4 лучших ресурса для новичков

Mining is a core gameplay feature in Minecraft. When new players first enter the sandbox title’s world, they might be clueless about what to do. However, they will soon realize that gathering resources is the name of the game in the beginning. While getting wood blocks and other flora is simple, things might get tricky as they start exploring caves. They will find a lot of different stone blocks, including ores that they will try to mine.
This article lists four resources that are extremely useful for beginners.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer’s opinion.
Список из 4 отличных ресурсов, которые новичкам следует найти в Minecraft
1) Coal

Coal is one of the most important minerals that beginners can mine. It is found at almost every Y level and can be mined with a stone pickaxe or above.
Coal is the primary fuel beginners use in furnaces to smelt items. One coal ore can drop one coal if mined with an unenchanted pickaxe. One coal item can smelt up to eight items in a normal furnace.
Coal is also important since it is needed to craft torches, which both beginners and experts use frequently.
Coal ore is most commonly found at Y level 96. It is also consistently common above Y level 136.
2) Iron

Iron is the first major earth mineral that beginners should try to obtain in Minecraft. It can be used to craft tools, weapons, and a player’s first set of proper armor.
After obtaining iron, beginners can feel more confident entering larger caves and fighting stronger enemies. Iron can also be used to craft items like an anvil, bucket, rails, etc.
Iron is so important for every player that some even create iron farms using villagers and iron golems. Even when beginners progress and obtain diamonds and netherite, they will continue to feel the need for iron.
Iron is most commonly found at Y level 232. Between Y level -8 and -56, the game generates massive iron ore veins that rarely form. Mining these veins can yield stacks of raw iron.
3) Copper

Copper is a common earth mineral that beginners will quickly find after entering a new world in Minecraft. At least for new players, it is a great building block that can be used to craft doors, trapdoors, blocks, slabs, grates, and more. Hence, players do not need to mine stones; they can build their first base using normal planks and cobblestones.
Copper can also be used to craft useful tools like brushes, lightning rods, and spyglasses. However, it is worth mentioning that copper is not as useful as coal and iron.
Медь обычно находится на уровне Y 48. Жилы меди могут также образовываться между уровнями Y 48 и 0. Руда меди немного чаще встречается в биоме пещер из каменной глыбы.
4) Алмаз

Самой важной рудой, которую начинающие игроки должны найти как можно скорее, являются, пожалуй, алмазы.
Алмазы — редкие минералы Земли, которые находятся глубоко под землей Верхнего мира. Когда игроки прокачиваются с железа на алмазы, прочность их инструментов, оружия и доспехов значительно увеличивается.
После создания предметов из алмазов начинающие игроки будут чувствовать себя еще увереннее, входя в более опасные места в игре. Алмазы достаточно прочны, чтобы защитить игроков от сильных атак и урона, с которыми они могут столкнуться в Мире Тьмы.
Алмазы обычно находятся примерно на уровне Y -56, но даже тогда их трудно найти. Лучший способ добыть алмазы — это разработка разветвленной шахты на этом уровне Y.