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Who is “Shailushai”: A Study of the Meme from Creation to Popularization

Shailushai Appears: Blue Smurf Cat created by Nate Hallinan in 2014

Shailushai, the blue Smurf cat, has become a colorful meme that originated from the imagination of Nate Hallinan, an artist and illustrator from Portland, USA. The question of what the blue creatures would look like in reality inspired Hallinan to create a unique image that combines the features of a cat, a Smurf and a mushroom.

Popularization of Shailushai: From TikTok to global popularity

This meme first appeared on TikTok in the summer of 2023 under the hashtag #shailushai and instantly gained the attention of users. Videos of the blue Smurf cat, accompanied by the music of DJ Alan Walker's "The Specter", have gone viral, with the hashtags #smurfcat and #shailushai receiving millions of views.

Shailushai Credit and Concept: The Art of Nate Hallinan

On the artist's website you can find information about Nate Hallinan and the origins of Shailushai. Hallinan describes his fictional character as the result of a symbiotic relationship between two species placing their embryos into a developing mushroom. The details of how the fungus provides camouflage and protective layers, and the creature provides nutrients and mobility, give Shailushai its unique character.

Meaning of "Shailushai": Origin of the term and its use

The word "Shailushai" itself is intriguing, and although it appears to be made up, some users have speculated that it could be a code word for "a round game using a volleyball." It may have come from the English "shell game" and the German "Schleichspiel".

Use of the “Shailushai” meme on the Internet and popular culture

Shailushai became not just a meme, but a phenomenon that had a significant impact on popular culture. It appears in articles, videos of major media outlets, and is used by celebrities and brands. The meme has inspired creative projects including fan art, music remixes and short films.

Reactions and emotions around Shailushai: Wide range of expressions

The Shailushai meme is widely used to express various emotions ranging from happiness to anger. Videos with this character become viral, not only in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet, but also beyond. People also use Shailushaya to satire various situations and foreign words.

Creative Works Inspired by Shailushai: Fan Art, Music and Short Films

The meme has also inspired various creative projects, including fan art, music remixes and short films. Artists and musicians around the world find Shailushai a source of inspiration, creating unique and original works.

Thus, the Shailushai meme not only represents a funny image of the blue Smurf cat, but has also become a prominent phenomenon in the world of Internet culture, evoking a wide range of emotions and inspiring creativity.

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