We've been closely following the fight between Ninja and HighDistortion to become the first Fortnite player to reach 100 kills. Looks like Ninja is out of the race.





Taking a break and giving up on the race to 100k @HighDistortion doing 30 hour streams kids a monster. Be back on tonight for some chill games/FF

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The info is based on yesterday's tweet in which Ninja refused to compete. He said he "gave up" in the race with only 3000 kills remaining.

HighDistortion retweeted the ninja, indicating that he is already aware of Streamer #1's statement. There was only one question left: did Ninja really lay down on his shoulder blades and let HD stroke his belly, or was he trying to lull him into a false sense of security? Part of the reason High Distortion holds the lead is because it has played more sessions than Ninja. Is the ninja trying to make him relax?

While Tyler has acknowledged competition from HighDistortion, both streamers are clearly balking at it. They used solo battles to generate kills, and Ninja even boasted that he averaged 23 kills in the game.

At the moment HD has a lead of around 100 frags with almost 3500 games played. The lead isn't insurmountable, but the Ninja really had to go all out to catch up.

rating ninja