Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 100% Walkthrough

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
  • Release date
    November 19, 2003
  • developer
  • Publisher
    Lucas Arts Entertainment
  • Site

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic – The Star Wars series: Knights of the Old Republic (KotOR), is a series of RPG video games and subsequent comic book series set in the fictional Star Wars universe of George Lucas. "Star Wars".
Four thousand years before the rise of the Galactic Empire, hundreds of Jedi Knights fell in battle against the ruthless Sith. You are the last hope of the Jedi Order. Can you stand against the dark side of the Force in your quest to save the Republic? Or will you fall for the lure of darkness?
 The conflict of the game is tied to the confrontation between two extremely powerful Sith, Revan and Malak.

Every phrase and action of the hero in Knights of the Old Republic affects the end of the game, which directly depends only on you.

System Requirements

The minimum

  • Operating system:
    Windows XP and Windows Vista
  • Processor:
    Intel Pentium 3 or AMD Athlon 1 GHz
  • Video card:
    with 32 MB video memory and XNUMXD graphics hardware accelerator
  • RAM (GB):
  • Free space on HDD (GB):



Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic can download in the Steam store.

Walkthrough Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Ship Endar Spire

The battle over the planet Taris is in full swing, the fighters of Darth Malak fly around the ship like spring midges, and they forgot to wake you up. Restless dreams are replaced by vague visions with the Jedi in the lead roles.
Suddenly, a soldier bursts into the cockpit.
- Who are you?
“I am Trask, your partner. We work different shifts, so you haven't seen me yet.
- And who am I?
“Did you bang your head too?” You are a soldier guarding a ship with an important person on board. We could both be space dust soon, so we better get to the exit. And along the way, I'll tell you about the game's interface.
Actually, you will be led along the ship by the hand, simultaneously teaching the basics of management, so there is no need to go through. You will be taught how to use the interface, dress up and arm yourself, open doors, switch between characters, fight, collect trophies, move in “invisibility” mode. Will be given the opportunity to repair the droid and hack the computer. Trask, alas, will die as soon as the need for him disappears.
By the time you meet the good soldier Kart Onasi, you will have leveled up and collected some collection of trophies. The “important person” that you are guarding according to legend is Bastila. She has already "catapulted" to the planet Taris, and nothing keeps you on the ship. Sit in an embrace with Kart in an escape pod and undock from the exploding ship with screams.


Again those strange hallucinations, again the cloaked figures waving their humming laser swords. Opening our eyes... Kart Onasi reports:
“Our capsule crashed right on the edge of the street-floor. When you fell, you hit your head again, but I dragged you into an abandoned apartment in one of the local skyscrapers. Only outcast humanoids live here, they are strongly disliked on this racist Taris.
"What about the Sith?"
- Patrols go everywhere here, looking for survivors, demanding registration. But they don’t pinch much, you can walk the streets. The capsule with Bastila fell somewhere in the lower levels, we need to find and save the young Jedi.
- What for?
“She plays an important role in the fight against the host of Darth Malak - the role of the war drum. Her combat meditation, which gives our soldiers strength, is a unique phenomenon. All soldiers pray for her. The lower levels are dangerous, with gang wars and a thriving slave trade. And Bastila is a prominent girl, so we should hurry.
- Yeah, so I dream about her all the time ... And then?
- And then you need to somehow get off the planet. The Sith have established a quarantine: it is forbidden for any ship to leave Taris without special permission - just like the Lajo embargo in Monkey Island 2. We'll have to somehow cunning. But first, Bastila. We are soldiers of the old Republic, and we are sworn to protect it.
So, you need to save the unlucky Jedi and fly away from the planet.
First of all, you need to get the Sith armor for disguise. Exit the safe house with Kart. Having dealt with the impudent patrol in the corridor, go outside. Visit the local club (cantina), talk to a bored Sith girl. If you carefully convince her to help, you will be offered the following combination: she gets drunk on colleagues at a friendly party, and you steal armor from their insensitive carcasses. The party takes place in the northern apartments of the Upper City.
If you frighten her away, it doesn't matter - the armor will be yours if you eliminate three impudent guards in the same northern apartments.
Having put on armor, boldly approach the guarded elevator and go down to the lower level. There, remove the armor and go to the local club (Javyar's Cantina).
Meet Mission Vao and Wookiee Zaalbar. Marvel at the work of the elegant and deadly Calo Nord. Next to the club is the entrance to the base of the Hidden Beks gang. Persuade the paranoid guard to let you see the leader of the gang, the blind Gadon. Inside you will find a new guard and another dose of paranoia. Gadon himself, after settling all the formalities, will tell you the following things. First, Bastila was captured by the Black Vulkar gang and will be a prize in the races. To get it, you need to win the race. Secondly, the Vulkars stole a prototype of a new accelerator for racers from the Beks, and without it they have nothing to catch in the races.
The blind leader will offer you a deal: you steal the accelerator from the Vulkars, and he gives you the opportunity to compete on behalf of their gang. Agree. At the same time, change the Sith armor for a more effective Ausweiss pass.
But here's the bad luck - it's impossible to get to the Vulkar base, the guards are on guard. Need outside help. Get down into the gloomy underground Undercity (the Sith guard will let you through, you have an ausweiss). Watch the death of a local resident from the clutches of a ghoul or help the unfortunate if you are a champion of good. Stock up on first-aid kits and antidotes and get out into the “wild” territory. Mission Vao is running towards you. She is in a panic - her big and shaggy comrade was taken into slavery by Gamorean pigs. It is necessary to help her, only she can then open for you a passage to the Vulkar base.
Walk with Vao around the neighborhood and help a group of mercenaries deal with a pack of ghouls. The group is led by veteran mercenary Kenderos, a hero of the Mandalorian wars. He's not in a good mood right now.
Get down into the sewers, picking up the mines laid out on the way. Clear the sewers from the Gamorites and ghouls, free the Wookiees. The saved Zaalbar, in a fit of gratitude, will inform you that he is indebted to you, and now he will never leave you. He won't leave Vao either, so both of you will be with you.
Vao's mission will open a passage to the Vulkar base. On the way - an evil rancor, it is useless to butt with him. There are two ways to eliminate the toothy creature. You can simply lure the rancor to mines and then shoot and throw grenades from afar. But there is a more tricky way: take synthetic perfume from the torn off hand next to the rancor room. Go into stealth mode and search the pile of bodies and bones in the middle of the room. Put the fragrance and the grenade in there and quickly get out. From the grenade, the rancor will have indigestion with a fatal outcome.
At the base of the Vulkars, be afraid of a robot with a freezing gun - it alone is worth a dozen bandits. Having opened the locked doors from the remote control, go to the Twylek Kandon, the leader of the gang. You have the opportunity to go over to his side and betray Gadon. In this case, you will have to kill Gadon, which means a complete cleansing of the Bek base. This is a dark path; supporters of kindness and light will refuse tempting offers and brutally kill Kandon on the spot.
Go back and report to Gadon - he is happy, and now he will gladly send you to the races. Winning the competition is easy - you just need not to yawn and switch gears in time at the second stage.
After your victory, the Vulkars will balk and will not want to give you Bastila. But no one will ask them - the "prize" will suddenly jump out of its cage and chop everyone into cabbage. And for the sake of what this circus was, why it was necessary to pretend to be an exhausted and incapable captive of anything - it is absolutely incomprehensible. Together with Bastila, eliminate the remnants of the resistance, and then start bickering about "who really saved whom." Disputes will continue in your “headquarters”. Try to reconcile Bastila and Kart.
At the exit from the headquarters, an unknown twilek will run up to you and say that a certain Kenderos is waiting for you at the club. This is the same gloomy mercenary we helped in Undercity. I wonder what he wants from us?
This is interesting: if you do not immediately give Bastila her light blade and go for a walk with her and Kart along the street, you will find a funny dialogue: “Losing swords is part of your combat meditation, right?”.
Kenderos will offer you an interesting combination: we infiltrate the Sith base and steal secret passwords-reviews for “our” ships there. With them, you can safely leave the planet. Kenderos, for his part, gives us access to the Ebonhawk (Ebon Hawk), the fastest smuggling ship in the area. Of course, agree.
To infiltrate the Sith base, you will have to go to the droid store and buy a special improved burglar droid. It costs 2000 credits, which is a lot. You can threaten the saleswoman and pay nothing, receiving only a few points of the dark side as punishment.
Use the droid to sneak into the base. A young local guard is easily persuaded to leave her post and not raise the alarm. Clear the base the good old classic way. Pay attention to the Sith apprentices - do not underestimate their knowledge of the dark side of the Force. Luckily you have Bastila. You will find a secret list of launch passwords with the last, most powerful Jedi. Kenderos is waiting for us at the Lower City Club.
This is important: after talking with Kenderos, you can no longer return to the city, so take care of everything there, talk to all the NPCs and complete the unfinished side quests.
How is the poor mercenary going to get us a ship? Everything is simple. Kenderos informs the local mobster Davik, the owner of the ship, that you want to be hired by him. This will take you to Davik's mansion, and there you can simply steal the ship. Moral principles will not have to suffer for a long time, as the Sith, angry at the elusiveness of Bastila, are ready to start carpet bombing the planet. You are in the mansion of the local authority.
This is interesting: chat with the Twilek slaves in the room next to yours. Ask a slave to give you a massage. If you like it, repeat.
Make your way through the rooms, killing everyone without exception. Your goal in the north of the map is the torture room where the pilot of the ship sits. Free him (carefully: torture droids can take care of themselves) and you will be rewarded with codes that disable the anti-theft system. Disable the defense system through the terminal and make your way to the hangar. Meanwhile, the bombardment of the planet's surface had begun.
In front of the hangar door, get ready for a hard fight - you will be met by Davik himself in the company of Kalo Nord. Both decided to evacuate after realizing that the Sith were serious. Meeting with you was not part of their plans. Nord is the most dangerous - deal with it first. When the mercenary is crushed by the fittings that kindly fell from the ceiling, you can also deal with Davik.
Time does not wait - explosions and fire are all around, “presents” from Darth Malak are falling from the sky. After quickly collecting the trophies, climb into the Ebonhawk, which is surprisingly similar to Han Solo's Millennium Falcon. Everything is already on board, and all you have to do is shoot the fighters from the cannon.
Next stop is Dantooine, the Jedi school.

