Our Jetpack Jump Tips Guide will show you the best way to get coins and score as many points as possible! This is a fairly simple game and with a few tips you can maximize your score and get higher and higher scores as you play. You need to be persistent and you will end up launching yourself farther and farther through the air!
There are several ways to get coins in the game. First, just do not play the game! That's right, when you exit the game, you will generate coins. You can also improve this skill, but I wouldn't recommend it. It won't bring you tons of coins if you don't stay away from the game for a long period of time. If you want to play fairly regularly, then you won't want to use this method.
The best way to get coins is to triple the coins after completing a round in the game. At the end of the round, you receive a certain number of coins, and then you are given the opportunity to double or triple the number of coins earned. You will always want to wait for the triple option to appear and then go ahead and do it. This action will launch an ad that you can ignore. You can only do this a limited number of times per day, so keep tripping coins for as long as you can!
There is no real method for collecting hats in the game. You will receive them randomly throughout the game. You'll know you'll get the hat when you see the chest at the end of the jump. You can change your hat at the start of the game. There are 26 hats to earn in total!
The key to achieving high scores is mainly to level up the Jump and Jetpack skill to the highest level. Mostly you can only get these upgrades with coins, but sometimes the game gives you the option to view ads to upgrade. If this happens, don't forget to go ahead and take advantage of it.
So, you need to upgrade your abilities, but what else do you need to do? Well, the only thing you really need is to make sure that every time you start and jump, you have to push perfectly! To do this, be sure to press jump as soon as you hit the starting line for a perfect start. When you are about to land to jump again, be sure to look for the white circle on the ground! A yellow circle will appear, and once it merges with the white circle, this is exactly the moment when you need to press the button. This will give you the perfect jump. On the third touch, you'll want to make a perfect jump, but also hold it down to use up all the jetpack fuel! This will give you the final push you need to get the maximum distance from your jump.
Start your jump right from the start. You need to start with a perfect jump, so be sure to press right when you get to the line to start with a perfect jump.
Always get the perfect jump by focusing on the circle below your character! There is a circle below your character, when you jump to the ground you will see the yellow circle start to expand towards the white ring. You want to tap the screen right away as the yellow circle combined with the white circle for a perfect jump.
Remember to press and hold while pressing the key again on the third jump, where you will use your jetpack. If you want to get the highest possible score, you will need to make a jump on each of your previous jumps, and you will need to hold the last dash to fully use up the jetpack fuel.