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The Outer Worlds: Peril on Gorgon - How to Unlock All Achievements (Achievements)


Our guide contains 100% of the achievements in the expansion Peril on Gorgon for the game The Outer Worlds

  • ➤Difficulty of achievements: 5/10
  • ➤Number of achievements: 48
  • ➤Estimated time to get all achievements: 30-40 hours
  • ➤Minimum number of passes for 100%: 2
  • ➤Missable Achievements: Stronger Than the Sword, Ludwig Was Right,
    "Sunburn", "Unexpected Union", "The Destiny of the Monarch", "All for One".
  • Does difficulty affect achievements: Yes
  • ➤Non-Clickable/Glitchy Achievements: Not seen


The Outer Worlds
Complete The Outer Worlds on any difficulty.

High complexity
Complete The Outer Worlds on Hard difficulty.

Complete The Outer Worlds in supernova mode.
On this difficulty, the ability to save is disabled and there is no fast travel (can only be used when moving to a ship). But still, you can save at almost any moment, move to the ship, the game will create an autosave at the point where you were.

The game can be easily sped up in an hour, plus or minus. The main thing is to do everything as in the video below, including setting up the character in the first minutes and distributing skill points. Otherwise, some shortcuts will be unavailable, including skipping the last boss fight.


These achievements will automatically unlock as you progress through the storyline...

Welcome to Alcyone!

free flight

Fish in muddy water

Paradise in space

pitch hell

Lost and found

Pirate radio

What a twist

"Sublight" at the end of the tunnel

Secret and skippable

These achievements contain a fraction of the plot information. Do not read the section if you do not want to know the turning points of the storyline ahead of time!

An unexpected union
Conclude a truce between the iconoclasts and the MSI.
When meeting the two leaders of the iconoclasts, you need to support the lady. In this case, she will agree to negotiate with Sanji, the leader of the MSI.

In order for Sanji to negotiate, be sure to read his description in the TEMPLE (an optional part of the quest "where the BOLT is placed"). After that, the required answer option will appear in the negotiation dialog. If you missed it, you can run to read it.

The fate of the Monarch
Win the Battle of Stellar Bay.
The opposite of the Unexpected Alliance achievement. However, it is easier here, it is not necessary to support the lady. It is enough to decide to whom to give the weapon from the fallen ship.

Tooth Fairy
Rescue the recipe for the world's greatest diet toothpaste.
A side quest called "Distress Signal". Get on the trailblazer from Gladys.
To get an achievement agree with a bandit (or kill), convince her to hand over the documents, then return them to Anton.
  • Do not sell documents to Gladys. You won't get the achievement for this turn.

Stronger than a sword
Finally save Edgewater.
The opposite of achievement "Ludwig was right".
Mission: Stranger in a foreign land. Redirect power from bio. laboratories on Edgewater.
Mission: "And here comes the power." Convince Thomas and Grace to return to Edgewater. We leave Reed in charge.
We fly to the pioneer, we speak with Udom Bedford, we hand over Wells to him. He asks to return the seal to us, it is at Gladys (breaks open the safe and convinces us to leave the dialogue about the theft). We turn in the quest and get Sophia's contact.
Sophia gives the quest "Woman without a face" for its completion gives an achievement "Cartographer". We fly to the monarch, in the machine guns you can take armor and weapons. All enemies run through to Stellar Bay. In the city we kill Sanzhar Nandi and run away to the iconoclasts, where we kill Gram Brian. We complete the “Signal point in space”. During the quest "Far Distances" we get an achievement.

Ludwig was right
Destroy Edgewater with robots.
Before passing the quest "Signal point in space" we save. After passing and getting this achievement, we load up and fly to Edgewater, and a couple of people. The main thing is not everyone. We fly back to Sofia and get the quest to destroy Edgewater for the "Ludwig was right" achievement. Where to transfer the energy does not matter.

The birth of a star
Play the lead role in Odeon Pictures.
Film agent Maverick Johnston is one of the first NPCs to meet you in Byzantium. Accept his invitation to shoot and go to the studio, where (brilliant, of course) play the proposed scene.

Deal with the cartographer.
We fly to the pioneer, we speak with Udom Bedford, we hand over Wells to him. He asks to return the seal to us, it is at Gladys (breaks open the safe and convinces us to leave the dialogue about the theft). We turn in the quest and get Sophia's contact. Sophia gives the quest "Woman without a face" for its completion gives an achievement "Cartographer"

Jump on the Hope into the sun.
To get the achievement, the “stupid” variant must be available
Start the game with low intelligence. On a supernova lack of water (drink alcohol) and sleep, it lowers intelligence, the hangover from Adrenatime will also help, stacks up to 3 times

For Adrenatime's Hangover Stupefy option, Supernova is not needed, nor is it necessary to start the game with low intelligence. To go from “high” to “below average”, you need four inhalers, applied with a difference of 15 seconds (after a successful use, one syringe icon appears (adds) in the upper left corner)