Side quests

This is important: hereinafter, for brevity, gaining light side points will be denoted by a plus (+), and dark side by a minus (-).
Davik's sixes pester the old man, extorting money. After killing the bandits to warm up, you can supply the old man with money (+) or rob him (-).
A doctor at a local hospital is in need of a serum that treats the "ghoul" caused by monster bites. His apprentice will report that the antidote can be handed over for a lot of money to the local authority of the Hutt Zaks. You will find the serum in Undercity, on the body of a Sith. You can give it to Zaks in the lower club (-) or a doctor in the same hospital (+). If you have the ability to persuade, try to bargain with Zaks. If the reward from the doctor seems too modest to you, threaten him and rob him to the bone (-).
After going to the doctor, you can use the antidote for a good deed and cure the inhabitants infected with ghouls sitting in the Andersity quarantine cage (+). But for this you will first have to kill a few ghouls, whom you did not have time to help. Ghoul can also be cured of an infected Republic soldier wandering around the wreckage of an escape pod (+), although this will not help him.
Open the locked door in the hospital - you will find republican soldiers floating in a healing solution. The doctor picked them up from the wreckage of the escape pods and hides them. Convince the doctor that you are not going to tell the Sith about illegal patients (+).
Strange old man Rukil in Undercity mumbles something about the promised land. In order to leave and take the whole village to this hidden place, he needs three journals of the missing students. The first lies in the east of Undercity, the second - in the northeast room of the lower sewer. To find the third one, go from the protective field in the sewers to the west, then to the south and to the east - there will be a small room. You can give the magazines to the old man (+). If you go down to Undercity later, you will find that it is empty. They really went somewhere - wonderful!
The dark characters will sell the magazines to the cunning merchant Izhar, who does not want to lose his clientele and wants to destroy all evidence of the existence of the promised land. The old man won't like it (-).
In the upper club, Hatt Ahhur holds gladiator fights. Defeat all enemies: old Duncan, Gerlon, Ice, Marl and psychopath Twitch. At the exit from the club, the legendary gladiator Bendak Starkiller will meet you and offer you a fight to the death. If you agree and defeat Bendak, you will get a lot of money and a branded blaster. But one thing is just a fight, another is a fight to the death. Killing for money is not good, so catch (-).
In the club on the top floor, you will be approached by the daughter of a local bandit of the middle class. She clearly mistook you for a barmaid. Reassure her of this. Being cowardly, the girl will run away and will be waiting for you with two Rodian thugs at the weapons store. After the death of her bodyguards, she will run away with a screech, and you will not see her again.
In the downstairs club, the Hutt Zax is handing out assassination contracts. If Starkiller is dead, you can collect your reward. The rest goes like this:
* The girl Dia is hiding in the southern apartments. Kill her and take the reward from the Hutt (-), give her money (+), or persuade the man offended by her (in the lower club) to submit a request for murder (+). Do not forget to visit her later and tell her the good news.
* Matrik lives in the lower apartments. Kill him (-) or help him fake his own death with an explosion (+).
* The mercenary Selven lives in the lower apartments. You can’t help her - only rudely kill (-) or gently provoke.
* Lazho lives in the upper northern apartments. Kill him (-) or give money to pay the debt (+).
Racist children are poisoning an alien near the northern apartments. Drive away the children and cure the alien (+), or do not interfere.
Drunkards will pester you in the northern part of the city. Kill them all (-) or calm them down by offering them a drink (+).
At the elevator in Undercity, local beggars will start demanding money from you. Give them more than they ask for (+) or send them away.
At the Sith base, you will find several torture chambers in a row. In one of them sits an alien. Opposite on the wall are the controls. Each of them lights up red or green. It's a puzzle: each switch, when activated, triggers two adjacent ones. Turning all the switches green will free the alien (+), turning them red will kill him (-).
A Twilek dancer in a downstairs club tries to convince the troupe owner to hire her. You can either help her by gently dancing all the pas (+) with her, or interfere by deliberately falling to the floor.
In one of the rooms of the lower apartments, in order to open a chest with interesting trophies, you need to answer three questions. By reading the letter next to it, you will logically deduce the correct answers: Hyperdrive, Uncle (uncle), Aldaran.


