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Cyberpunk 2077: World Map and General Information

Cyberpunk 2077 walkthrough guide

On this page of our guide to Cyberpunk 2077 you will find world maps (night city map, night city sewer map) as well as preliminary information about the map, secrets and surroundings available in the game. Our Atlas of the World will be constantly updated along with other information.

Map of Night City (Night City) - city area

The image above shows preview world maps Cyberpunk 2077 . It's taken from the cover of the deluxe edition of World of Cyberpunk 2077, so it shouldn't be considered the final version of the Night City map. It is very likely that some areas are missing from the cover, such as the northern outskirts of the city or the Badlands around Night City. Also no metro network is shown (see picture below).

The important information is that Cyberpunk 2077 allows players to explore many of Night City's buildings - some of them will be quite extensive, with multiple floors. This should greatly increase the time you spend playing the game - you don't have to worry that you're exploring all the locations for the first few hours.

Night City Map - Subway Tunnels

The image above shows map of subway tunnels in night city . This picture appeared in one of the trailers Cyberpunk 2077 . As you can see, this is a very extensive network, and we can assume that players will spend some time underground, exploring new locations, hideouts, loot rooms, or unique passages to areas located on the surface.

Where does the game take place?

The game takes place in a fictional city called Night City - Cyberpunk 2077: World Map and Basic Information - World Atlas - Cyberpunk 2077 Guide.

The game takes place in a fictional city called night city (Night city) . It is a metropolis located between Los Angeles and San Francisco, in the state of California.

How big is the world in the game?

The world map in Cyberpunk 2077 is likely to be smaller than The Witcher 3, which suggested areas of around 46 square kilometers - Cyberpunk 2077: world map and basic information - World Atlas - Cyberpunk 2077 Guide

World map in Cyberpunk 2077 , will probably be less than The Witcher 3 , where there were areas of about 46 square kilometers. However, there are a few important points here:

  1. В Witcher 3 most of the map is occupied by forests, glades, mountains or ponds. V Cyberpunk 2077 most of the map consists of one big metropolis where all the places we can explore are located close to each other.
  2. World map in Witcher 3 was mostly flat, which meant we rarely explored multi-level locations. V Cyberpunk 2077 the authors paid great attention to verticality. We can enter many buildings in the city and explore their different floors.
  3. In The Witcher 3 there are dungeons that are not directly connected to each other. Cyberpunk 2077 will include an expanded network of subway tunnels running under Night City. It is very likely that the study of the entire metro network will take us a long time.

How many districts are in the game?

The city is divided into 6 districts: Downtown, Watson, Westbrook, Haywood, Pacifica and Santo Domingo - Cyberpunk 2077 World Map and Basic Information - World Atlas - Cyberpunk 2077 Guide

The city is divided into 6 districts: Downtown, Watson, Westbrook, Haywood, Pacifica and Santo Domingo. In addition, the city is surrounded by badlands that can be visited during the game.

You can visit the whole city from the very beginning of the game.

The game world is free and fully accessible from the very beginning of the game. However, remember that the game does not offer level scaling. This means that if you enter a high level location, the enemies may be too powerful, killing with one shot/attack.

Is it possible to enter all locations?

No, there will be locations in the game that are not available by default. In order to explore them, we may have to, for example, start or complete a certain quest.

What happens when you reach the edge of the world map?

Cyberpunk 2077 , unfortunately, will have a mechanism similar to that of Witcher 3, where the hero moves back after he reaches the edges of the world map. The game will also display information that this is the end of the world map.

Ways to travel the world

You can travel on foot, by car, motorbike or use fast travel - Cyberpunk 2077 World Map and Basic Information - World Atlas - Cyberpunk 2077 Guide

You can travel on foot, by car, motorbike, or use the fast mode of transportation. Water vehicles or aircraft cannot be used (outside of some missions).

Public Transport

Cyberpunk 2077 will offer access to taxis and Uber drivers. Thanks to them, we will be able to make our way around the city.