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Beginner's Guide to CS:GO, Part 2

CS:GO remains one of the most popular games on Steam. If you've always wanted to get into this, let us explain the basics to you.

Many know Counter-Strike by name, either from playing older versions or seeing the still hugely popular game on Twitch at one of the many esports events. How to actually start playing the game and become a decent player in no time?

Of course, it all starts on Steam, the software distribution platform created by Valve, which also made Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. The game itself is free, but for a small price of €12,75 you can get the Prime Status Upgrade. This allows you to receive drops and compare you to other Prime users. Since cheaters are a possible factor in online shooters, purchasing this update may mean that you will encounter fewer of these unscrupulous players.

Correct settings

Downloading and installing is certainly not that difficult, but when you enter the game, you can change a huge number of settings. The choices seem endless, from finding the best scope for you to finding the best sensitivity or even screen resolution.

Beginners are advised to try converting what you have used before in other games. You can just play with the same sensitivity you used in other similar games like Overwatch or even some single player games. If you have no previous experience in first person shooters, don't worry, you can just try and feel what you like best. However, it is recommended to try playing with a relatively low sensitivity. Most pros and other good gamers use a mouse around 400 to 800 dpi with in-game sensitivity between 1 and 3. If your previous gaming experience is with games like League of Legends, this will be quite difficult.

Aim at your discretion. Color and movement is something that is up to you to decide. In a way, it's your own fashion statement in the game. The resolution shouldn't be too hard either, as most people will just play with their monitor's native resolution. However, some are changing it to a 4:3 aspect ratio as this reduces the field of view, which in turn allows for less distraction around the center of the screen.

Let's get into the game

In a competitive shooter, most people would love to instantly queue up for a competitive game mode in CS:GO, but before you can do that, there's a small requirement. Players will need to reach rank 2 to be able to start their rank experience as this forces new players to at least take some action to get their bearings in the game before playing matches.

in which each round can be counted. The easiest game to start with is, of course, Deathmatch. In this mode, players can either select their weapon from the buy menu or simply receive a random weapon each time they spawn. This will give you a good idea of ​​what weapons are out there and which might suit your playstyle.

If the headshots keep coming from you and not from opposing forces, you might want to try playing Retake mode. This mode has been designed so that you recapture the bomb in the same way as in competitive play.

Don't shoot on the move

Counter-Strike fans like to say that their game is really hard and has some complex mechanics that need to be understood. It really is when you compare it to some other big FPS games. For example, in CS:GO you have to stand still while firing most weapons. There are several ways to do this, the simplest of which is of course no longer holding the navigation key. Your character will slow down and eventually stop. If you are using a dynamic scope, it will stop expanding and stop the moment you stop.

Spray control

Every weapon in this game has a very predictable spray pattern, especially the AK-47, and both M4 rifles have a simple, controllable path that you can follow. It repeats the shape of the number seven, which you must contrast by moving your mouse to the other side.

The easiest way to practice is to create a game for yourself, with or without bots, or on a map that you can add to yourself in the Recoil Master workshop, in which you spray a spray on a wall and watch the pattern appear.

Ready for matchmaking?

If you feel ready for matchmaking, you can join when you reach the required level. The goal of a competitive match is to reach 16 rounds first, or 15 if it ends in a draw. To do this, two halves will be played, of which the second half is often played in full, because either team must reach the required 16 rounds. You either start on the side of the terrorists or counter-terrorists in the first half.

Starting on the counter-terrorist side, it is vital to keep the terrorists at the bomb sites. You can approach area A or B and hold off any attack that may come your way. You will either win the round by disarming the bomb if planted, kill all opposing players before the bomb is planted, or run out of timer before the bomb is planted. Of course, you will lose when the bomb explodes or when all the counter-terrorists fall.

From the terrorist side, the game looks like this. You either let the bomb go off or kill all the counter-terrorists before the time runs out. Half will take 15 rounds, which means you have to play 15 rounds on either the Terrorist or Counterterrorist side before switching.

Best weapon

When choosing the best weapon options, several options should be taken into account. AWP is the strongest and most expensive single-shot sniper rifle. Every shot you land above your feet is an instant kill, unless there is a wall in the way. A shot in the leg usually does about 85% damage. You can buy this weapon no matter which side you are on.

As for the terrorists, they usually choose the AK-47. One shot, one headshot kill while still being available, this weapon is one of the most used weapons in the game. The spray itself is quite manageable and definitely needs to be mastered if you want to improve CS:GO.

However, the counter-terrorism side has two options. M4A4 or M4A1-S, the S version is slightly cheaper. However, this slightly cheaper option produces fewer bullets, but it is easier to control the spray. The M4A4 has more power, but most players will find it harder to control the spray as it also has a slightly higher rate of fire.

Communication with teammates

It's often intimidating to jump into a map you don't already know, but maps in CS:GO are actually pretty easy most of the time. Often you can just name what you see or what they are hiding behind and most players will understand what you mean. As a rule, not every person you can meet will be as nice as you would like, but most people will try to help you if you ask kindly. It's time for you to plunge into the wonderful world of CS: GO.

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