As soon as you arrive, the Jedi Council calls for you. Admire the cheburashka, reminiscent of Yoda sprinkled with ashes.
The Council will immediately take the bull by the horns:
- You see the Force. Usually we don't train such old ones, but this time we will probably make an exception.
- Why is that?
“The thing is, there is some connection between you and Bastila. We will consult for now, and you go for a walk.
You will be trained as a Jedi in any case, the Council simply has no choice. If you're playing a dark jedi, you can lie to them for three boxes - this will give you a few dark side points.
You are being taught. Your progress is amazing. Within a few weeks, you will complete a multi-year Jedi course. Before you become a real Padawan, you need to pass a small entrance exam. To get started, read Twylek Zhar the signature phrase of the good Jedi (answers: peace, knowledge, serenity, harmony, Force). This was the first test.
The second test is a psychological test that determines which Jedi class is right for you. Answer however you want - you can choose the class later. After converting your class from regular to Jedi, tweak your updated stats. Go to the workbench and make a sword out of the crystal.
The third test will be a little more interesting. You need to go to the meditation grove (Grove) and find out why it is darkened (“The dark side of the Force lives there. You must go inside”). Once in the grove, go south and east to the strange stone formations. The darkening of this place is explained simply - a Jedi cat (cathar race) named Yuhani settled there. She studied in the enclave, but in a fit of anger, she attacked her mentor, and then fled. Now she imagines herself a dark Jedi and meditates in the appropriate way.
She will immediately freeze your teammates and enter the battle. Remove more than half of her health and start a conversation. You have two options - kill her and report to the Jedi (-), or gently persuade her to return to school (+). In the second case, you need to ask her why she attacked you, ask about the darkened beasts, tell her that the dark side of the Force is weak, that the Council sent you, that you wish her peace, that the first step to perfection is to admit your imperfection. Say that the death of her mentor is nonsense, that we all get angry sometimes.
Tip: Even if you're consistently playing a Dark Jedi, talk Juhani back into the enclave. In this case, she will join you for a long time, and an extra Jedi will never hurt. Meow…
Back at the Jedi School, talk to Juhani. It turns out that her mentor actually survived and will soon come out of a coma. Report to the Council and Zhar. You are now a Padawan. The Council will invite you and Bastila to explore the strange ruins that Malak and Revan visited before they turned to the dark side.
After entering the ancient tomb, talk to the droid about everything he knows: about the Jedi, maps, and the mysterious Star Forge (Star Forge). To find the artifact, you have to fight. Go to the east room, destroy the droids. Turn on the computer, talk to it so that it switches to your language. Answer his questions. The correct answers are Oceanic, Grassland, Arboreal.
Then go to the western room. Here the droids are even more dangerous - they also freeze. Turn on your computer. Answer - Desert, Volcanic, Barren. The locked door has opened, in front of you is your first star map.
The Jedi Council is in turmoil. The big bosses are rushing you and Bastila and the others to find more fragments of the star map. Come to the Ebonhawk, and on the captain's bridge plot a course for Tatooine.

Side quests

If Vao is with you, then you will meet Lena, the woman who seduced her brother on the path of temptation and crime. She will tell you where to look for your brother - on Tatooine. There you will find it (see the relevant section).
At the gates of the enclave, a young boy, Jon, complains about the Mandalorian bandits who do not give life to local farmers. Apparently, the Jedi don't care about the farmers. You need to destroy three groups of bandits. One is in the lands of Matale, the second is in the lands of the Sandrals, and the third is in the south of the Grove. From the grove, go further south and defeat the most important bandit. Then you can take the reward from the young man, refuse it (+) or demand more (-).
In the grove, find the bridge, and on it - a Jedi named Bolook. He will ask you to investigate the murder of Calder Nettik. Two are suspected - Handon and Ricard. Examine the body, talk to the droid, and begin the interrogation. Catch suspects in a lie, look for motives and move your gray matter. Both have motives, both lie in black, the blaster belongs to one, and the blood on it belongs to the other. Both are guilty.
In the lands of the Sandrals to the west there is a cave with native crystals for lightsabers. The kinrath spiders living there are dangerous, it is better to lure them out one by one. Your reward will be multi-colored crystals and the opportunity to rummage through the corpse of a less fortunate adventurer.
“And I love a robot!”. Behind the bridge next to the Jedi enclave are two Land Speeders. A green-eared merchant wanders next to one, and a sad woman stands next to the other. What worries her? She lost a very valuable robot in the household, the only memory of her dead husband. During the conversation, interesting and piquant details are revealed. It turns out that the robot replaces her husband - whatever you want, understand it.
The robot itself is located in the lands of the Sandrals. Protect him from wild animals and ask questions. Terrifying details emerge. The robot ran away. From constant harassment and harassment, he became a real neurotic. “Kill me, I don’t want to live anymore after the terrible things that this woman did to me!”.
What to do? You can persuade the droid to return to the woman. Her joy can be imagined - she will grab the robot with a cheerful squeal and run away. You can kill the droid and tell the woman that you didn't find him (-). After destroying the unfortunate robot, you can tell the woman that he is dead. Find her later in the enclave room and talk to her. It seems that our patient is on the mend - she already liked someone alive.
"A plague on both your houses." Two families - Sandral and Matheil - have been at enmity for a long time. The situation escalated to the limit after the mysterious disappearance of the young Kazus Sandral, and then the young Shen Matale. The Jedi will send you to investigate.
You can find the corpse of Casus in the lands of Matale, in the east, near two trees. Report this to the Sandral droid, and then to the inconsolable father Nurik. Talk to Rahasia Sandral - it turns out her father is holding young Shen captive. Go around the house, go through the back door, find Shen. He is in love with Rakhazia and does not want to leave without her. Inform the girl about this, and then return to Shen: "She is waiting for you at the gate and is ready to go with you." If you do not take money from lovers or from their father, you will earn (+). If you ask a lot, you will receive (-). Here, angry fathers will appear on the scene. Try to calm them down by giving the young fools time to run away (+). You can pit the fathers so that they shoot each other, and then finish off the droids (-).
After you leave Dantooine, Zaalbar will report that the food supply in the warehouse is decreasing suspiciously quickly. Check stocks - and rightly so: less than expected. Walk around the ship. Either this is paranoia, or someone's quiet steps are really heard behind your back. They seem to come from the cargo hold. There you will find a girl who snuck into the ship as a hare. She does not speak Russian, so you will have to learn her language step by step. For this you will need a little patience. Try to find out who she is and what she is doing on the ship. At the end, you will have a clue: the girl is hiding on the ship from the Mandalorians, and she mumbles something about Dantooine. Fly back to the Jedi planet and talk to Twilek Lur Sulas - he is standing at the entrance to the Jedi enclave. Let him know that you have a girl on board who speaks only Mandalorian. Give the girl to Sulas (+). If you behave rudely and demand a reward, you will receive a well-deserved (-).
If you ignore the girl, then she will run away from you before you get on the Leviathan.


Tatooine is a planet similar in many ways to the famous Arrakis. Sand, rocks, giant machines crawling across the surface. Here we will meet with the evil Tuskens forever wrapped in rags, right there under our feet Java (jawa) will be confused under our feet - local gnomes in hoods. The appearance of the planet will remain the same for the next two thousand years. The droids from the fourth episode of the film will see it exactly the same.
But it will be later, but for now, somewhere out there, in the sands, a star map left by an unknown race is hidden. Getting to it is not easy, but the local mega-corporation “Zerka” will help us with this. Pay the parking clerk and get off at Anchorhead town. Find a local Zerka office and get a hunting license - you won't be allowed out of town without it. In return, you will have to promise to deal with the gangs of sand people attacking the miners.
Walk around the city, eliminate three dark Jedi. You need a translator droid to communicate with Tuskens. You can buy it in the droid shop - this is HK-47, a very useful character. If you like, ask the droid about its functions. The shop owner will ask for 5000 credits. In a good way, you will drop the price to 4000 credits, and in a bad way - up to 2500. If there is not enough money, sell everything that is superfluous. Getting the right amount is easy if you go to Ebonhawk and order some free pins from T3.
After buying the HK-47, go out the gate. The smoking machine in front of you belongs to a corporation. Protect the miners from the Sandmen - the fight will be tough, the Tuskens will attack in waves. During breaks, heal and activate shields. After the fight, ask the miners where the Tusken village is and head south to the passage. Having eliminated the security detachment of sand people, collect their clothes, put them on. The team should be humanoid, so R2, HK-47 and Zaalbar should be sent back. Get into the village. You can massacre and not leave a single soul alive (remember the second episode: “I killed them all, and their pets, and their mice. And I killed their fleas too!”). Do I need to say that this will darken you pretty much?
There is a good option - you summon HK-47 to you and try to establish a dialogue with the Tuskens. Do not be rude, do not be rude to the leader, do not steal things. Having calmed down a bit, the leader will offer you to get vaporizers for them. You can buy them at the same Zerka office. If you are persuasive, they will be sold to you for 200 credits. Return to the leader, and you will no longer need disguise. As a reward, you will receive the leader's rod, which you can then provide as proof of your victory.
Exit the village and head northeast to the passage to the sea of ​​dunes. At the entrance to the cave is a Twilek - he hunts a dragon. He needs to lure the monster into the mines, and for this he needs decoy banta. Take the meat and lure these giant cows to the cave. Disgruntled shepherds will have to be fought, and the fight will be difficult - this kind of Tusken knows how to use grenades.
After the death of the dragon, take the due share of the reward from the Twilek and go into the cave. The second star card is in our pocket! Collect everything that is badly lying in the cave, and go out into the fresh air. The restless bespectacled Calo Nord is right there, and with him are several Rodians. As before, your main target in the fight is Kahlo. The rest of the opponents are not half as strong.
And then one way - to the ship, and to the next planet. Let it be, for example, Kashyyyk.

