Our Harry Potter: Wizards Spell List Guide has a complete list of spells you can use against enemies in the game! Each spell requires you to draw a specific path to cast, and we have images showing the exact moves you need to make to defeat your enemies!
This is the most comprehensive list of all the spells you can cast in Wizards Unite to date! There will probably be a few more in the future, but in the early days of the game, only the ones listed below are available. We will have more information on each spell as soon as the game is officially released.
Each spell requires you to draw a specific path on the screen to cast correctly. You'll want to practice getting these exactly right to get the most out of each spell!
Accio (Accio)
spell effect: pulls an item or creature towards the wizard
Spell Aguamenti (Aguamenti) - a spell to create water
spell effect: Creates water in a jet from the end of a wand.
Alohomora (Alohomora)
Alohomora Spell - Unlocking Enchantment
spell effect: spell creates an enchantment that unlocks locks
Aresto Momentum (Arresto Momentum)
Spell Aresto Momentum (Arresto Momentum) - slows down the fall of the object
spell effect: creates an enchantment that slows down the fall of an object, softens its landing from a great height
Bombarda Spell - an enchantment that explodes an obstacle
spell effect: The spell creates an enchantment that can explode an obstacle
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Combat Bolt
Combat Bolt spell - general offensive spell
spell effect: used to deal damage to the enemy
Diffindo (Diffindo)
Diffindo spell (Diffindo) — scissor spell or Cutting Spell
spell effect: An enchantment designed to cut inanimate objects.
Ebublio (Ebublio)
Ebublio spell - an evil eye that can limit the movement of the enemy or any target
spell effect: Hex places an opponent or any target in a very large bubble that looks very much like a soap bubble. However, the bubble is very strong and cannot be destroyed.
Patronus Spell (Expecto Patronum)
The Patronus Spell (Expecto Patronum) is an enchantment that summons a Patronus.
spell effect: Patronus is summoned - a magical entity that serves to protect against Dementors and Smerkuts.
Finite (Finite)
Spell Finite (Finite) - counterspell, cancels the effect of other spells
spell effect: Cancels other spells, curses, removes enchantments
Flipendo (Flipendo)
Spell Flipendo (Flipendo) - repulsive evil eye.
spell effect: Knocks back a creature or enemy. Able to stun some creatures, break fragile objects and activate switches.
Incendio (Incendio)
Incendio Spell - Ignite Charm, Ignite Charm
spell effect: Creates a magical fire that can ignite objects, stun Poison Tentacula, make Common Thorn wither.
Meteo Recanto (Meteolojinx Recanto)
The Meteolojinx Recanto spell is a counterspell that cancels precipitation cast by another spell
spell effect: stops conjured rain, snow, etc.
Ridiculus (Riddikkulus)
The spell Riddikkulus is a spell used to change a boggart.
spell effect: Boggart is a ghost that changes its shape depending on the person's fears. The Ridiculus spell allows you to change the form of a ghost to a comic one and the ghost will disappear.