A good suit
Wear the Good Hat along with the Chimera.
A difficult achievement for one simple reason - if during the execution of the Sublight quests you opened fire on the soldiers of the VOK corporation at an abandoned station, then the path to Byzantium is ordered for you. That's where you need to go to complete the quest.
  • A good hat is lying in the church in ruins near Stellar Bay on Monarch (go south).
  • ➤In order to get the Chimera costume, you need to fly to Byzantium and go to a fashion boutique near the estate area. Take a task from the character, during which you will need to find three sets of armor (iconoclasts, marauders, spacers, some of them can be safely bought on the Monarch or the Pioneer, or knocked out. namely the clothes of spacemen (read the descriptions!)
After that, on the same Monarch, you can immediately purchase from Sebastian 1 beetle shell chitin and 3 raptidon side skins. After that, on Scylla, you need to collect 10 parts of the skin (not the skin) of the primitive and bring everything to the store in Byzantium. Then you will be sent to receive the parcel, there is nothing complicated there. At the end of the quest, you get a Chimera, put it on with a hat - woo-a-la, your achievement.


Best Friend
Hire a partner.
During the assignment "Stranger in a Strange Land" you will arrive in Edgewater, where you will talk to the local head, who will give you a partner to load Parvati.

One for all
Recruit all partners.
  • ➤Parvati. At the very beginning of the game, in Edgewater. Joins during the main quest.
  • ➤Max. At Edgewater Church. Joins after you find a heretical book for him.
  • ➤Felix. Found at the Landing Pad of the Pioneer. Will be waiting for you at the ramp when you decide to leave the station.
  • ➤Ellie. In the hospital on the Pioneer. It is necessary to solve the problem with the debt of her friend, after which Ellie will join the team.
  • ➤Nyoka. At the bar on the Monarch. She will go with you when you get her a hangover.
  • ➤S.E.M. In the pantry near the crew quarters on the Hopeless. To repair it, you need to find an acid tank in Roseway.

All for a friend
Complete all partner missions.
Companions with two tasks - Max и Parvati. The achievement will open when you complete both tasks of one of the partners. Completing the "single" tasks of other partners will not unlock the achievement.

All for one
Complete all partner missions.
The quest with Parvati begins when you meet Junlei on the Pathfinder. The quest ends when you arrange a date with them.
Quest Names:
  • ➤"Treating yourself with sapphire wine"
  • ➤"Don't bite the sun"
The quest with Max starts in Edgewater. There, Max asks you to get him a heretical book. The quest will end when you find the author of the book.
Quest Names::
  • ➤"Guide in pictures"
  • ➤"Dummy"
The only quest related to S.E.M. - this is a task to fix it called "Sweeper".

The quest with Ellie appears when you visit Byzantium with her. There she will ask you to visit her parents. Quest name "Crusade to Hell".

At some point in time, while you are progressing through the story, Felix will want to talk to you on the ship, where he will tell you about his old friend. There is only one quest associated with it called "Friendship".

As soon as you left Stellar Bay, when you took Nyoka as your partner, she will give you a quest called "Bad Company".


City N
Kill 20 enemies that have been hit by N-beams.
Vending machines sell modifications for melee weapons that change the damage type to N-beam. Just attach such a modification to your weapon, land in Stellar Bay (since Monarch is the largest location) and clear the road to Cascadia with this weapon. The achievement will open somewhere in the middle of the path.

With the purchase of the module, you can not bother, but find a ready-made weapon. A purple Jock launcher with a Mag-2-Ray module can be found in Cascadia, in a house next to a broken Bottling Plant sign. Climb the stairs and open the door - the weapon is in the back room in the sink.

Elemental Whirlwind
Kill an enemy that has taken all 5 types of damage.
There are five types of damage in the game:
  • ➤Kinetics (white)
  • ➤Corrosion (green)
  • ➤Plasma (red)
  • ➤Electricity (blue)
  • ➤N-radiation (violet)
You can juggle five guns, or you can give a couple to your partners, this will make things easier. It is enough to hit the enemy once with each type of weapon, and then kill them in any way possible. The main problem: so that the enemy does not die before you have time to use the entire arsenal. A good target to reach is a Beetlesaurus uterus or a fat Raptoctotam.

tosbol star
Kill 50 enemies with a Tossball Stick or Tossball Blocker.

Everything turns to dust
Incinerate 100 enemies with plasma damage.
Any weapon with a plasma damage type will do. In order not to look for the right weapon, you can install the “mage-2-might” modification - it changes the damage of the weapon to plasma. With the burn damage mod, the chance of incineration increases.

Short circuit
Kill 30 automatons with electrical damage.
If a couple of robots were not enough during the passage, then you can boost in the Scylla region.

Kill 50 enemies with a sneak attack.
Counts as a kill with a melee weapon, and one-shots with a firearm. The main thing is to kill with one hit / shot. It is important that you are not visible and the alarm is not raised (red triangle or exclamation point).

Jack of all trades
Stealth kill an enemy with a Weakspot Crit with a Science weapon using a TAP.