Side quests

At the exit from the spaceport, an unknown alien will meet you and inform you that a cargo of “zhizka” (gizka) has been loaded onto your ship. He will answer all your perplexed questions: “Don’t worry, it’s paid!” - and leave. Zhizka are small frog-like creatures, they now run around the Ebonhawk. There is no harm from them.
What to do with them? There are three ways. It is possible to fuse selkatu Nubasse animals on the planet Manaan. But for this you will have to convince him that these are not ordinary zhizka, but a new species that does not breed in captivity. Sell ​​them to him (-) or give them away for free. On Kashyyyk, you can buy poison from Eli Gand and feed it to one of the animals. Zhizka will disappear almost instantly. Finally, if you find yourself on the planet of the lost ships (Unknown World), then the animals will scatter themselves - this is their home world.
If you return to Dantooine from any planet and exit the Ebonhawk with Bastila, a woman will speak to you. She will inform you that Helena - Bastila's mother - is waiting for you on Tatooine, in the club. Fly to Tatooine. There, Helena will ask you to get a holocron from the dragon's cave. Having obtained the holocron, try to reconcile Bastila with her mother.
A strange woman will meet you outside the gates of Anchorhead and ask you to say hello to her negligent husband. The husband languishes in the desert a little further away - he is surrounded by four broken and threatening to explode droids. If you do not save him, he will die (-). Each droid has a puzzle built into it that must be solved in order to render it harmless. Here are the answers:
K-X12a: second node (Node 2)
K-X12b: answer is 7
K-X12c: 120 pulses left
K-X12d: 31-13-12-14 * 23-41-12-14
Abandoned land speeders are standing behind the sand "tank" of the corporation in the desert. If you get closer to them, you will hear a female voice calling for help. But what is strange is that no one is visible, and the woman continues to scream. Suddenly, two Gamoraean pigs will jump out from behind the dune, shouting “Aha, got caught!”. It turns out that it was such a cunning trap for travelers passing by, and the female voice was simply recorded on tape. For a Gamorite, the idea of ​​such an ambush is the height of genius. Pigs can be killed, or you can use Jedi tricks to persuade them to leave.
Not far from the Zerka office, at the entrance to the hunting club, a woman, Sharina Fizark, is standing. Her husband has died and she is in dire need. The hunting trophy that her husband brought shortly before his death may bring her some money, but she cannot sell it - she does not have a hunter's certificate. After visiting "Zerka" you will have a certificate. There are several options: do not give the trophy back (-), just sell it and give the proceeds to the woman. If you add XNUMX credits from yourself, saying that you managed to earn more than expected, then you will receive points of the light side (+).
At the exit from the city, a small java Iziz is trampling with a lost view. His tribesmen were taken as slaves by the sand people. Once in the Tusken camp, talk to the captives, and then to the head of the tribe. He will wave his hand: “Which of them are workers!” - and Java will let go. Inform the captives that they are free. Once in the city, talk to Iziz (+). Shaking all the money out of a small creature as a reward, get well-deserved dark points (-).
Ask the Tuskens about their history (this can only be done once you've dealt with their main quest). You will be asked to find the Dragon Balls to prove that you are worthy to hear their story. After killing the dragon, take the pearl and show it to the head of the tribe - they will tell you the story, but you will have to give the pearl.
The local racing club is run by Hutt Motta. Take part in races in the desert, win them. Then talk to Niko Senvi and help him get a better contract by threatening the greedy Motta with a scandal (+). If you threaten Niko to sign a bad deal, you will receive a reward (-) from Motta.
If Vao is with you, and you have already seen Lena, then ask the Zerka officer in the office about Vao's brother. His name is Griff, and you will then find him in the Tusken camp - he is being held captive there, just like the dwarves. After being released, Griff will ask you to get the ingredients for Tarisian ale. You can pick them up in the lower lands of Kashyyyk, in the poacher camp - give them to him, and then, when Griff leaves, talk to the alien behind the counter.


Most of all, the giant trees of the planet Kashyyyk resemble the sprawling city of trinnies from Wizardry 8, only instead of rodents, two-meter Wookies live here. At a gloomy time, you flew to this planet - the Zerka corporation is buying up slaves from the local monkey king Chuundar with might and main.
When hiking in Kashyyyk, take Zaalbar with you (in fact, you have no other options). This is his home planet. At the sight of the suffering of his people, sorrow will fill the heart of the Wookiee, about which he will not hesitate to growl to you.
Get out of the Ebonhawk, pay for parking. After talking with the cunning twilek, go along the wooden bridge to the gate and exit the port. Forest Kinraths live here, they will now constantly come across on your way and give you the opportunity to earn precious experience.
The passage to the surface of the earth (Shadowlands) is guarded by Wookiee guards - he will not let you in without the permission of Chuundar himself. What to do - go north, fight three dark jedi and ask the wookiees at the entrance to the village to take you to the leader. To get the coveted permission, agree to the leader's offer. True, Zaalbar will have to be left as a hostage.
Now the guard will let you through. Wookiee lifter Gorwooken will kindly lower you in a basket to the surface.
This is interesting: if you pass the planets in a different order than they are presented here, at the bottom you can meet the dark Jedi Bandon, a student of Malak. Otherwise, you will meet him on one of the following planets.
After passing between the giant roots to the north and fighting with representatives of the local fauna, you will meet an old man with a laser sword - this is Jolie Bindo. He will lead you to his house. The old man is cunning: “Yes, I know where the map is. But you won't get there without my help. If you want to find her, help me first.”
The task was set directly and clearly - to eliminate the Zerki poachers' camp in the northeast. Here, as always, there are options. If you provoke and exterminate the poachers, you will earn (-). Therefore, I recommend persuading a few workers to tell you the codes for ultrasonic generators that scare away predatory animals. Turn off the generators - the indrik-beast will come running and drive everyone away with light kicks.
Now Jolie Bindo is in the squad. From the former poacher camp, head east to the defensive field. Jolie will turn it off and you will be taken to the lower lands (Lower Shadowlands). Soon you will see a scene with Mandalorian bandits and a lone Wookiee - this is one of the side quests. South of this place you will meet Freyr, the former leader of the Wookiees. Like Zaalbar, he was exiled from his tribe. After the fight, Freyr will tell you that he needs the legendary sword Bakka to return to the tribe. But, according to some reports, the sword was swallowed by a monster, and no one else saw it.
Nothing - surgery and not such treats. After killing a few kinrats in the southwest, take their meat for yourself, find a clearing in the south with a hanging vine and attach the meat to the vine. The same monster will come running to the smell. What will be your surprise when you get the very sword of Bakka from his belly - half-digested, but still quite working.
This is important: by giving the sword to Freyr, you will cross a kind of Rubicon - after that, the Wookiees will raise an uprising, and you will not be able to complete many unfinished side quests on the planet. Therefore, it is better to rise to the surface in advance and settle all your affairs.
Having received the long-awaited sword of Bakka, the gray-haired Freyr will run away to the surface shouting: “Chuundar, come out, vile coward!”. And it's time for you to look for a star map in the labyrinths of winding roots in the southwest, next to three hovering motorcycles. This time, a hologram will speak to you. Ask her about different things, answer her questions. You will receive the card in any case, so you can answer however you like. The most the computer can do to you is set a few droids on you.
Go back upstairs, killing Gorvuken and company along the way. In the Wookiee village everyone is on their ears - Freyr has returned. With the help of him and Zaalbar, you can easily defeat the pugnacious leader. You have the map, the Wookiees have raised an armed uprising, there is nothing more for you to do on Kashyyyk. The next planet is Korriban.

