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League of Legends Update 10.12 Description

League of Legends

The League of Legends 10.12 update is live and we have all the champion balance changes, in-game tweaks and more to get players jumping ahead of booting into the Rift.

In this update, as always, the overly strong champions were weakened and the overly weak ones (Akali, Brenda, Victor, Shayu) were buffed. In addition, the developers are carefully reducing the power of some of the favorites of professional players (like Trundle and Varus) so that they do not stand out from the competition. Finally, a few changes have been made to the Dire Bear's arsenal, as well as a number of bug fixes.

But the focus of this update is to rework unpopular or niche runes to make them more useful to more champions. The power of some of them was too subtle; others were unnecessarily difficult to use. We hope these changes will give players a free hand and allow them to better adapt to their chosen playstyle. We also checked the summoner spells and noticed that the Ghost. Now it is stronger, so if the glory of one blue hedgehog haunts you, choose this spell and rush around the map faster than the wind!

League of Legends



Q Five-Point Strike damage increased.

Despite the deadly arsenal and competitive potential, Akali is not very popular among professionals. Since her power was limited precisely because of her former effectiveness in competitions, we can now increase the base power of Akali's main skill to deal damage.


DAMAGE 25/50/75/100/125 (+65% total attack damage) (+60% ability power)  30/55/80/105/130 (+65% total attack damage) (+65% ability power).


Increased mana regeneration when finishing off enemies affected by Ignite (passive skill).

We're increasing Brand's mana regeneration in the hope that it will improve his mid lane strength without affecting his effectiveness as a support. This time around, we decided to go big with buffs to see if it could bring him back to the mid lane. 


MANA REGENERATION WHEN KILLING BURNING ENEMIES 6-18 (at levels 1-18)  20-40 (at levels 1-18).


Base health and armor reduced; magic resistance increased.

The Serpent has heavily occupied the top and bottom lanes, and today's changes are intended to reduce its strength in these positions. However, we are also increasing Cassiopeia's magic resistance to mitigate the debuff for those who take her to the mid lane.


HEALTH 575  560.
ARMOR 20  18.


Bountiful Harvest W damage to minions has been reduced.

After the recent buffs, Fiddlestick's harvest has gotten a little too bountiful, so we're reducing his damage against minions - but not by much so as not to scare him off the top lane.




Fixed a bug related to preparing an auto attack. The drop rate of Liberation Mist Wraith (Passive) has been increased.

After the changes in update 10.6, Senna as a shooter became too weak, so we increase her benefit from clearing minions. We also fixed a bug that caused the Liberator to take too long to prepare her auto-attacks on critical strikes, so she now has more room in her arsenal for items that affect critical damage.


BUG FIX Fixed an issue where critical hits were incorrectly reducing Senna's Basic Attack preparation time.


MIST GHOST CHANCE 1,67% when Senna kills a minion  8,33% when Senna kills a minion.


Base health, mana, and mana regen rounded up. The bonus movement speed from Ice Land [W] has been reduced.

Despite the nerf in Enslavement [R], Trundle is still the main troll in professional games. We want to reduce his early mobility so he can no longer run away from combat so easily. In addition, we round off some indicators, otherwise these fractions are as ugly as he is.


HEALTH 616,28  616.
MANA 281,6  281.


BONUS MOVEMENT SPEED 30/35/40/45/50%  20/28/36/44/52%.


Base attack power growth reduced. Penetrating Arrow [Q] damage ratio decreased.

Varus' lethality build overwhelms other options, especially in pro play, and he's noticeably stronger than the competition. With this build, he performs well in the early game, and we don't want to take that away from him, so we hit the scaling.




ATTACK DAMAGE RATIO 110% (maximum 165%)  100% (maximum 150%).


Power Drain Discharge [Q] damage ratio increased; shield durability increased.

Buffing Viktor's power in mid-range duels so he doesn't have to rely on E alone.


SHIELD RATIO FROM ABILITY POWER 15% (24% when skill is upped)  20% (32% when skill is upped).


Improved clarity of gameplay. Base mana and health gains have been increased. Fixed bugs with Lightning Strike [Q] and made useful changes. Turret disable duration adjusted, Stormbringer's damage area and base damage increased; bugs fixed.

Since the introduction, Volibear has been showing poor results in the top lane, especially at higher levels. Even additional changes did not help. It would seem that this is normal, because his main position is the forest, and yet the gap is too big to ignore.

