Пять лучших функций и изменений в снимке Minecraft 25w05a

Minecraft snapshot 25w05a introduces a host of new features to the game, such as cow variants, the firefly bush, and more. The experimental build also makes an array of modifications to existing mechanics to improve the gameplay experience for players.

This article lists the five best features and changes in Minecraft snapshot 25w05a.

What are the best features and changes in Minecraft snapshot 25w05a?

1) Cow variants

Minecraft snapshot 25w05a introduces two new variants to one of the oldest mobs in the game (Image via Mojang Studios)

One of the highlights of Minecraft snapshot 25w05a is the introduction of two new variants for the cow, one of the oldest mobs in the game. The warm and cold variants add to the ever-expanding list of creatures and their types in the game. While the cold cow can be found in cooler biomes, the warm variant is located in places like the desert and the plateau.

The spawning of these cow variants is similar to the different types of pigs that were introduced in the previous snapshot. However, it must be noted that these bovine creatures drop the same loot and XP as the regular (temperate) mob.

2) Firefly bush

The firefly bush is perhaps one of the coolest features introduced in the latest Minecraft snapshot (Image via Mojang Studios)

The firefly bush is yet another highlight of the Minecraft snapshot 25w05a. The new decorative block spawns fireflies in a radius of a few surrounding blocks and can be found near swamps or rivers. Despite not being introduced as a mob, this addition appeases the millions of players who awaited its arrival.

The firefly was first teased in Minecraft Live 2021 but was later scrapped. This was because some variants of fireflies are poisonous to frogs, essentially affecting the harmony of the flora and fauna in the game. The new block’s addition makes fans of these light-emitting critters happy without affecting the global balance in-game.

3) New ambient sounds for desert and badlands

The snapshot adds new ambient sounds for desert and badlands biomes, increasing the immersiveness (Image via Mojang Studios)

Minecraft snapshot 25w05a introduces custom sounds and ambient noises for the desert and badlands biomes, enhancing the immersiveness of the world. The update adds sounds for sand, red sand, and terracotta of any color — playing sounds when surrounded by any of them on at least three sides eight blocks away.

Additionally, the dead bush blocks have a chance of playing ambient sounds when placed on top of two blocks of sand, red sand, or terracotta. These new auditory effects greatly enhance players’ experiences when traversing these biomes, making it one of the best features of Minecraft snapshot 25w05a.

4) Bush

The latest snapshot introduces bushes and expands the list of decorative blocks in-game (Image via Mojang Studios)

The bush is yet another block introduced as part of Minecraft snapshot 25w05a. It can be found in small patches across biomes such as plains, windswept hills, forests, and more.

Помимо того, что куст служит визуальным улучшением дизайна мира, его также можно использовать в компостере в качестве компостного материала для создания костной муки. Если использовать костную муку на этом блоке, рядом с существующим блоком появится соседний куст, который можно выращивать для декоративных или функциональных целей.

5) Обновление маяков

Маяки претерпели кардинальные изменения в снимке Minecraft 25w05a (Изображение от Mojang Studios)

Еще одной интересной особенностью снимка Minecraft 25w05a стало кардинальное обновление работы маяков, одного из самых важных блоков в игре. В рамках этих изменений маяки и их лучи теперь могут отображаться за пределами 16 чанков до дистанции отображения клиента.

Кроме того, луч становится толще, чем дальше от него находится игрок, что обеспечивает улучшенную видимость. Обновление также удваивает вертикальную дистанцию отображения — луч теперь отображается до высоты в 2048 блоков, вместо предыдущих 1024.

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