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Tiny Tina's Wonderlands character classes - which one to choose?

Wondering what is the starting class in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands best? This guide explains which starter classes exist, what they do, what's best for beginners, and what to avoid. 

When you're playing an RPG, the class you choose should reflect not only how you like to fight, but also how you like to role-play. After all, your character's abilities are determined by their past, so incorporating those abilities into that background is a vital component of the roleplaying process. Of course, when your DM is a hyperactive kid like baby Tina, it's probably fine to just pick whatever class seems to be the best at killing. Life in Wonderland isn't that hard. Here is the class guide Tiny Tina's Wonderlands.

As always in Borderlands games, the first time you launch Tiny Tina's Wonderlands you will be given a choice of one of six starting classes. Each of these classes has their own traits and abilities, making each one more preferable for certain playstyles, although they can all be good with a little maximization. As the game itself says, let Tina take care of the balance. 

There are six classes in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands:

  • Brr-zerk
  • claw knight
  • Child of the grave
  • Spellshooter
  • sporovik
  • Knifemancer


The only thing more terrifying than an enraged berserker rushing towards you with a giant ax is an enraged berserker rushing towards you with a giant ax that also freezes you in place. Brr-zerk is a melee-focused class with a taste for Frost damage, blocking enemies in place for optimal damage output. Each attack can be freeze-targeted, and each kill further fuels the bottomless rage. 

Class Feature: Fury of the Ancients

using any active skill will send you into a state of rage, automatically applying cold damage to all attacks. Activating additional action skills extends the amount of time you are enraged, and this time will not decrease while long duration skills are active.

First Action Skill: Wind of Terror

Extend your melee weapon and turn into a big tornado of pain. While you are spinning, you are immune to slows and have increased movement speed.

Second Action Skill: Wild Leap

Leap forward towards an enemy, dealing damage to all other enemies near them. If the target enemy or nearby enemies have health below a certain percentage (regardless of bosses), they will be killed instantly. Killing any enemies with Wild Jump instantly resets his cooldown.

claw knight

There always seems to be at least one group in a fantasy setting that claims to be descended from dragons, and in Wonderland it's the Talon Knight. Talon Knight is elemental damage, more specifically fire and lightning. They can throw their mighty hammers to create powerful blasts of fire and electricity, and they can generate a passive aura that amplifies elemental damage for themselves and the group.

Class Feature: Hand Wyvern

The adorable deadly mini dragon follows you around, attacking your enemies with sharp claws and fiery breath. Any buffs you get to your attack will also buff your wyvern companion.

First Action Skill: Cleansing Flame

Slam the ground with your hammer, dealing melee damage to nearby enemies and creating a Ring of Fire around you, setting enemies on fire with fire damage.

Second Action Skill: Storm Dragon's Judgment

Throw your hammer at the indicated location. The hammer deals lightning damage to all enemies in its path, and when it hits the ground, it passively deals lightning damage to nearby enemies until it expires. You can also summon him back by hitting enemies again on the way back to reclaim some of his cooldown.

Child of the grave 

There is always a bloody price to pay for dark magic, but as long as you're good enough at killing people, you'll never have to pay it. Gravechild hold veritable encyclopedias of dark magic, burning HP in exchange for high damage and ruthless magical power. Learn many useful assassination skills that are activated at the same time when you kill an enemy.

Class Feature: Half-lich pet

Your hovering skeletal buddy attacks enemies from a distance with bolts of dark magic. Whenever you cast a spell, the Halflich immediately makes a Hellblast attack of the same elemental affinity as the spell. Attack buffs for you also buff your demi-lich pet.

First Action Skill: Ghastly Sacrifice

Burn a portion of your health to deal shadow damage to nearby enemies, as well as inflict a dark magic status effect. The more health you burn, the more damage this skill does.

Second Action Skill: Bone Reaper

Fully restore your health and get improved leech efficiency and additional darkness damage. In return, your health will begin to deteriorate rapidly. If you die with Bone Reaper active, you will regenerate some health and become invulnerable for a short time instead.


What could be cooler than a wizard with a magic wand? A wizard who uses his magic wand as a gun. And also a standard pistol at the same time. Spellshots can cast two spells at the same time, with their damage and rate of fire increasing as they fire spells and reload their weapons. If you ever need a moment of rest, turn your enemies into harmless farm animals.

Class Feature: Spell Weave

Whenever you cast a spell or reload your weapon, you gain a stack of Spellweave, which increases the power of your next spells. You can gain additional stacks from hits dealt by repeated spells.

First Action Skill: Two-Handed Charm

Allows you to cast two spells at the same time by using the action skill button to cast the second spell.

Second Action Skill: Polymorph

Temporarily transforms the target enemy into a harmless skip. Any player attacking Skip can get a free spell. If the enemy is immune to the polymorph, you automatically cast a free spell on them and gain two stacks of Spellweave.


The forces of nature have been here on this planet long before we came, and they will be here long after we're gone, so it definitely doesn't hurt to take their side. The sporefish uses natural forces to attack enemies with high speed, weakening the blows. The sporefish is at its best when it works with its pet, increasing their abilities.

Class Feature: Mushroom Pet

Your vicious mushroom pet will attack enemies, dealing poison damage. If you target an enemy directly with a ping, the fungus will rush at them, dealing melee damage. Attack buffs for you also buff your mushroom companion.

First Action Skill: Barrage of Arrows

Summons an ethereal bow that fires a volley of 7 arrows at once. Any enemies hit by the arrows take damage from the skill, and the arrows ricochet between enemies twice. You can store up to three charges at a time, and any damage buffs you receive also boost Volley.

Second Action Skill: Blizzard

Summons three icy cyclones in front of you that will target nearby enemies, dealing Cold damage while they are consumed. Cyclones will remain until the skill timer expires.


Sometimes you don't need to overcomplicate a character's abilities. Give a dude a knife and a meaty back to represent him, it's a simple formula. Knifemen are masters of all things sharp and stealthy, offsetting their soft builds with high speed and critical damage, as well as the ability to turn invisible.

Class Feature: Dirty Trick

You have a permanent boost to your critical strike chance.

First Action Skill: Spectral Blade

Choose a point and throw a Wraithblade that spins in place, dealing melee damage to nearby enemies based on your equipped melee weapon. Aim elsewhere and press the action skill button again to have the blade warp there and keep spinning in exchange for reducing the remaining duration.

Second Action Skill: Shadow Strike

Cast Shadow on yourself, becoming invisible to enemies. Any damage you deal to enemies while stealth is guaranteed to be a critical hit, though your critical hits will deal less damage.

If you are interested in other playstyles, don't worry, because later in the game you will get the opportunity to multiclass and try out additional class features. When you multiclass, you can use the class skills of both your classes at the same time, and you can choose the action skill of any class to use as your active one, although you will need to reach a certain level to unlock them.

One final note, the developers have announced that with the post-launch DLC, which can be purchased either in the Season Pass or individually, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands will be adding Grade XNUMX along with the fourth DLC pack. We don't yet know when it will be or what class it is, but stay tuned and we'll update as soon as we know more.

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