As such, we're making a number of other changes that should improve the recoil of his skills and make the gameplay more enjoyable, while increasing his base strength at the same time. Now the competent use of skills and outplaying enemies will bear fruit - kills / assists, a successful escape from an unpleasant situation, etc.


IMPACT CRATER impact craters Thunderer [E] и Stormbringer [R] Volibears now disappear faster.
INCREASED VISUAL CLARITY Improved visual clarity Mauled [W]Thunderer [E] и Stormbringer [R].
BEARS LOVE TO SING Fixed a bug due to which Volibear hummed to himself too often.
ETERNAL Volibear Eternals included.




BEAR HUG Lightning Strike empowered auto-attack can no longer be interrupted by control after it starts.
ATTACK SPEED SCALING Lightning Strike's auto-attack proc now scales based on attack speed.
RESET ERROR FIX Lightning Strike's cooldown reset is no longer canceled if Volibear casts a skill immediately after being interrupted.


ANIMATION CANCEL BUG FIX Volibear will now automatically attack his target after canceling the Maul animation and Thunderer [E].
ATTACK ERROR FIX Volibear will now continue to attack the target even after Maul is applied to them.
VISUAL EFFECTS The tag is now larger, and is now better tied to the target's health bar.


TOWER OFF DURATION 2/4/6 seconds  3/4/5 seconds.
BASE DAMAGE 250/475/700  300/500/700.
ATTACK ERROR FIX Fixed a bug due to which Volibear automatically attacked the target after landing Stormbringer [R].
MODEL SIZE Slightly reduced.
TOWER DISABLED VISUAL EFFECTS Towers disabled Stormbringer [R], now much darker to better reflect the effect.


Featherstorm R base damage increased.

For most of last season, Shaya dominated professional games, but now her popularity has faded. So we're increasing her R damage to reward aggressive play. Go ahead, spread your wings!


BASE DAMAGE 100/150/200  125/250/375.


Base health reduced. Wanderer's Path (Passive) shield durability increased. Wind Wall's W cooldown has been increased.

Yasuo performs marvels of efficiency in the bot lane, but remains weak in solo positions. Therefore, we increase the cooldown of the skill that is most useful in the bottom lane, and the strength of the shield, since it is easier for shooters to knock it down. Hopefully, these careful changes will reduce Yasuo's power in the bottom lane without affecting his solo performances too much.


HEALTH 523  490.


FLOW SHIELD STRENGTH 100-510 (at levels 1-18)  115-525 (at levels 1-18).


RELOAD 26/24/22/20/18 секунд  30/27/24/21/18 секунд.



Approach Speed ​​and Dreadnaught are not popular at all and have non-intuitive functionality. We want to expand the scope of their application, while making it clearer and easier to use.
PASSIVELY Increases movement speed by 15% when moving towards allies with movement restrictions or enemies you have restricted movement.  Increases movement speed by 7,5% when moving towards an enemy champion with movement restrictions. The effect's power is increased to 15% if you have restricted this enemy's movement. (Also now the champion you have restricted movement can be at any distance to trigger the effect).


Guardian is a powerful keystone that isn't very popular, despite being stronger in the hands of some champions than other options like Fluffy or Tremors. We've decided to revitalize the rune by giving players more control over when it triggers and by increasing the protection it provides so that it now grants a stronger shield instead of haste. In general, we want the rune to stay at the same level of power despite the changes, but at the same time become more pleasant and reliable to use. Perhaps it's time to finally take it into service!
TRIP CONDITION Any damage  90-250 damage after applying defensive stats in the last 2,5 seconds or lethal damage.
SHIELD STRENGTH 70-150  80-200.


The Predator has a beautiful design, but everything is spoiled by the complexity of use and non-intuitive optimizations. It's currently a niche rune for a couple of junglers, so we want to broaden its scope and make it the standard choice for initiators.
RELOAD 150-100 seconds  100-70 seconds.
DAMAGE 60-180 (+40% bonus attack damage) (+25% ability power)  30-90 (+20% bonus attack damage) (+10% ability power).
WITHOUT BRAKES The active effect is no longer disabled for the first 150 seconds of the game.
NEWFASTER THAN THE WIND When channeled, the Predator now gains 45% movement speed when moving towards enemy champions within 3000 range, including those who are out of line of sight.
REMOVEDPREPARATION INTERRUPTION The active effect is no longer interrupted when you cast a skill or enter combat (but still requires 1,5 seconds cooldown to deal damage and max haste).
NEWOUCH, IT HURTS Predator now only deals damage to enemy champions and only breaks when cast on them.
DURATION OF ACTION 15 seconds  10 seconds.


