Prophet (Prophet) – Future New Legend of Apex Legends?


Every day we get more and more leaks about the growing online shooter Apex Legends, and here's the latest one to date. In the near future in Apex Legends will add a new hero named Prophet (Prophet).

The source says that the new Legend will have the ability Precog, which is an abbreviation of the English Precognition, meaning the ability to predict the future.

Based on this information, it can be assumed that the Prophet will be able to guess where boxes of equipment will fall or in which part of the map there will be a storm-free zone.

As recent practice shows, the lion's share of leaks is confirmed. This happened with the Chaos energy rifle, which dataminers were talking about even before its official announcement.

Respawn Entertainment hasn't commented on the Prophet, Octane, and Watson rumors, but I'm more than confident that we'll see these heroes in the arena soon and be able to try out their unique abilities!

We remind you that before the start of the first battle pass Apex Legends is just around the corner! 


   Preliminary data analysis indicates that Octane, which we talked about earlier, will be added to the game, possibly in the 8th week after the release of the game. This means we may see a new character appear between March 25th and April 1st. If not, we will at least have more information by then.

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