Side quests

Outside the port gates, several slavers share a captured Wookiee. You can exterminate them (-) or persuade them to leave the planet in various ways (+).
Literally a stone's throw from the landing site of the Ebonhawk, there are two merchants - Eli and Matton. Matton owes Eli money and may be enslaved. Evidence of Eli's crimes is on the surface, next to Joli's house, Bindo is a half-broken droid, a witness to the murder: Eli killed Matton's comrades, took the goods, and now wants to take him into slavery. Go back and tell Matton the whole truth. Persuade him to leave Eli alive (+) or offer him to settle accounts with the traitor, while asking for a reward (-).
In the netherlands, on a Wookiee's body, you'll find a Bowcaster Arrow and his notes. In the Wookiee village, go to Wurville's house. Accuse Zharaak of the murder, and he will inform you that the murdered Rorvorr collaborated with the slave owners. In the east of the village, find the local judge's house (Holder of the Laws), and protect Zharaak, informing the judge that his victim was a collaborator. He will be acquitted (+). If you insist on a death sentence and demand a reward, get (-).
After passing the protective screen with Bindo, you will witness the attack of the Mandalorians on the Wookiees. Destroy the bandits. At this place, evil and bad Jedi will offend Gvar and leave him to bleed (-). The good ones will share a first-aid kit (+) and go to exterminate the Mandalorian bandits that swarm in this area of ​​\uXNUMXb\uXNUMXbthe forest. Bandits use invisibility belts. To provoke them, you need to disarm your characters. The first group will attack you in the southwest of Gvar (you will recognize a dangerous place by the bodies of the Wookiees), the second - a little south. Pick up the motorcycle horn from the bodies.
The third and final group of Mandalorians can be found in the northwest. It is not necessary to disarm this time - just approach one of the motorcycles and use the horn. As proof of victory, bring the head of the head bandit in a beautiful helmet to Gvar (+).
After you find the third map, a new planet will appear on your galaxy map - Yavin. You can fly to it and visit the trading station, the only inhabitant of which is the timid Rodian Suvam Tan. Ferocious Transhodians “run into” him, and you can buy good artifacts from him.
If you return to Yavin after obtaining all the star maps (before visiting the Planet of the Lost Ships), then you will have the opportunity to kill several bandits. Grateful Suvam Tan will put a couple more useful artifacts on the counter.


Korriban is the planet of eternal sunset and ancient stone tombs. But most of all, Korriban is known for his school of dark Jedi, where the youth of all the surrounding planets dream of entering.
The star map is supposedly in one of the giant tombs, but not everyone is allowed in. You will have to play Stirlitz and go to school - there is no other way to get a card. On this planet, I recommend taking a full Jedi team with you to work, without shooters. The ideal alignment is: you, Juhani and Bastila. Add Bindo to taste.
After answering the questions of an employee of "Zerka", you will be taken to the spaceport city of Dreshda. A Sith fed up with the stupidity of wanting to go to school will ask you what he should do with this rabble. The answer will only affect your karma. Remember - even though this is a Sith planet, no one is going to attack you yet. Nobody here knows you. All quarrels and battles with the Sith so far will occur only within the framework of small-town quarrels.
Stagger around the city for a bit, and then visit the Jedi school. Unfortunate applicants are standing near the entrance - they were told that if they wait a long time, perhaps they will be accepted. Some are already dying of hunger, but you will not be able to pity the Sith Guardian. All you can do is try to convince the still living fools to come to their senses.
The guard at the gate will inform you that you need the permission of Yutara Ban, the Sith master, to enter the school. There is nothing else for you to do here, go back to Dreshda. There you will be met by unfriendly students. Combat can not be avoided, but it is not necessary. The main thing - do not forget to pick up a medallion from the body, which serves here as a kind of "passing score". With the medallion in your pocket, go to the bar and find Yutara Ban. When asked about the origin of the medallion, you can lie or answer truthfully - it does not matter. Yutara Ban is pleased: “Okay, we will test you. And who are these people with you?” “You don’t see that they with Jedi swords are actually slaves.” Juhani's cat will try to object, but she will come to her senses in time and bite her tongue.
Before you become an official student of the academy, you will have to go out of your way to play the villain in front of the local rector, Uthar, a blue-skinned, tattooed Jedi. There shouldn't be any problems with this.
This is interesting: the dark Jedi are guys anywhere. One thing is bad - they squabble, constant quarrels and strife are elevated to the rank of virtue among them. Almost immediately, the cunning Ban will offer you to get rid of the rector Utar together with her. But he is not a bastard either - at a certain point in the story, he will offer you to attack the ambitious Ban together. For those who are not looking for easy ways, there is a third option - to confess to being "infiltrated" and fight both at once.
Competition for admission - four people per place. To find a star card, you need to beat three other applicants and impress the rector. To do this, you must complete certain “prestige” tasks, and then report this to Uthar. It is not necessary to complete all the tasks - three or four should be enough. Do not forget to talk with the inhabitants of the school - from them you will learn information about tasks.
Let's go through all the tasks in order.
The easiest thing here is to learn and teach Uthar the code of the Jedi. Keywords: passion (Passion), strength (Strength), power (Power), victory (Victory), chains are broken (My chains are broken). In the end, Utar will ask a tricky question: “Are all means good for victory?” or: “Is there nothing worse than love?”. In both cases, you must unlock (False).
In the western part of the academy, the Sith are interrogating a prisoner. If you inject the smuggler with truth serum in doses: small, high, medium, small, small - and then ask about the weapons depot, then the prisoner will split (-). The good Jedi will gain confidence in the prisoner and learn that he can feign death. Inject him with an overdose of the drug, he will “die”, so that later he can be picked up by his own (+). True, in this case, the task will not be counted for you.
Desert students are hiding in caves a stone's throw from the academy. Kill them (-) or open the way for them to another exit from the cave (+). To do this, you have to fight the monster on the bridge.
Students are constantly dying in the tomb of Akhunta Poll. Having opened the door with master keys, you will understand why - the narrow bridge to the room with the coffin is guarded by powerful battle droids, and the bridge is blocked by a stone blank. Leave your companions on one side (in "solo mode"), plant a grenade in a blank and blow it up. The path is clear, but the battle droids come to life and begin firing. Quickly run to the other side and pull the lever - the mechanical guards will self-destruct without having time to cause any harm.
After picking up the keys to the next door, you will find yourself in a room with a sarcophagus. Rob it, and you will be met by Ahunta Poll himself, or rather, his ghost. In order for the spirit to calm down, it is necessary to put the sword into the hand of the statue. But what kind of sword - Poll does not remember this himself. But I remember - this is a serrated steel sword (notched steel sword). At parting, you can try to convince Ahunta to switch to the light side of the Force.
On the way back, you will have a battle with one of your rival applicants.
The old hermit Zhorak lives in the tomb of Tulak Nord. Your fight with cave creatures among the stone walls will not impress him. He will simply put you to sleep with gas, and then, when you are barely on your feet from a severe hangover, he will force you to answer your questions, as crazy as he is.
Not only you, but also one of the applicants will be captured by the old man. How to answer questions is a question of altruism. “Incorrect” answers will be punished with lightning strikes, after “correct” answers your opponent will receive lightning strikes. The Dark Jedi will answer in the dark, bringing the applicant to death. The Light Jedi will take the hit - in this case, part of the health will be lost, but Jorak will not be able to finish you off. If the applicant dies, Jorak will let you go. If he survives, the battle with the hermit will begin. It is difficult to defeat him - you must immediately cast a resistance spell on yourself, and then heal yourself. It is unlikely that the applicant will survive in battle, but if this happens, you will have the opportunity, as always, to incline him to the bright side.
This is interesting: only the main character will fight. But what about the rest? They will stand, toil head, stagger. Their strength is only enough to turn on the lightsabers. It looks funny.
The tomb of Marco Ragnos is inhabited by large numbers of battle droids. What are they doing here? The answer is waiting for you behind the last door. There lives a droid that can't stand the noise. If you burst into the room with a rattling sound, you will have to carry him and all his associates. But there is another option. In the cave you will find a Sound Dampening Unit - put it on and try to engage in dialogue with the droid. You can try to reprogram it by removing the combat program. To do this, turn off its matrices in the following order: combat (Combat), motor (Motor Function), sensory (Sensory Systems), memory (Memory), cognitive (Cognitive), emotional (Emotional Construct), creative (Creative Simulation). After that, it remains only to turn off the core (Core) and erase the combat program.
After talking with the entrant Lashaw in the western rooms of the academy, you can persuade her to cooperate. Lie to her, telling her that in the tomb you can find a valuable artifact - the cloak of the Sith. The tomb is at the far end of the valley. There, Lashaw will help you repel the attack of wild animals, and then attack you herself. Pick up the holocron from her body.
These are all assignments. Convinced of your excellent qualities, rector Utar will offer you to complete the last task. Finish the side quests and agree. You will have to pass the final test alone, without the help of your comrades. The tomb of Naga Sadow awaits you.
Go through the door, go down the corridor, and go left from the fork. A puzzle awaits you outside the door - a modification of the famous problem with the towers of Hanoi. You can transfer energy rings from the left pin to the right one if you do it in the following order (1 - left ring, 2 - middle, 3 - right): 1-3, 1-2, 3-2, 1-3, 2-1 , 2-3, 1-2, 3-1, 2-1, 3-2, 1-3, 1-2, 3-2, 1-3, 2-3, 2-1, 3-1, 2 -3, 1-2, 1-3, 2-3.
Follow down the corridor, defeating enemies along the way, take the sword from the tomb. Go back to the fork - you to the right. In front of the door, save, as you have to fight with two terentareks at once. It's incredibly hard to defeat them. Immediately press against the wall on the left and slowly walk towards the nearest monster until it notices you. Quickly run back, activate all your shields, stims and defensive spells. Jedi magical things have practically no effect on the animal, so you have to beat him in the old grandfather ways. When your shields and stims run out, don't forget to activate new ones.
After slaughtering the cattle, do not forget to search the room. Pull the lever, unlocking two doors. Take frost and fire grenades, return to the beginning of the path. Freeze the acid lake in the south with a grenade. Now it remains only to take the Sith laser sword from the statue and pick up the star map.
Be sure to save - Utar and Yutara will be waiting for you by the lake. The battle is unavoidable. Take the side of one of them (Yutara is weaker!) or tell your mentors about your true goals. In the latter case, on the way back to the academy, you will have to fight with the entire stream and with the teachers. The secret to defeating both Jedi is to quickly cast haste spells and immunity to the Force on yourself.
Finally - the native "Ebonhawk". The next and last target is Manaan.
…Oh, it turns out, not the last one. Out of nowhere, Darth Malak's flagship jumped out and captured the Ebonhawk in the gravity field. What to do?

