Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30

Brothers in Arms Road to Hill 30 banner
Brothers in Arms Road to Hill 30
  • Release date
    March 15 2005
  • developer
    Gearbox Software
  • Publisher / Publisher in Russia
    Ubisoft Entertainment / Buka Entertainment
  • Site

"Brothers in Arms” is a computer game in the tactical first-person shooter genre. The gameplay is similar to other games of the genre, but there are differences, the game is as close to reality as possible. 
A key feature of the game is the implementation of the battle tactics of a platoon of US paratroopers during the Second World War. The player can give orders to the group to cover and conduct "fire to suppress" the enemy, and at the same time, in parallel leading the assault group, bypassing the flank to completely destroy the enemy.

System Requirements

Processor:Pentium III 1 GHz
Memory:512 MB
Video card:32 MB
Free place:5 GB


Processor:Pentium IV 2,5 GHz
Memory:1 GB
Video card:64 MB
Free place:5 GB


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