Chivalry 2 - Maps and Guide to Their Objectives
Now that we've had a chance to learn all the sword fighting tactics in Chivalry 2, it's time to really prepare for battle by learning more about the cards and the objectives of each one.
The only catch is that there are several different combat scenarios that you should probably familiarize yourself with before you sound your battle cry. God knows, I wouldn't want to go into battle unprepared, just to be stabbed right away. It's time to learn about goals.
A total of chivalry 2 eight maps, each dedicated to a different aspect of multiplayer combat. Five of these offerings are team objective maps where you need to work together with other members of your faction to complete complex, unified tasks.
Objectively interesting
Here's a rundown of what you can expect from each team's targeted mission:
- Fall of Lionspire - The Masons are heading to Glaencourt, but somewhere along the way they decide to escape through the Agathian-occupied city of Lionspire. The return siege consists of several stages and includes an assault on the front gate armed with a battering ram, and, ultimately, explosions!
- Massacre at Coxwell “The Freemasons are on the march again and intend to fight their opponents in the most insane way. I've always heard that the medieval era was a cruel time, practically lawless, but chivalry 2 takes it to the extreme. Of course, you're always on the hunt for loot, but is it really necessary to kill innocent peasants in the name of faction war? Luckily, Agafyan's army is always there to protect passers-by.
Battle for Darkwood - in the last of the Masons' aggressive missions, they now attempt to lead a convoy through the aforementioned area, only to run into resistance from the Agathian force reserves. It doesn't take long to find out that the ultimate goal is to kill a member of Agatha's nobility. Which side of the fence are you falling on?
- Siege of Rudhelm In a pleasant change of pace, the Agatian troops finally return favor and take the fight to the side of the Freemasons. My favorite item from the set, the siege ramp, is the focus of the mission as Agatha's team has to push the bulky bastards across the battlefield. The Trojans have nothing against you as long as you use giant structures to break through the Masons' stronghold and destroy another member of the faction's nobles.
- Escape for Falmir Last but not least, Agatha's team is once again becoming the aggressor, seeking to save the captive champion. The Freemasons are desperate to fight off the fast-paced siege and protect their most important prisoner of war. Regardless of the faction, are you up to the challenge?
Putting “death” into a fight to the death
The other three cards are chivalry 2 are themed arenas for mortal combat. In this case, the bloodshed takes the form of either a team fight to the death, or an all-out lone wolf. You will have the opportunity to aggressively explore the following arenas:
- The Fighting Pit - This unique setting revolves around making the best use of rubble and stone structures to attack the enemy. This is a very dynamic gladiatorial arena filled with jubilant onlookers. Be sure to tread carefully while avoiding accidentally falling into one of the strategically placed pits or impaling yourself on random spikes scattered randomly across the map.
- Tournament Grounds - If you've ever seen a movie about jousting, you have a good idea of what to expect from this rather compact card. There are plenty of places to hide or get the upper hand on your opponent, but in the end, all that matters is your kill count. Watch your back, because this is not a joke exhibition at all.
- Battle of Wardenglade is the only setting deadly battlefield in Chivalry 2 which is the real battlefield. Occurring in what seems to be a holdover from a previous conflict, the wide-open and rather flat structure makes it a favorite for helping level the playing field between all the different classes. Get ready to plunge headlong into bloodshed and anarchy.
I think it goes without saying, but chivalry 2 will give you a lot of variety in your multiplayer shenanigans. There is something for everyone if you are passionate about causing damage and bloodshed. Be sure to light up your armor and sharpen your sword because manslaughter is more than enough. Do you have what it takes to turn the tide of battle?
chivalry 2 currently available for purchase at Epic Game Store .