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Runes for Yone in League of Legends. Best Builds, Tips, Recommendations


Yone is back from the dead and he's ready to fight in the Rift Summoner's. Brother Yasuo will be entering the League with the 10.16 update, and we've got a guide to everything you need to know to master him from your first game ⁠ - from the best runes to adoption, optimal build, and how to play him.


Yone has already arrived . Yasuo's brother has returned, though he stalks Runeterra with a curse. The Risen One is after everything he's lost since coming back to life, and you probably don't want to get in his way.

Yone is one of the most flexible champions Riot has ever created and will fit into many different team rosters in League of Legends. The challenge is to find the right use for Yone at the right time.

If you're struggling, don't worry, we'll provide you with a complete guide to the best runes, builds, tips and tricks so you can choose Yone with confidence when it comes out in Patch 10.16.

What are Yone's abilities?

The Yone kit is an interesting mix. He has the elements of a killer, but he is able to stand like a tank. He's a jack-of-all-trades, and while burst damage is definitely his specialty, he can definitely take on the best of champions in long fights.


Passive: Path of the Hunter

Yone has two different auto attacks similar to how Sett's passive works. He will use two of his blades. Every second attack will deal 50% magic damage instead of pure physical damage. However, the attack does not have a cooldown like Sett does.

He also inherited ⁠—more precisely, passed on ⁠—Yasuo's passive critical hit. He gains twice the critical strike chance from items, but deals 10% less damage to them than normal.

Q: Mortal Steel

Q Yone is a slightly modified version of his brother. Same mechanics with whirlwinds and waves tossing up enemies. However, the meaning itself is slightly different.

Yone will lunge forward and deal physical damage, but on his third Q, he will release a wave of wind and lunge forward. This will be your main damage, wave clear and everything else. This is Yone's bread and butter set, so practice using those long Qs.

W: Spirit Cleave

W Yone gives him some protection. It sweeps the area in front of it, dealing maximum damage to enemies' health. He will also gain a shield from every enemy he hits.

The shield is very good for keeping yourself alive while teleporting with your E. It also has a deceptively long range, so you may be able to hit enemies with it late in the fight if they just elude your grip.

E: Liberated Soul

Hello, Ekko called, he wants his ultimate Time Management ability. Besides, Zed, with his Living Shadow, is here too. E Yone is almost an exact copy of Ekko's R, but with a few twists. Yone will enter his spirit form for five seconds, gaining additional movement speed.

Any damage it deals while in spirit form will repeat for roughly 25-35% depending on the ability's level, and can act as an execution. After five seconds or when it transforms, it teleports back to its body. This is Yone's main tool, but he also puts it on a timer to do his thing in team fights.

R: Destiny Decide

Yone's ultimate ability is the perfect wombo-combo combo. Yone will come forward, hitting all enemies in its path, teleporting for the last hit of the champion, and knocking all enemies towards the champion.

If you're wondering how good the Yone-Yasuo synergy would be, here's your answer - very good because of his R. Destiny's Decision can also be used as a rescue tool if you so desire.

Best Runes for Yone

Yone runes will be very similar to any other bruiser (champion with good stamina) or assassin in the game right now. Conqueror seems to be a good choice. It's still one of the best cornerstones you can pick up despite the recent nerfs.


You can choose aggressive or defensive runes down the Precision tree: Zeal or Excerpt . Other than that, Final Frontier and Triumph seem to do the trick, as Final Frontier synergizes nicely with E Yone, especially if you're taking a lot of damage in combat.

Deadly pace - this is something more unusual, from the proposed selection of runes. You'll have less flexibility if you take it though ⁠ - you'll hit Zeal or risk losing a lot of your late game DPS when you hit your attack speed cap.

There is also a tank build for Yone that focuses on Grip of the undead rune. Since he can stack it with his Q, he can gain health faster than anyone else in the game. Add W to his massive shield Carapace of Reflectionand you will become a monster.


Secondly, there is no reason to give up witchcraft. The Cloak of the Nimbus is still absurdly broken, although in patch 10.16 it takes damage.

Best build for Yone

You have several build options for Yone. We just highlighted that he can run very similar to Yasuo, or you can even go for a tank track. This is just the start of several viable build paths for Yone, depending on the situation.

Looking at a basic mid laner crit build, you will be keeping a very close eye on Yasuo's mount. Between Ghost dancer и The edge of infinity you don't need more buffs to take the lead. You can also choose something like Essence Reaver or Sharpening Statikk, but be aware of the CDR cover. Dance of Death, Guardian Angel, Night's Edge, and Blood Drinker are all good choices for augmenting your physique with a small amount of useful and defensive items.

You can go rougher if you like, but you will lose the power of your passive. You can just join the Black Cleaver, create Dance of Death a bit earlier and maybe take a look at Tiamat's pickup.

There are three Tit items for a full Yasuo tank - Titanic Hydra, Frozen Hammer and Sunfire Cape. Sterak's Trial – also a good pickup, along with Mask of the Void if you want to turn on your magic damage allies.

There's also an on-hit build that you can keep an eye on. Trinity Force, Blade of the Ruined King, and Rageblade Guinsoo are all good options, especially if you're taking Deadly pace. This is good if you want to keep the cooldown low because all of his skills reduce attack speed.

All builds have one constant ⁠ - you take Berserker's Greaves nine times out of ten. However, if we were to recommend one of these, just go for a base crit build. It perfectly optimizes his kit and ensures consistency between games.

How to play Yone

Yone is not a pure assassin. It is closer to a hybrid and you should take this into account when you take it for the first time.

In the alleyway, Yone doesn't actually suffer as much as other melee champions in ranged fights. His Q and W give him the ability to clear waves from afar. He can also use his E strategically to manipulate waves in and out of waves to avoid enemy damage. Since none of his skills cost mana or energy, you can use them as needed.

His kit does give him a lot of early kill threats. Its Q damage builds up if you land a few hits in a lane, and if you haven't finished off your opponent, you can capitalize on it by going deeper into E. At this point, you can watch a little progress bar if you're not sure what the you have murder.

You have one big combination that you must master in order to succeed in it. Gather your Q two times, then start with E and get ready to launch your attack. Use your W to get a shield. Then, you can choose to knock people down with your third Q, or throw yourself into your ult. Then, while they're in CC mode, use another ability and watch your enemies crumble.

This combo will apply whether you are fighting in a team or a forked push. Yone does pose a serious 1-3-1 sideline threat, especially if you take Radiant Cloak and teleport into fights. If you have a good flank, you can line up your enemies with R and let your team do the rest.

However, the most important thing to note about Yone is that he is just incredibly flexible. It can function as a pure killer, bruiser or tank. His kit allows him to act as a forked push or an absolute team fighter. There are very few ways to play "wrong", but in each game you need to choose the most optimal way to win.

Yone will be released in League Patch 10.16, which is expected on August 5th.

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