Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: New Game Plus Mode Explained

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth was the long-awaited sequel to Final Fantasy 7 Remake. It is the second game in the trilogy and is set to expand the FF7 remake trilogy, adapting the narrative of the original Final Fantasy 7 from 1997. With the game now out on PC, players who have completed the campaign may want to return to its narrative either to relive it or work towards achieving 100% completion.
While Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth doesn't have a traditional New Game Plus mode, there is a way for players to replay the game, similar to the NG+ mode.
How to Get New Game Plus Mode in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

First, you need to complete the main story. Once you complete it, the game will ask if you want to create a save file after completing the story. Answer yes to move on.
Now, from the game's main menu, load a new save file and you'll be taken to the chapter selection menu. You can also access this menu by loading a new save file, going to the pause menu, and then going to the System menu. If you want to try out New Game Plus mode, start with Chapter 1.
What is transferred in this mode?

The following items carry over from your previous playthrough of the Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth campaign into this impromptu New Game Plus mode:
- Your level
- Yours, Gil
- Unlocked weapons, armor and accessories
- Weapon upgrade levels
- Affinity Ratings
Finally, you'll have a choice whether you want to keep the side quests you completed in the previous game or reset their progress so you can play them again.
What is added in this mode?

This mode will have a few new additions. First, you can play the campaign on a newly unlocked “Hard” difficulty level. In this mode, you cannot use items during battles. This difficulty forces you to understand and familiarize yourself with the intricacies and details of Rebirth’s combat system. This difficulty also makes enemies stronger.
Secondly, there will be new Folio memberships in this mode. Another change is that you can now freely change your characters' outfits in the game by simply visiting the dressing room in Costa del Sol or Chocobo Farm.
Another great element of this mode is that you can choose your date again in Part 8 and 12 “Gold Series” of the Southern Wheel. Collecting various items and working towards achieving 100% completion in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is also made much easier thanks to the New Game Plus mode.