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How to get Ghost Lilies of the Valley in Elden Ring

Ghost Gloveworth (Ghostly Lilies of the Valley) Elden Ring is a floral and base material for upgrading and empowering Hero Ashes. In this guide, we will tell you how to get Ghost Lilies of the Valley.

  • You can fit up to 999 Ghostly lilies of the valley [1].
  • You can store up to 999 ghostly lilies of the valley [1].
  • Selling price:  100

Where to find and buy ghostly lilies of the valley

How to strengthen the ashes of heroes

Note that Roderica is engaged in improving the spirits from the ashes - this is a young girl who can be found in the Graveyard. You will have to help her so that she goes to the fortress of the Round Table and opens her own shop there.

To pump ordinary ashes, you will need grave lilies of the valley, but for heroic ones you will need more rare ghostly lilies of the valley, which, like blacksmith stones, come in several levels, and pump spirits up to a certain value:

  • Ghostly Lily of the Valley [1] - Boosts Ashes to +1.
  • Ghostly Lily of the Valley [2] - Boosts Ashes to +2.
  • Ghostly Lily of the Valley [3] - Boosts Ashes to +3.
  • Ghostly Lily of the Valley [4] - Boosts Ashes to +4.
  • Ghostly Lily of the Valley [5] - Boosts Ashes to +5.
  • Ghostly Lily of the Valley [6] - Boosts Ashes to +6.
  • Ghostly Lily of the Valley [7] - Boosts Ashes to +7.
  • Ghostly Lily of the Valley [8] - Boosts Ashes to +8.
  • Ghostly Lily of the Valley [9] - Boosts Ashes to +9.
  • Large Ghostly Lily of the Valley - Boosts Ashes to +10.

Thus, for the maximum pumping of any spirit, you will need to collect 10 ghostly lilies of the valley of different levels. The easiest way to do this is to find Spirit Lily of the Valley Gatherer's Bell Orbs and give them to the Twin Old Handmaids so that you can buy any number of necessary plants from level 1 to 9 with runes.

Below we will show the location of these orbs, as well as indicate the places where you can find ghostly lilies of the valley of various rarities if you do not have enough runes to buy them.

Ghostly Lilies of the Valley [1], [2] and [3]

To purchase them for 1200, 1800 and 2400 runes from the maids, you will need to bring them a Bell Orb of the Spiritual Lily of the Valley Gatherer [1]. You can find her in the eternal city of Nokron. After reaching the place of grace shown in the screenshot below, go out into the courtyard and inspect the remains near the stone gazebo. As a result, you will find the desired item.

You can find these materials mainly in the catacombs, caves and crypts located in the Graveyard, Weeping Isle, the Starry Wastes and southern Lake Lyurnia. The pictures below show examples of locations.

Ghostly Lilies of the Valley [4], [5] and [6]

To purchase them for 3600, 4800 and 6000 runes from the maids, you will need to bring them the Bell Orb of the Spiritual Lily of the Valley Gatherer [2]. You can find her in the eternal city of Noxtelle, which you can reach when completing the Rennie quest chain.

So, go to the Tower of Renna, located in the northern area of ​​the Three Sisters, and use the portal there to be transported to the Main Stream of the Ansel River. Activate the place of grace, and then go forward between the rocks. Move further along the river until you find yourself in the Ruins of the Ul Palace. Deal with the giant dragonfly near the stone arch and go through the last one.

Go through the second arch, starting to descend down into the cave. Kill large bees-ants along the way, and soon you will go out into a spacious room. Here, go through the passage on the left. On the right side, by the way, you can find ghostly lily of the valley [6].

Once in a huge cave, go down the wooden stairs. Walk forward and climb up the stone steps. When you reach the end, turn left and enter the building. On the way, kill all the "drops". Inside, open the chest, in which you will find the desired item.

You can find these materials mainly in the catacombs, caves and crypts located in the Starry Wastes and Ansel River Spring. The pictures below show examples of locations.

Ghostly Lilies of the Valley [7], [8] and [9]

To buy them for 7500, 9000 and 12000 runes from the maids, you will need to bring them the Bell Orb of the Spiritual Lily of the Valley Harvester [3]. You can find her in the secret location of the Holy Tree of Mikella, where you also need to fight Little Goddess of Rot.

Get to the boss arena near the place of grace Roots of the Holy Tree. Turn around and go into the passage ahead. Use the elevator to go upstairs. Exit through the entrance and immediately turn left. Start going down and you will find yourself in a graveyard with tombstones. Jump even lower and near one of the graves you will find the necessary item.

You can find these materials mainly in the catacombs, caves and crypts located in the Ansel River Spring, in the Palace of the Mogvins and on the Giant's Peaks.

Large ghost lily of the valley

Unfortunately, this material cannot be purchased - only found. One large ghostly lily of the valley can be found in the Eternal City of Nokron, in the same chest that contains the Fingerslayer Blade, which you need for Rennie's quest.

The second can be found in the Mogvin Palace. Move to the Dynasty Mausoleum Center and then go down into the dark cave. The flower you need will be in a room with a lot of enemies. The exact location is shown in the screenshots below.

The third is located in the eternal city of Noxtelle. Climb the stone stairs to the very end, and then turn right into the passage. Go outside, and then turn left and go up the stairs again. Having risen, go forward and turn right onto the bridge. 

After crossing the bridge, turn right and enter the building. At the far end you will see a chest containing a large ghostly lily of the valley.

We hope that our guide will help you buy or find different levels of ghostly lily of the valley in Elden Ring to improve your most powerful dust spirits.

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