Unsportsmanlike conduct
Kick 30 enemies in the groin during tactical time dilation.
You can also shoot. Before doing any of this, make sure you have a ranged weapon skill of up to 20 or a melee skill of up to 40 for a certain type of weapon (depending on which weapon you are going to complete the achievement with).

Without this, no matter how much you shoot in the groin area, there will be no result. Then, when you aim during the ITT, you need to shoot at a point that, when aiming, writes “Weakness” (not “Injury”, not “Injury”, namely “Weakness”)

I will cover you
Kill 50 enemies with teammates' skills.
Companion skills are unlocked after leveling the Leadership skill at level 20.
We beat the enemy, leave some health and finish off the partner with the skill.

The more it hurts to fall
Kill the giant beast.
    There are 2 monsters in the first location:
  • ➤Dog. Not far from the power plant (disappears as you progress through the story)
  • A monster that looks like a frog. It is located almost under the landing area, which is directly at Edgewater.

Mad scientist
Kill an enemy under 4 science weapon effects.
There is no weapon with 4 effects. It is necessary for the enemy to die while under the effects of 4 different scientific weapons. You can give your teammates melee and ranged science weapons, give them melee priority and aggressive behavior, and take one remaining weapon in your hands - for ranged combat. Then go to bring down some fat enemy (for example, kill the beetle on the instructions of Nyoki).


mission impossible
Successfully pass 3 checks during a conversation using the same disguise.
Everything is quite simple. You need a Holographic Cloak and most importantly, level 40 of one of the 3 skills (Lie, Intimidate, Persuade). You will receive the cloak for the first time upon arrival at the Pathfinder, after which it can be picked up on the ship. We go to the medical block, where we help the future partner Ellie (side task "The worst contact"). Before entering the restricted area, on the table, we take the item Marine Certificate, which, in conjunction with a raincoat, will allow us, disguised, to freely walk around this restricted area. A bar will appear at the bottom of the screen showing the remaining charge of the cloak, it decreases with each step you take. Therefore, we run around the room until the band is reset to zero, after which a marine will quickly run up to you and here we have level 15 of one of the above skills. Applying one of them will fill the bar again. Again we run in a circle until reset, and when the marine runs up again, it will take level 25 of the skill. And for the 3rd final time, at the end of the charge of the cloak, we use the skill of level 40 and the achievement is yours.

Hearty and healthy breakfast
Simultaneously receive bonuses from meat, carbohydrates, sugary drink, caffeine and alcohol.
The achievement is buggy and may not drop on the first playthrough. It doesn't matter how much you eat. In this case, you need to start a new game and get it in Edgewater. All the necessary products can be found in the city or bought at the bar.

High qualification
Raise the value of the skill to 100.
For 500 bits, you can redistribute skills on the Hopeless. It is wise to do this no earlier than at level 8 (when you have accumulated 80 skill points) - just save, put the maximum into the initially selected skill (which has 20 points since the start of the game), accept the changes, and then load.

Use communication skills during a conversation 30 times.

Time to upgrade
Upgrade equipment with a workbench and modifications 30 times.
We go to the workbench, select the "Work" tab and raise the damage of the weapon of your choice for bits. 30 modifiers are not needed, you need to insert at least 1 modifier, then upgrade this equipment several times - a total of 30 upgrades on different things.

Health insurance
Use Medical Inhaler 300 times.
Clean all the corners in search of inhalers, by the end of the game you will have collected enough. In extreme cases, vending machines are always sold in the region of 8-12 pieces. and is restored during the transition between planets.

Sell ​​items worth 10 bits to merchants.
Drops by itself if you sell things. But you can do it by downloading. Preserved in front of the merchant - sold - loaded - sold - repeated.

Imperfect Hero
Get 3 flaws.
In no case do not choose the fear of robots, dogs and bugs, this will greatly complicate the game. You can definitely take the fear of heights, and two of your choice. You can also take two, and after receiving the achievement from the third, load the nearest save.

Simple goods
Simultaneously use clothes, a headdress and 4 types of weapons from "Just Space".
All equipment is purchased for mere pennies, for example, from the guy with the head of the moon on the Pathfinder.

Level 30
Get level 30.
To get level 30, you need to complete all the main and side tasks, as well as the tasks of factions and partners from the very beginning of the game. Complete the main tasks in parallel to the final selection point (capture of Nadezhda), for whom you will eventually fit in. Open doors and locks, hack computers when the opportunity arises. In dialogues, choose options with a skill check. Then you will approach the final mission with a half-filled level 29.

Our urchin everywhere ripe
Earn maximum positive reputation with 3 factions.
Complete all side quests at 2 camps in the starting location. And as soon as you arrive on the trail of the ship, it will be enough to go through a chain of quests with the repair of the cooling system.

Destroyer of Worlds
Earn maximum negative reputation with 3 factions.
Easy to get on Monarch. Complete Katherine's quest to take over the cone factory in a bloody way, minimizing your reputation with the locals. Then save and cut out Stellar Bay and Amber Heights. Ready.

These are all the achievements you can earn in The Outer Worlds: Peril on gorgon

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