Side quests

If you return aboard the Ebonhawk with Juhani, an unknown suspicious-looking twilek may attach to you. His request is original - he will ask you to sell him Juhani. Word for word - and it turns out that it was he who killed her father on Taris, and now he wants to have a young slave from the Cathar race. Of course, Juhani will immediately want to try her claws on the slaver. Point her out (-) or persuade her not to succumb to anger (+). The chance to deal with the villain will be presented on Manaan - he will attack you immediately after you land. Apparently, this quest is missing from the console version of the game.
Rodian Lurze Kesh at the entrance to the club will ask you how Davik is doing. Upon learning that you do not work for Davik and that he died long ago, the Rodian will say that there is an old cache in Ebonhok where his goods are stored.
And in fact - in the hold, in the wall next to the plastic steel boxes, a cargo of spices will be found. Return the spices to Kesh, and he will offer you a "postal" task - to deliver a package to Hutt Motta on Tatooine. There is only one condition - you can not look into the parcel. Why? This is a bomb? No, it's not a bomb. You just can't, that's all.
Of course, you want to look inside. If you do this, you will find yourself in a strange environment reminiscent of The Matrix. We'll have to play with the only inhabitant of this area in riddles. Answers to riddles: time (Time), tomorrow (Tomorrow), grave (Grave), fire (Flame). After recovering from the shock, do not forget to fly to Tatooine - a lot of money will be paid for the package.
If you find yourself on Korriban after visiting the Leviathan, then an old acquaintance will come up to you and secretly say that the bartender in the club sells artifacts. They are very expensive, but the effect is considerable.
In the corridors of Dreshda, a Sith student kills a young Twilek woman with lightning bolts. The solution to the quest is obvious: stand up for her (+) or ignore (-) the beating. This is another way to get a Sith medallion.
If you fly to Tatooine after Kashyyyk and go out into the fresh air arm in arm with Carth, then a person will come up to you. He will say that he saw his son Kart at the Sith academy on Korriban. To complete this quest, take the key to Uthar's room from the bodies of your teachers when passing Korriban or open it with a master key. There you will find a holocron that will help return young Dustil, an academy student, to the true path.


The dark side of the Force is not to be underestimated - it sucks... drags the Ebonhawk aboard the monstrous Leviathan. This is where the soldiers come in. You need to quickly decide who will hide in a secret cache, in order to save the rest later. I recommend choosing Juhani due to her initial stealth specialization.
This is interesting: if you, wanting the strange, choose the T3-M4 droid as your savior, then you will have to fight with another droid trying to get to your memory. The fight will appear in the form of a puzzle. By choosing the numbers 3, 10 and 11 in sequence, you turn off the enemy.
You, Bastila and Kart are in cages, and Sol - Malak's right hand - is torturing you. You can tell the truth or lie - it will not help Dantooine.
While Sol is having fun, Juhani has time to get to the prison cells. You have practically nothing, all stocks are confiscated. Go down the corridor, then left. Disguise will help to carefully go behind the back of the soldier and attack him. Now you have the key to the prison cell. Do not enter the door on the right yet, follow the corridor down and again to the left. In front of you are two prison cells. In one of them, Rodians who have lost their mind wander aimlessly, and another Rodian sits in another cage - he looks quite adequate. His story is sad - he is a smuggler, but the Sith believe that he is connected with the forces of the Republic. From the torture, his comrades went crazy, and he himself did not have long. After shedding a tear, knock out the force field with a laser sword, and in gratitude, the Rodian will give you an ice pick - with it you can penetrate the computer and free your comrades.
It's too early to relax, because the terminal still needs to be found. Enter the door you missed earlier and kill the system administrators. Having plunged a knife into the computer, crack it and open the doors of the cells. Go back to the main corridor, kill the guard, go up the corridor - another group of system administrators is waiting for you. Invisibility will help to strike the first blow. If you want, you can repair the droid to help yourself and rob the room opposite.
Behind the next door are prison cells. Free your friends, take your things and weapons. Run to the elevator and press the "To the Bridge" button. Move forward, destroying the soldiers. Sooner or later you will run into a door that you cannot open. But there is a workaround - after robbing the arsenal, take space suits. Save, fight with three Jedi (do not forget about the spell of immunity and resistance). Exit to the Bridge Storage by opening or knocking out the door. You - in the gateway. In open space, in space suits, go to the far door. Don't forget to take up arms again. Be sure to save again before entering the bridge itself.
Sol is waiting for you here. First of all, kill the soldiers on the sides - they throw grenades. Then focus on the two Jedi before hitting Sol. “Come to me, my faithful Onasi!” croaks the dying general. Carth Onasi used to serve under Sol. Not without fear, he leans over the agonizing general. He whispers something tender in his ear, after which Kart instantly changes his face and shouts: “Is this really true?!”.
The whole group immediately starts urging Onasi to “share information”, but there is no time - Malak himself is approaching. You only have time to take pity on the dying general (+) or order to finish him off (-). Quickly collect the loot and exit through the same door.
On your way to the elevator, you will encounter several Jedi and soldiers. Get down to the hangar - you need to get out of this ship. Run from the elevator to the east - Kenderos is already warming up the engines, he will kindly report this on the radio. Climb up the corridor to the door, taking out the Jedi along the way, and be sure to save - ahead of Malak.
The dialogue with the gloomy jawless comrade will be the most interesting conversation in the entire game. Darth Malak can shock just as well as Vader with his famous “I am your father”. You will understand the surprise of Kart Onasi a few lines above, and look at Bastila with no less surprise yourself. Yes, if we get out of this mess, someone will have to explain for a very long time.
In any case, you will have to fight Malak alone. The fight is difficult, but there are no special secrets - only maximum Jedi protection, shields, stimulants and constant healing. With most of his health gone, Malak decides it's getting too hot and flees. Once you can catch up with him, but he is too strong a rival for you. Bastila will shout "Run, you fools!" – and distract the dark lord to himself. There is no need to ask us a second time.
Here is the Ebonhawk. After fighting off a flock of fighters, fly to Manaan. Kart will arrange a general meeting in the wheelhouse, and you can ask all your friends what they think about the changed alignment. Most of all, the HK-47 will be delighted.
And this was to be expected.


