Fortnite Ally Spawn System! The Resurrection Van is on the way!

Recovery system may be coming soon for Fortnite!
Epic Games is well aware of the popularity of Apex Legends. First, they added a very similar Ping system to the game in Season 8, which is one of the hallmarks of Apex. Now it looks like a resurrection system for dead duos and teammates is on the way. Nothing has been confirmed yet, but speculation about this feature coming into the game was made public in a recent Reddit AMA:
“We have been looking at this mechanism for some time and studying it. Want to make sure we give him the time he needs and fully understand his impact on the game as a whole. Look for further updates during Season 8.” - Source
While it seems obvious that this will be added in the future, it may come sooner than you expected. The vans have started to appear in the replay mode, and they look exactly like the Respawn system.

If you have played Apex Legendsthen you will understand this feature. If not, when one of your teammates is completely destroyed, you can pick up his banner. You transfer this banner to the spawn beacon and it will be returned to the game. When they return, they will have no loot, but they will start playing again. This makes playing with friends much more enjoyable. It also means that people won't just refuse to play if three out of four team members are eliminated. This feature would be especially important now because thirst (finishing defeated enemies) is always high due to gaining 50 health / shield after each confirmed elimination.
Dataminer Lucas7yoshi found a so-called "Second Chance Card" in the game files, which will act as an item that you will need to bring to the van.

There's a big red button on the back of the van. We assume that this will be the place you need to activate the banner.

A rather nice feature of the revive system in Apex Legends is that it doesn't matter who takes the card. Anyone in your party can resurrect a teammate as long as at least one of them raised this banner. Will it be the same in Fortnite? This remains to be seen.
One more question: how long will you have to pick up the card? In Apex, after a while, your teammate will be completely destroyed if you don't draw a card. Fortnite should have something similar in the game. Are you excited about this new feature? Let us know about it in the comments!