pyramid, Blue Pyramid, Top Hat, Shoes, Basketball.
    • Coin Items: Allows you to change the type of pickup item without having to remove it and place it again.
    • Ambient Sounds: On, Off (default: on)
    • Selection rules
      • For Self: Picked up coin disappears for the player who picked it up, but remains for everyone else (default).
      • For the team: the picked up coin disappears for the team of the player who picked it up, but remains for the other teams.
      • Everyone: The raised coin disappears for all players.
  • Added additional settings for a set of targets.
    • 3 new items have been added to the target set: cylinder, cube, sphere
    • Visibility during the game: on, off. (default: on)
  • Added additional settings for the item generator
    • Auto Pickup on the Move: Determines if an item can be picked up by simply running or driving over it instead of using the interaction button.
      • On, off (default: off)
    • Item Visibility: allows you to change the size and height of the item image to make it more visible (especially at long distances).
      • 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x (default: 1x)
  • Added additional settings for managing creatures
    • Environmental damage: none
    • Account: missing
Corrected mistakes
  • Barrier devices now display correctly when standing next to them before the start of a match.
  • The knockback effect of pinball flippers now triggers after the first collision.
  • You can now set a resource limit in the Team Settings & Inventory device settings. This setting is called "Max. number of resources.
  • It is no longer necessary for the player to die to change the "Very Low" gravity setting in the Team Options & Inventory device settings.


  • An option has been added to the interface settings menu that allows you to enable or disable the display of the round winner and the current score table in game modes with rounds.
  • Added a new screen that shows the winner of the game.
Corrected mistakes
  • You can now see the Island Map for Battle Royale in Creative Mode.
  • The friends list panel is now displayed on iOS.
  • Players can no longer open the main menu after opening the social bar and scoreboard screen at the same time.
  • Now the button for moving through objects is also visible on mobile devices.
  • Server time is no longer displayed while playing.
  • The game start widget no longer covers the Inventory Quick Bar on mobile devices.
  • The results screen at the end of a round now shows the result of all rounds.




space rocks Dense clouds with a chance of meteorites! In this new War Game, a good meteor shower will not leave your base stone unturned. 09StW_Wargames_Social_SpaceRocks.jpg Tyrannosaurus Jonesy Trample the Husks with the superhuman strength and fury of this new soldier! 09StW_DinosaurSoldier_Social.jpg


New Variation of War Games: Space Rocks
  • In this new "War Game", meteorites occasionally fall on your base.
  • Players will have to deal with a shower of small meteorites and a massive meteorite at the end of each wave. Don't forget to shoot them down on the approach or build yourself a shelter!
  • This new simulation in War Games will allow you to get some more event tickets and a new flag, as well as add variety to the daily quests.
Corrected mistakes
  • UI buttons will no longer display incorrectly on the building during the Evacuate Shelter mission.
  • At the end of the event, event tickets in the X-Ray Llama interface are correctly replaced with tickets for the next event.
  • The UI now properly displays the items and tutorials you receive as a result of the conversion.
    • Note: as a result of the conversion, the player never received tutorials and projects in the standard ratio of 1/4/9 for scrapping the item, although these values ​​were always displayed due to a UI bug.
    • Each player who used the transformation after the release of update 7.40 will receive a gift box. In it you will find the missing tutorials that were displayed in the conversion interface.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from starting the 10th Storm Shield Defense mission in Canny Valley.


  • The description of the reward in the WarGames UI for the Lynch Peaks zone has been changed from "Rare Upgrade" to "Upgrade" to make it clear to players that the rarity of rewards in this zone can vary.
Corrected mistakes
  • All mission modifier lists now correctly display the exact number of mission modifiers.
    • Previously lists only showed 4 modifiers even if 5 or more were active.
  • Now the scroll bar in the utilizer interface works correctly when using a gamepad.
  • Frequently pressing the "Repeat" button no longer causes the dialogue to repeat when receiving a reward.
  • The Arsenal tab is no longer flagged with an exclamation point if there are unviewed or locked items left in the Transform Menu or Collection Book.
  • The minimap no longer appears opaque until Ray's line before the start of the mission.
  • Navigating menu items now works correctly after deselecting a mission with a controller.
  • Players will no longer get stuck on the Expedition Rewards screen when attempting to claim them while in matchmaking or while in an active lobby.
  • Fixed an issue that caused story event windows to expand and freeze while playing on consoles.


  • Fixed slowdown in the game (including in the situations listed below).
    • Opening the Expedition Window or Squad Slot Menu
    • Adding a hero to the layout
    • Selecting Items on the Conversion Screen
    • Using the Experience Booster
    • Gadget Improvement
  • Improved client loading to improve performance while playing.
  • Improved the algorithm for collecting game data: this should make it easier to detect the causes of performance degradation in the future.


  • A new Hero has arrived in the Event Store! Tyrannosaurus Jonesy enters the battlefield!
    • Standard skill: "Might of the Lizard"
      • Every second, increases the damage of your next ranged weapon hit by 3% from your current health.
    • Commander Skill: Raptor Might+
      • Every second, increases the damage of your next ranged weapon hit by 9% from your current health.
    • Available in the Event Store on May 23 at 03:00 AM PT.
Corrected mistakes
  • BASE constructors no longer apply to fragments of destroyed buildings.
  • Placing ROSI near non-contact mines no longer causes them to explode.
  • Shockwave no longer consumes stamina and does not require cooldown if interrupted.
  • Layout no longer deals damage to allies after using "Your Move, Freak".
  • Phase Overtake now grants the full amount of movement speed.
  • Onslaught no longer targets friendly players and NPCs.
  • Shock Tower now also hits enemies behind low walls.
  • Shockwave animation now completes correctly.
  • The cooldown of the BEAR ability is now correctly calculated when using it with less than 60 energy left.
  • The video effects of the Necessity Will Force skill now disappear when changing weapons while on cooldown.
  • The health absorption effect of the "Hunting Sense" skill now only properly applies to melee attacks.
  • Armor Piercing Attack no longer goes through BEARS.
  • Phase Consume no longer restores health when passing through allies.
  • Phase Consume now correctly displays the amount of health restored when selected as a Commander skill.
  • Black Corsair's Seastorm Cannon no longer damages the Storm King multiple times.
  • Traveler's abilities now properly have cooldowns reduced when used with 1 Fragment Charge.


Corrected mistakes
  • Cozy Campfire durability now regenerates upon loading at the end of War Games/Storm Shield Defense missions.


Corrected mistakes
  • Traps now reset to their original durability at the end of War Games and Storm Shield Defense missions if they end in defeat.
    • Note: We are working on a similar solution for trap durability after successfully completing missions.
  • Players are now considered eliminated after falling off the edge of the map while defending the Storm Shield in Plankerton.
  • Objects can now be created without long delays.
  • The "Create and Place in Slot" command now correctly places an item in a slot after it has been created.


  • The sound of Mist Pods being destroyed now plays correctly in War Games.



Corrected mistakes
  • Fixed an issue on the settings screen that caused all sliders to appear half as short as they should.
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