Manaan is a vast ocean inhabited by a race of intelligent marine animals, the Selkath. This is an eternal resort where shader waves splash, the sun always shines in the sky, and quiet and relaxing music plays in the background. What else do weary adventurers need? Even the shine of the wet skin of the Selkath does not irritate, but only complements the overall picture of universal appeasement.
By the way, about appeasement. Since the entire planet is covered in water, the Selkath built a single floating city to trade with other civilizations. They produce a unique remedy, and as monopolists they can dictate any conditions. And the conditions are simple - the medicine is sold to both the Sith and the Republic. Neither side is given preference, and any clashes are prohibited in the city itself. Video cameras carefully monitor the observance of order, and all attempts to disturb public order are punished quickly and cruelly.
The Sith take advantage of this and vengeance offend the Republican soldiers, trying to provoke them into a fight. They grit their teeth and barely contain themselves. But now we are on Manaan, which means that someone is now in trouble.
Talk to the offended soldier in the best feelings, try to calm him down. At the checkpoint you will have to pay a fee and listen to the rules of conduct. Find the embassy of the Republic (at the same time orient yourself in the city). Inform Ambassador Roland Vann of the purpose of your search. But he is on his own mind - until you bring him a valuable spy droid captured by them from the Sith base, he will not help you.
There are three ways to enter the base. The first and easiest is to return to the spaceport and hide in a cargo ship, having previously killed the guards. The second way for hackers: decrypt the access code on the card - this can be done on a computer, a local programmer will help you get comfortable. It is easy to continue six rows, this is a common task from the “complete a row” cycle. Answers: 22, 18, 64, 2, 6, 7.
The third way is to split the captive Sith. First tell him what you know about his companion, then hint that you could leave the companion and release the prisoner himself. Then try another tactic - imply that you know something about the affair with Thela, and then casually inform that she has already been captured.
In any case, you will have to arrange a raid on the Sith base. There will be soldiers on your way, there will be Jedi. Missing the wreckage of the Republic droid is impossible - the broken droid takes up half the room.
At the exit, fish-eyed selkaths will be waiting for you. They'll arrest you on charges of attacking the Sith. Get rid of a lawyer. At the trial, go into a deaf "unconscious" - blame the Sith (the dead have no shame). You can say that you were lured to the base for the purpose of negotiations, that you never fired a shot, and that you were not there at all.
On your side (however funny) the absence of witnesses and the statements of the injured party. All the Selkath have is the sounds of explosions and gunshots from the Sith base, so it won't be hard to make excuses. You will be released.
Roland Vann will happily ask you for another favor: to find out what happened to the secret bottom station for the extraction of a precious resource. Communication with her has disappeared, the sent rescue teams do not return, and the Republicans assume the worst (rebellion, attack by Cthulhu cult fans, discovery of Alien eggs or a raid of blue pests).
There is nothing to do - we do not care on the way. On a small submarine, a friendly company will go to explore the sea depths of Manaan.
At the station, the entire honest company is frightened with all their might by the last surviving member of the rescue team. Looks like it's the Selkath working here. For some reason they went berserk and attacked the human staff.
Move through the station, mercilessly exterminating the rabid fish-eyes and droids. Don't forget to take your diving suit. At the gateway you will have to leave your comrades and go to the depths of the sea yourself. Another survivor looms ahead. It won't hurt your eyes for long. This is a hint for you: beware of sharks, turn on the ultrasonic shocker in time. After leaving the building, go along the bottom to the east, then to the left - and turn into the gateway.
After exterminating a group of rabid Selkath, you will meet two scientists behind a protective screen. In a panic, they will decide that their hour of death has come, and they will try to flood the room with you. Gently break through the protective field with a laser sword - this is the only way to make scientists change their minds. It turns out that the Selkats and sharks went berserk after turning on the new drilling rig, and a giant shark emerged from the depths of the sea and is terrifying. You have two options - poison the giant shark (that's bad) or try to destroy the ecologically disturbing unit (that's good).
Come outside in a space suit. After dispersing the sharks, go to the control panel and proceed in the following order:
* Turn on the fuel tank control (Access fuel tank pressure control).
*Fill container pod
* Transfer fuel from container to injector
* Dump fuel from the injector (Dump injector pod)
* Transfer fuel from container to injector
* Fill container pod
* Transfer from container to injector again
As a result of all these manipulations, the drilling rig will explode in such a way that the Selkatam will hiccup at the top in the city. And the giant shark will immediately calm down and let you through the bridge to the star map.
Having taken your comrades and the map, return upstairs to the city. Explain the situation to Roland, and you can leave the embassy. Outside, you will immediately be arrested again. If you did not poison the fish, then there will be no point in denying it - tell the truth, and they will let you go. True, if you want to fly to Manaan again, then you will be charged a fivefold fee “to be discourteous”.
Complete the side quests and fly off planet to the Star Forge system.
This is important: before you fly to the Star Forge system, make sure that you have not forgotten anything on other planets - you will not be able to return there.