The reload indicator has been improved.
INDICATOR A rune icon now appears above the player bar when Taste of Blood is on cooldown.


Dreadnaught and Approach Speed ​​are extremely low in popularity and have non-intuitive functionality. We want to broaden their scope while also making them easier to use and easier for players to understand.
PASSIVELY Grants 10% slow resistance and 10% durability for each summoner spell on cooldown (up to 20% in total). Gain 15% Slow Resistance and 15% Tenacity for 10 seconds after casting a Summoner Spell  Grants 10% slow resistance and 10% tenacity. In addition, you gain up to 20% more Slow Resistance and Fortitude based on your missing Health..



For a long time, Ghost has been too weak a spell for most champions. We are increasing the strength of the Ghost, emphasizing its unique features and making it more useful for fans of aggressive play.
NEWGHOST PREPARATION Ghost Haste now procs instantly.
NEWEXTENSION SPEED ON KILL/ASSIST Ghost's haste duration is increased by 4-7 seconds (levels 1-18) when you earn a kill or an assist.
ACCELERATION 28-45% (at levels 1-18)  20-40% (at levels 1-18).
RELOAD 180 seconds  210 seconds.


We increase the influence of elemental Gorges on the gameplay.

Fire Gorge

  • ♦Added explosive cones near each triple bush near Gromp
  • ♦Added explosive cones in front of the wolf camp
  • ♦Added explosive cones in front of all gates to the base
  • ♦Added explosive cones in alcoves

cloud gorge

  • ♦Added seer flowers in front of all base gates
  • ♦Added seer flowers in front of all triple bushes on the river
  • ♦ Cloud Rift Acceleration Areas now increase movement speed by 35% when you are not in combat with champions (otherwise the effectiveness is reduced to 20%)


  • ♦Clash team names, tags, and logos are now displayed on the loading screen and in-game score window during Clash tournaments.
  • ♦Fixed a bug due to which incorrect frames were displayed on the loading screen after enabling queues.
  • ♦Fixed an issue that caused Kled to lose movement speed faster than necessary when his enemies were out of sight.
  • ♦Description Rampage [Q] The Hecarim in the Collection has been updated to reflect its current state.
  • ♦Description Demonic Ascension / Demon Flare [R] Swain in the Collection has been updated to more accurately reflect its current state.
  • ♦ The description of the cloud soul now more accurately reflects its current state.
  • ♦Name and description Invisible Predator (Passive) Rengar are no longer missing from the damage taken summary.
  • ♦Fixed a bug due to which the running animation of the shy crab was not played when it was paralyzed.
  • ♦Name and description Call of the Wanderer (Passive) Bard is no longer missing from the damage taken summary.
  • ♦Mordekaiser no longer blocks Teleport (and any other modified summoner spell) from enemies that received it with Revealed Spellbook for the rest of the game if it is interrupted during cast with Death Realms [R].
  • ♦Horror [Q] Fiddlestick now properly activates and scares monsters when it casts on them Bountiful Harvest [W].
  • ♦Now when Aurelion Sol activates Rising star [Q] by clicking on the mini-map, the projectile is sent to the specified location, and not to where the mini-map is located (usually it is the lower right corner).
  • ♦Elemental Rage [Q] Bush buffed Qianah now properly leaves a stealth trail when she casts a skill after respawning (e.g. Guardian Angel or Time Warp [R] Zilean).
  • ♦In-game description Caustic Spit [Q] Kog'Maw now more accurately reflects his current state.
  • ♦Visual effects Glacial Rift [R] Brauma no longer shifts when cast close to an enemy.
  • ♦In the description Devastating Strike [Q] Sion now correctly states that his total attack damage modifier is increased when cast.
  • ♦From description Broken Wings [Q] Riven removed the mention that the skill increases attack speed.
  • ♦Seduction [W] Evelynn now properly affects Baron Nashor at any skill level and from any distance.
  • ♦Hunting Thrill [R] Rengar no longer reduces tower armor.
  • ♦Spear Throw [Q] Nidalee now correctly triggers Crouching Beast (Passive Skill) when cast on Baron Nashor from any distance.
  • ♦Action Living Forge (Passive) Orna is no longer interrupted if the ally it's enchanting dies while the skill's projectile is flying.
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