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Death Stranding: Master Mechanics Guide

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Journey survival is a big part of what Death Stranding is all about, daring players to keep their balance and endure BT attacks to deliver the precious cargo. Here are some great tips to help you get the job done.

Deliveries and open world travel

  • Even menacing looking mountains can be crossed by zigzagging up (even on a bike) and setting up a ladder here and there (which can be used to scale steep snowy landscapes, for example).
  • ➤There are often at least a few cargo pieces lying next to a node that must be transported back to that point. This is an easy way to get some of the benefits of a knot with relatively little effort or by traveling a long distance.
  • ➤Before traveling for delivery, check the weather report and if any online players have posted signs regarding potential BT activity. If it looks relatively clear, you can skip, for example, using anti-tank grenades, and thereby take on less weight from the very beginning. This gives you more freedom of movement and the ability to take on foot cargo.
  • ➤Before you cross the river, ping your Odradek. It will show you the depth of the river (blue, yellow, red) and if there are any amazing drops (red) where you could take a dip. Also, go upstream against the current while holding triggers to prevent drifting downstream.
  • ➤Creating specific preppers to get specific types of elements. Preparers like the engineer can provide valuable items like skeletons that give you stability, speed, and strength. 
  • ➤Some purchase orders require you to deliver multiple quantities of the same material. Check the Order Details tab, because often you can deliver only part of the cargo and still get a decent reward. This allows you to still complete the mission without having to carry all 12 order crates, for example.
  • ➤Don't forget to build battery recharging stations and roads as you go (take the PCC at the beginning of your journey). Some routes work well and you will need infrastructure for subsequent deliveries.
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  • ➤When you have all your travel gear, be sure to press the triangle to automatically sort your cargo into the best configuration so your weight is most evenly distributed. The exception is when you need to make sure that a particular order item is flat or in your hand, for example. Also, keep in mind that items attached to your suit won't fall off if you fall.
  • ➤Have a supply of private lockers with basic equipment like ladders and anchors when you go. You can fast travel between the nodes of the chiral network, but you cannot transport any cargo between them. This way, if you get to the place you were before quickly, you can make sure you have gear like ladders and gore ready for you in a private locker when you get there.
  • Make sure you attach Blood Packs to your pouch in the cargo management menu, then go to the radial d-pad menu and equip them to keep a constant flow when you need them most in combat.
  • ➤In general, one ladder and one rope are needed for most deliveries, and they give you enough extra space and weight to pick up cargo along the way.
  • ➤Always check the common locker for an item before crafting said item. This will save the node from using resources.
  • Backpack mods such as bags for additional equipment are available in private rooms and not in the normal node menu where you get missions and craft equipment.
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The battle

  • ➤Odradek points and rotates in the general direction of BT.
  • ➤During BT fights, I like to use grenades in front of weapons because the grenade blast radius clears the bits coming out of the ground. I aim it at my feet or wherever I'm going so that the explosion radius is as large as possible. Different grenades have different effects, such as themed grenades that have a longer smoke volume.
  • ➤During big fights, I like to drop most of my equipment not immediately needed for the fight (like ladders, PCCs, etc.) so I have room for the blood and weapons I'll need during the fight itself. The rest of the equipment can be picked up at the end of the battle.
  • ➤Also remember to spill used equipment such as weapons with ammo or empty blood bags. This prevents you from overworking yourself during a fight.
  • If your BT fight escalates and you're dragged down river and mud into a bigger BT encounter, you don't need to beat it right away. Keep moving and climbing among the buildings and rocks and you might survive long enough for him to fall behind.
  • ➤During fights with BT, I like to get out of the car I'm traveling in, because BTs will stop your car and get you out anyway (at this time you will drop your equipment). So I better prepare for the attack.
  • Many mule camps can be run through if you have enough stamina to keep going.

Do you get your own tips while playing the game? Please add them in the comments section below.

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