Side quests

In the Mercenary Enclave, Nilko Bwaas is interested in the increased activity of the Republic. Why did the Republic suddenly become actively recruiting mercenaries? After your underwater adventures, you will know the true reason - tell Nilko about it.
In the same place, a certain Selkath Shelas complains that young Selkath are disappearing somewhere. They are being recruited by the Sith and you will meet all the missing youths at the base. Kill them (-) or, by finding Sith records in the further rooms, prove to young fools that the Sith are bad (+). Returning to Shelas, refuse the reward (+) or demand more (-).
Win races on hover bikes. The former champion will begin to threaten you, but in reality he will not be able to do anything.
Old Sunri, an acquaintance of Jolie Bindo, is accused of murder. He actually killed a Sith woman after learning that she was using him for espionage. But here a moral dilemma arises: if you accuse him of murder in court, then this will be fair, but will benefit the Sith. If you cheat and try to justify Sunry, it will be useful to the Republic, but not fair. Those who decide to justify Sunri (and inform him about it) will earn (-).
Agree with the judges that you, as a Jedi, will help in the case. Talk to the accused, his wife Elora, the witnesses - the receptionist, Firit and Gluubar. Go to the base of the Republic, talk to its head. After hacking the Republic's computer on a tip from an unknown person, you will see a video proving Sunry's guilt. If you have not cleared the Sith base yet, then talk to the Sith too.
It is easy to bring the case to a death sentence - you just need to show the court a video with footage of the murder. To justify Sunry, you have to try. Brib the porter. The receptionist at the trial will lie, saying that Sunry ran out of the hotel before the shot. Protest against accusations of lies by the Sith. When the Rodian Gluubar speaks, press him - he will admit that he threw the medallion. This will only benefit the defendant.
In no case do not appeal to the old age of the client and to his military merits - this will only hurt! Ask Firita if he saw the crime? Naturally, he didn't see anything. Ask Elora about Sunri's love affair with the victim, and ask the client himself - could the Sith set him up when he decided to tie up with a relationship on the side. In the final word, stress that no one saw the crime, so it was fabricated by the Sith. Sanri will be acquitted.
After killing Calo Nord on Tatooine, you will receive a strange note on your way back about a Rodian named Hulas. The note reads "Come to him alone or don't come at all." The hint is transparent - if there are comrades with you, then Hulas (he is standing at the side overlooking the sea) will not tell you anything. This quest is for the Dark Jedi - there is no "good" solution for it. The Rodian will give you two licenses to kill.
Victims: Zulas of Dantooine (Matale mansion) or Lorgal of Manaan (Republic enclave). After the death of at least one of them (-), a delighted Hulas will issue three more licenses. Victims: Ithorak from Manaan, Rulan from Kashyyyk, and Vorn from Tatooine.
To get to Ithorak, talk to Huck in the race registration room. Convince him that you are the buyer. Ithorak awaits you at the spaceport.
Vorn from Tatooine can be found by reprogramming his droid, which you will find near the Tusken camp.
Hunting Rulan from Kashyyyk will be strange. At Jolie Bindo's house, you will see a Wookiee corpse with a note "Owls are not what they seem." Approach another Wookiee by the fire and tell him about the find. He will turn into Jolie. But you won’t get through with this - tell the werewolf about it. Annoyed, Rulan will turn into a monster, and then into a small animal tach, and will try to get lost among other small animals. We'll have to exterminate all the suspicious tachs in the clearing.
If you, returning to Hulas, accuse him of foul play, then the Rodian will make an appointment for you on Tatooine outside the city, where he will try to kill you. But you, of course, disrupt all his plans.

Planet of the Lost Ships

The Star Forge is a gigantic space station powered by the energy of the star. It will not be difficult to repel the attack of Malak's fighters, but an unknown disorienting field will disrupt the Ebonhawk's equipment, and you will crash screaming onto an unknown resort planet. It's called the Unknown Planet.
The Rakata tribes live here - an ancient race whose ancestors thundered throughout the Distant Galaxy. It was they who built the droid on Dantooine, and the star maps, and the Forge itself. But now they have become savage and turned into only a pathetic semblance of themselves. Rakata now huddle on a small island in the form of two tribes - wild and pretty.
The Ebonhawk is not the only wrecked ship on the planet. Around you there is a huge number of space ships of varying degrees of damage that have crashed onto the planet. This strange field around the star station spared no one. The aliens whom you save from the savages will tell you about this.
Savages live in the north of the island, and civilized rakats live in the south. Go first to the savages - there you can talk with the leader and learn more about yourself and the situation in which you find yourself. Then head north, closer to civilization. The road winds between the rocks, and it is almost impossible to get lost on a small island. Along the way, pay attention to the minefields (poor Zhizka - he was so inattentive during his lifetime!) And to the small rancors walking on the grass. Pick up among the mines spare parts to repair the ship. Consider a dilapidated temple, try to kick the door closed by an unknown protective field.
On the southern beaches, a village of civilized rakats guards a protective field. The hologram of the rak'ah will ask you about the purpose of your arrival. In no case do not say that you were with the wild northerners - you will be fried immediately. Better let them know you're looking for the Star Forge.
These rak'ah call themselves Elders. They do not believe in your good intentions, and they have reasons for this. In order to ingratiate themselves with them, it is necessary to free their fellow tribesmen, captured by the northerners. It's time to bring democracy and prosperity to the northern village. We'll have to fight with the savages and destroy the entire village along with the beast. All this we will do for the sake of the only surviving prisoner from the Elders. In the cage, among the rancor droppings, you will find a few more parts from the ship - now we have a complete set for repairing the Ebonhawk. It remains to disable the field.
After a little advice, the Elders will allow you to enter the temple, but only without an escort. This will be opposed by Bindo and Yuhani, who have come running from the beach - they will help you persuade the rakat to let the three of you into the temple.
And the temple is inhabited! Dozens of Dark Jedi and powerful droids will stand in your way. Having opened the door to the catacombs from the terminal, go down. To open the next door, go through the nine plates in the right order (in the form of the letter H).

There is a computer waiting for you behind the next door. Question him. Return to the entrance to the temple, and go through the large door, previously locked. Bastila will meet you at the top - alive, but very dark.
Here you will have to make the final choice between Light and Darkness. The Light Jedi will persuade Bastila to change her mind, then fight her several times until she runs away. The Dark Ones will inform Bastila that they are stronger than Malak, and it would be better for her to disassociate herself from her jawless comrade before it's too late. In this case, you will have to kill Juhani and Jolie.
In any case, you need to disable the field from the computer terminal. Having done this, return to the ship. All your companions will run out of the ship onto the beach. If you are blacked out, then kill everyone who does not agree with the general line of the party.
Repair the Ebonhawk's engine and take off towards the Star Forge and your own destiny.

Side quests

On the northern rakata beach, Garn laments the ubiquitous Mandalorian bandits. They live near the wall of the temple (on the right, if you face the entrance). Kill them, pick up the helmet of the main bandit and report to Garn.
In the settlement of the Ancients, a scientist named Llava is trying to decipher the genes of the Rakata race. If you, once in the temple, ask the computer about the genetic data of the race, the scientist will be very pleased with the information received.

Star Forge

If you chose the “good” path, then you were not alone in attacking the space station - along with you, a small group of good Jedi survivors of Dantooine broke through the defensive barriers. But they will not help you - they will be killed almost immediately.
It will be very difficult to break through the corridors of the station to Malak - he sends dozens of droids, soldiers, students and strong Jedi to intercept. All the enemies here tend to respawn around the nearest corner, so don't waste your time and move further and further along the bridges and through the doors, stopping only to heal. Worst of all are the Jedi Masters. When fighting them, it's easy to miss the moment when the character passes out. Your main spell now is to frequently save the game.
On the second deck, do not rush to attack the automatic turrets - find the control room on the opposite side and, if you have a hacker, hack the security system. Those who want to profit from free clothes can get themselves a few mantles according to the local fashion here.
Bastila will meet you at the control center (or not: if you chose the “bad” path, then she will already be with you). Try, by exchanging blows, to incline her to the path of correction and cooperation with the administration. At the end of the third round, you will have the opportunity to convince her of your good intentions and force her to use her battle meditation for the benefit of the troops of the Republic.
Only Malak remained. He will first escape, leaving you to be scolded by endlessly respawning battle droids. We'll have to hack the terminals responsible for their production. If you do not have enough pins, remember: killing a droid that has fallen out of a pipe “spawns” a pin in the corresponding basket. The most advanced hackers can set up computers to produce robots that act on your side (apparently this feature was not in the console version).
The fight with your old friend Malak will drag on. True to tradition, good Jedi will read him a tedious sermon before the start of the fight. The enemy has several captured Jedi “batteries” in stock, with the help of which he will be able to fully restore his health several times.
There is a trick here - as soon as Malak explains to you why he captured these Jedi on Dantooine, you will have the opportunity to destroy all the "batteries". Browsers are usually silent about this possibility. It is very easy to “de-energize” them - throw a sword at them, strangle them, use any spells. Dark Jedi can use "chargers" on their own, sucking the life out of them. By depriving Malak of support, you will greatly facilitate your final fight.
Malak dies in bewilderment, which means that you have completed the game. You just have to lean back in your chair and watch the final video. Congratulations.

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